A Bleak Future

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Lauren's POV

Connor tied my hands securely to a drain pipe.

"You don't have to do this. I'm on your side. I want them to release Simon too." It was the truth. I was happy to go along with the exchange - I just wanted out of these bounds. They were cutting into my skin and chaffing it raw. Connor gave me a small, sad smile.

"Thank you, but I can't risk it. Don't worry they'll be here with you soon." 

I gave up and watched him leave. At least he left the shutters down so I wasn't trapped in the dark. I heard the sound of the car starting and then speeding off. Then all was quiet only the drip of the tap and my own breathing disturbing the silence. I hoped that Connor would drive carefully now, he was the only person who knew where I was.

Shayne's POV

John pulled the car up to the start of the trail. I had let him drive because I was preoccupied. Something was off with Colin, Christ something was off with most of the pack. Did he seriously think that I was crushing on the Luna? I barely knew the girl and she wasn't my mate. I was here because she was the Luna. We haven't had a Luna in a long time but I haven't forgotten what having a Luna means, unlike everyone else. A Luna is a crucial part of the pack and the one that we sorely need. There's too much break up and tensions within the pack. It's like a disease is spreading amongst the ranks. My tutor always taught me that the Luna was the one to heal pack wounds and nurture the vulnerable. The Alpha defends the people but the Luna unites them under his rule.

I pull Simon's arm to make him stay close to my side. He's in a bad way. His features are so swollen that it's hard to tell where his nose is. Most of his arm is black with bruising. Would Connor seek revenge and use the Luna? He was a dead man if he tried to. John was silent throughout the trek to the falls, his lips drawn into a tight line. He walks ahead at a pace Simon can't keep up with. The barman looks wired, like a zombie on caffeine. I don't question it or force him into conversation, he's a grown man he can handle his own problems. It's not like anyone would confide in me. That's why Colin's suspicions are staying with me for so long. He accused me of having feelings for the Luna and I almost wish that he was right. That would be better than the unspoken truth. I can't love anybody.

I pick up Connor's scent. The thunderous volume of the falls blocks out any sound of him, even with my heightened senses. We break through the cover of the trees. He's standing by the pool of rushing water, with his back to the beauty, his eyes riveted on us. He whimpers when he spots Simon and moves to rush over to him. I pull Simon roughly behind my body.

"Where's the Luna?" 

Connor glares at me his eyes darkening.

"That's not the deal that you agreed to. Simon and I get safely away and then I will text you where I've left her." 

I hesitate, keeping a firm grip on the neck of Simon's filthy t-shirt.

"Do as he says," John speaks up, " I trust him - if we follow our word he'll keep his."

I let go of Simon. John is an intelligent man and a better one than me. Connor rushes to Simon and kisses him softly.

"Let me see." He examines the bruising, Simon tries to shrug him off but Connor successfully pulls up the hem of his top to check out his stomach. Connor snarls. I can't see Simon's stomach from here but I get a glimpse of his back. Angry red welts are raised on the skin and one was weeping. He's been whipped. Connor growls, his clothes tear at the seams and in one swift movement, he turns wolf. I pull John behind me and brace myself ready to turn wolf the instant he takes one step in our direction.

A shot pierced the idyllic forest and birds scattered to the skies. The wolf fell. Another shot fired. I grabbed John and Simon and threw them into the water. Crawling on my stomach I grabbed Connor's leg and pulled, dragging him out of the open and into the tree line. He had turned human before I had gotten us to safety behind a large oak. The bullet had gone through his throat, nearly completely severing his head from the body.


"Shayne!" It was John's voice. The gunfire stopped.

"Get out of here!"  I ordered. They were idiots to wait for me, I wasn't worth it.

John's POV

His scent was all over the place. Shayne was taking care of Connor's family, Simon was back in prison and Colin and the warriors were all north of the border. The packs third in command, Zack, had stayed behind and he, I and some of the younger lads are searching the woods for traces of our sniper.

I looked over the ledge. Yes, from here he had a good vantage point and a clear shot at Connor. I could still smell traces of his skin in the vines he'd climbed up and down to reach this point. Something crunches underfoot. I bend to pick up the seemingly harmless object. It's an empty pack of cigarettes. I look down more carefully now and find his used stubs. The tips have been in his mouth and reek of him. One whiff of this and the next time any wolf walks in my inn they'll have found their sniper in a heartbeat.

"You found anything?" Zack called from above.

"Nothing." I stuffed the box into my pocket and dropped the cigarettes down into the river below.

"He's the rightful Alpha." A voice hissed. I frowned and looked down at the valley floor, being careful not to make a sound. Two lads were talking - unaware that I could hear every word.

"But Alpha Lewis-?"

"He murdered the other Alpha's, he wasn't born in a pack. He's the enemy."

"He takes care of us," George argued - sounding worried.

"Every week more of us are finding that we can disobey Lewis' instructions but have you ever tried to do something Shayne ever told you not to do?"

"N...no," George's voice was uncertain. John rolled his eyes. The poor kid had probably never done anything that he was told not to do.

"That's because Shayne is our natural leader."

"He doesn't want it," George mumbled hoping that would be the end of the matter.

"He will." 

I watched the lads move out of my earshot still continuing their argument in muted tones. Minerva had been right to warn me about this, with Lewis temporarily out of action this would be the perfect time for an uprising - one that would devastate the pack.

Lauren's POV

Something had gone wrong. I watched the shadows lengthen and the sun steadily descend in the sky. The heavens were stained a bloody pink. It would be nightfall soon. No need to panic. Distract yourself.

When I was scared as a little girl Ollie would always give me a cuddle.

"Sing little cat, just sing a song until the monsters go away."

I decided to start with some Disney classics and then moved on to Christmas number 1's. Darkness crept on slowly and a cold wind rattled through the house.

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