4. Wild Animals

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"What brought you to Paradise Falls?" Lewis asked, his tone perfectly pleasant once more. I was on my guard. He could be attempting to distract me from where he was taking me. My fingers closed around the pepper spray concealed in my pocket.

"I'm on my gap year. I'm just passing through really." 

His fingers tightened around the steering wheel. I didn't comment on his reaction. "How far away is this general store?"

"Don't worry we're nearly there. Tell me about yourself, what do you like doing?" 

I blushed when I realised I had no idea how to reply. I do stuff - I go to work, go out to meet friends and date. I just don't exactly have a hobby. Still, I wasn't Lauren Fox reporter right now I was Lauren Fox lone traveller, what did she like doing...

"Hiking, orienteering that kind of thing. I'm hoping to do mostly that whilst I'm staying here." For some reason, I felt uncomfortable and my stomach knotted. I didn't like lying to Lewis, it felt unnatural. Which was weird because I lie a lot, like a little too much...daily. 

"Perhaps we could go hiking together. It's dangerous to be in these woods alone." His words snapped me out of my inner turmoil.

"Why?" I pressed.

"Wild animals still roam these parts." He looked uncomfortable. Did he know about the vampires?

"Yes, I think I read about that," I replied slowly - paying close attention to his face. "Hikers getting mauled by some kind of animal, do they know what kind?" I wasn't sure if he would detect the false innocence in my tone.

"Wolves," his voice was grim and he turned to look over at me. Slowly he stroked the side of my face - catching a loose tendril of my mousy hair and softly tucking it behind my ear.

"Err eyes on the road please." 

Somehow he hadn't moved a centimetre off track despite his lack of concentration. He chuckled softly but returned both hands to the wheel.


She was perfect and difficult at the same time. Perfect because she was so beautiful, so strange and mysterious. But she was difficult because she was human which meant she was fragile and immune to my commands. She was infuriating because she preferred George's company to mine. But I would change that. I would make her love me. Still, my wolf was unhappy. Perhaps I should take a week off alpha duties and then I could watch over her... My wolf eased up, comforted by my decision.

We reached Joe's General Store. I parked and smirked when I saw her uncertain expression. She didn't look inclined to leave the car. I tried to see the area through her eyes. No other car had passed us in a while and only Joe's car occupied the car park. We were in the middle of nowhere. But it had been a similar situation at the diner and she'd felt safe with George. I didn't like that.

"Trust me." I made sure to keep my voice soft and reassuring. She turned to look into my eyes. I heard her heartbeat accelerate and her pupils dilated. The car suddenly felt very cramped as I somehow became hyper-aware of her presence.   It took a lot to break the connection and open the truck door but she wasn't ready for any declarations of love. I would have liked to open the door on her side for her but she beat me to it.

"I still don't understand why we're here." 

I walked as close to her side as I could without touching as we entered the store.

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