Time to say Goodbye

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Shayne's POV

I crashed onto the scene. For a moment I hesitated, confused. I had expected Simon, but I had assumed his had been the voice screaming. Blood drenched the ground, seeping into the roots of a mighty tree that loftily ascended. At the base of the tree a man cowered. He was shrieking and writhing in agony.  I leapt up and tackled Simon to the ground. His wolf was massive and right now disgusting, fur matted together and his sharp canines were dyed crimson. I recoiled slightly seeing stringy raw meat dangling from his muzzle. 

Suddenly Simon stopped struggling.

Alpha, he acknowledged in greeting. I drew a sharp breath and released him. He stayed on the ground submissive, eyes cast down able to sense my rage. Satisfied that he wouldn't struggle I turned my back to him and looked down instead at the victim. Bile rose to my throat. He was missing an arm. At the right shoulder there was now only grotesque stump. Casting quickly about I realised that the arm was nowhere around.

The dots connected in my mind. I turned back to Simon, paying closer attention to the putrid contents of his jaws.  

You were eating him! I was trembling in rage.                                                                       

Piece by piece, Simon replied without remorse.  Now let me continue.

I changed stance, blocking Simon from the wounded man, who had gone worryingly silent. I growled warningly.

No, Simon.

He killed Connor. I jolted in surprise at this information. Breathing in deeply I placed the man's scent at last. It had been there when the sniper shot Connor right in front of me. But it had also been present at the inn. Memories swam before my vision of a tall blonde male accompanying the Luna, his scent all around her. Before even that, I had come across it at the river where it again entwined with hers. How had I not linked all of this before now?

Whilst I pondered this Simon got to his paws. He tried to kill you too. Simon reminded me. You have no reason to protect him now.

Lewis' POV

I still hadn't said goodbye to Lauren but now I was out of time. We headed to the garage. Greg and Carver hung at the back, they didn't look like much. Carver was perhaps broader than most across the chest but it was hard to tell that anything was going on behind the eyes. Gibson Junior was listening to a few last minute directions from Colin. Snow walked silently alongside George, he was a handsome lad and I would be glad if Lauren and Immy never met him. Donald, Potter and Grigg's were already with the jeep which only left Dona absent. I could guess where she was.


Yep, I had been right. Blocking the garage door was Immy, glaring daggers at me with an uncomfortable looking Dona beside her. I groaned internally.

"Immy," I greeted forcing a strained smile. Immy closed the gap between us and quick as whip smacked me around the head. "Hey!" I protested. "What was that for?"

"For not even saying goodbye to me!" Her large dark eyes filled with tears.


"No! I won't let you do it. YOU CAN'T GO!" She wailed. I tried to place comforting hands on her arms but she pushed me away.

"Immy I have to. My warriors are missing, I can't just abandon them." I tried to reason.

"I've lost EVERYONE!" Tears spilled over her lashes now, running down her dark cheeks. "I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO. I WON'T LET YOU GO!"

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