Chapter Two: For the Love of God Don't Shoot!

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"I know exactly what this is." Hidgens spat, cocking his gun. 

Yeah, Hidgens was armed. With a shotgun. Anyone who had watched either TGWDLM or Ape Man knew that was not a good thing. Not only that, he was seething. More than mad. More than angry. And it was... terrifying. Now, mind you, he was... smaller in stature than he could have been. He did, in fact, resemble Nick Lang far more than he did Robert Manion. But still... no matter the size, an angry man pointing a gun at you is never a good thing. And angry Hidgens pointing a gun at you meant sure death. Megs shook quietly in their place. They slowly raised their hands into a position of surrender, giving him a pleading look. 

"My name is Megs... I'm not from here..." Megs tried to keep their voice even. 

"Bullshit! I heard you and your friend gloating in here!" Hidgens scoffed. 

"First of all, he's not a friend." Megs shook their head. "And second of all... we weren't gloating. I don't know why I'm here either."

"What, did he drug you and drag you in here?" Hidgens rolled his eyes. 

"No..." Megs sighed. They thought aloud for a moment. "You're not going to believe me... but you might believe Webby."

"How did you kids find out about Webby?" Henry fumed, once again cocking his gun. 

"No no no, Professor, p-please!" Megs pleaded, their stutter creeping in. "I-"

"Henry, put the gun down." A voice soothed. Megs turned towards the voice and sighed in relief. Webby. Then it hit her: that was Webby...

"Webby..." Megs breathed. 

"Indeed it is! I'm not so crazy now, am I?" Henry smirked triumphantly. He scoffed, not looking in the right direction for Webby at all. He could only hear her, Megs realized. "Can you believe this ruffian was about to mock me for believing in you?"

"Hello Megs." Webby cooed gently. "You can see me, can't you?"

"Yes..." Megs nodded, now shaking both in fear and in awe. 

"Wait, what?" Henry blinked, his gun lowering slightly. 

"I'm going to need you to breathe for me, darling." Webby instructed Megs. It wasn't until then that Megs noticed how hard that was for them. 

"You can... you see her?" Henry asked, almost equally in awe. 

"They can." Webby confirmed, Megs being stunned silent. "Henry, I need you to listen to me, because Megs is right: if they told you any of this, you'd either think they were insane or mocking you."

"Of course I'm listening!" Henry promised. 

"Megs isn't from here." Webby articulated carefully. "They're... not even supposed to be anywhere near here. They're from a whole other timeline. One where Willabella Muckwab destroyed this town years and years ago. My brothers brought them here."

"What are they doing in my house?" Henry quirked a brow. 

"Well... I'm responsible for that." Webby admitted. "I didn't want them to go to PEIP... that would be terrifiying. And I wouldn't want them anywhere near the Fosters..."

"No, of course." Henry nodded. "I suppose that leaves me."

"Or Holloway. But... well, I don't think she'd have time time or means to really look after a seventeen-year-old." Webby nodded. "Plus... she wants to be with you."

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