Chapter Thirteen: Cutting the Exposition

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TW: Strangulation, mentions of suicide.

"How are they holding up?" Henry asked.

Henry had not stopped pacing since he'd tied Megs to the chair in the lab It had been literal hours. He couldn't get what had happened out of his head. He'd expected to be speaking to the Hive. He'd been fully prepared for that. But to have actually watched them cut through and... beg him to stop? He assumed that was what they'd meant. He understood their lack of clarity- for them to have broken through the infection enough to say anything at all was extraordinary. It had hurt him. It had hurt him to know he was hurting them. He didn't know why they hadn't wanted a needle. He didn't know if it was a personal matter to them or whether they knew something he didn't. All in all, it had his head spinning... which had Harriet amply annoyed. 

"Henry, they are right there. Look for yourself." Harriet huffed, continuing to run her tests on the genetic sample. 

"Hey, Henry, they're going to be okay." Ash soothed him. "Look. Everything is going to plan."

"Yes!" Harriet cheered. "Henry it's working!"

"It's working?" Henry stopped his pacing, his face lighting up. "Oh, thank fuck!"

"See?" Ash chuckled. 

"How soon can you have the cure ready to test on Megs?" Henry asked eagerly. 

"I'd say an hour and a half." Harriet sighed contentedly. 

"Not any sooner?" Henry bit his lip. 

"What is with you?" Harriet's face dropped. She was almost scowling. "This isn't about them, Henry! This is about something so much bigger! We need to proceed with the utmost caution- which means you can't rush the process!"

"They're his family, Harriet. He cares about their safety, and right now it's at risk." Ash attempted to soothe her. 

"They talked to me before I sedated them." Henry admitted. 

"Well, yes. The infected seem to be incredibly talkative." Harriet rolled her eyes. 

"No. They talked to me." Henry clarified. "They... I don't know what it was. They looked terrified. I'd jabbed them with the needle, and... I'm quite certain it was them who asked me to stop."

"Henry, that's not possible." Harriet blinked. 

"I swear it was them." Henry told her emphatically. "You could see it in their eyes- it was like a fog had cleared in them."

"They're deathly afraid of needles." Ash pointed out. "I remember them telling me once about when they got their wisdom teeth removed. They thought they'd be getting anesthetic in gas form, but it was actually in needle form. They passed out from lack of oxygen from hyperventilating before the needle ever touched them."

"Oh." Henry blushed. "I... they never mentioned that."

"They probably either didn't want to make a fuss or just forgot to." Ash shrugged. "They don't like to be an inconvenience."

"They've never been an inconvenience." Henry scoffed. 

"Try telling them that." Ash rolled her eyes. 

"Touche." Henry chuckled. 

"Hidge, someone's at the gate!" Lex called down.

"Can't you let them in?" Henry called back up. 

"I don't know the code, dude! It's your house!" Lex pointed out. 

"Right." Henry muttered, quickly running up the stairs. Ash followed curiously. Henry sighed, walking up to the security console. "Who is it?"

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