Highschool's Not a Musical

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"Hey Hen, how much is too much when it comes to eye makeup?" Megs called out of their room. 

It was finally their first day at Hatchetfield High. This... was something they had spent a lot of time thinking about. Who they'd be friends with, what classes would be like, the dynamic, what they'd wear... there'd been a shit ton of thought that went into this. And this outfit... they'd chosen it specifically. Leather jacket, red and green wrapover kilt, vintage Queen tee shirt with a black and white striped longsleeve underneath, ripped black tights, and combat boots. They'd cut their hair to just under their jaw, and they'd braided one side of their hair crisply into a few half waterfall braids so that it looked almost like they'd shaved half of their head. And they'd gone with a makeup palette to match. There was something about this look and the makeup that was still fairly... neutral, even with the smokey eye. And it made them feel good, so if anyone wanted to invalidate their gender they could go fuck themselves. They were just finishing up on their eyeliner before they put on some deep red- almost black- lipstick. Crimson, really. They hadn't gotten to wear lipstick without a mask in two years. They were embracing it. 

"Whatever you feel comfortable in." Henry called in. "And don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Let me see..." Harriet sighed, walking in and blinking. "Woah..."

"Too much?" Megs winced as they finished their liner.

"No. I just... it really suits you, I'm just not used to it." Harriet stammered. "You've only worn..."

"Well, yeah, I was going for comfort last week, not style." Megs chuckled. "Besides, you've seen me in makeup when I'm on my way to work at the diner."

"You're stunning." Harriet told them, looking them over. 

"Thank you." Megs smiled softly. 

"Is that the lipstick you're going to wear?" Harriet asked, peering curiously over their shoulder. 

"It is." Megs nodded. 

"I've always wonndered about bold colours." Harriet hummed, quirking her head curiously. 

"Would you like to try it?" Megs asked. 

"Oh, I wouldn't want to take up any of your time." Harriet shook her head. 

"Harry, I'm basically ready wih half an hour to spare. I've got the five minutes it'll take to gt some makeup on you." Megs chuckled softly. "Just let me put some on myself."

"Oh, alright." Harriet relented. 

Megs applied the makeup on themself- the same brand they used at home. Their mother sold it, which wasn't the best memory for them, but... it was the best makeup they'd ever used. They finished their lips, sighing, before turning to Harriet and smirking. If there was one thing Megs knew how to do, it was makeup. They'd learned from their mom, and... they'd defined how they used it on their own. Harriet wanted crimson, but the darker eyes wouldn't suit her. Megs hummed, carefully starting with a tinted moisturizer. They knew Harriet, and they knew she'd hate the weight of a foundation. 

"You don't have to do my full face." Harriet blushed. 

"Well you'll look silly with just the dark red lipstick." Megs rolled their eyes . They started on a base for their face- some light blushes. "It's took bold to just leave on it's own. It minimizes the rest of your facial features."

"That makes sense... the bold colour would draw the eyes, therefore creating the illusion that... my lips would look exagerrated." Harriet considered. "Wither that, or the eye could perceive the lips as normal and as such obscure-"

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