Chapter Fourteen: The Plot Thickens

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Once Ash was ready, she made her way back out to where everyone else was. Henry immediately turned to greet her. Not that she didn't appreciate it, but she didn't like attention being drawn to herself, especially in the state she was in. Aspen silently made her way over, giving Ash's hand a squeeze and holding up a drink for her. Ash took it, confused but trying to smirk challengingly to at least look like she was feeling better. She supposed she was, but she still wasn't feeling fantastic. She was more or less hoping now that she'd recharged a little, being with friends might help. That being said... a little drink probably wouldn't hurt. She took a sniff before cringing. Nope. That was not what she wanted to be drinking. Way too strong. She bit her lip, looking at Aspen. 

"What... what is this?" She asked meekly, not wanting to offend her girlfriend. 

"Bourbon!" Aspen smiled. "Because you're from Kentucky!"

"Well... it's a nice sentiment." Ash chuckled, setting the drink down. "But that's a little strong for my tastes right now."

"Oh. Okay." Aspen blinked. "Can I get you something else?"

"I'm gonna mix myself a cranberry and vodka." Ash decided, smirking and walking over to the bar.

"What?" Aspen blinked, following her. 

"I'm mixing myself a cranberry and vodka." Ash shrugged casually. She grabbed herself a glass and two bottles. 

"Uh... Ash?" Ted quirked a brow, following her with his eyes.

"Yeah?" Ash hummed, pausing and giving him her attention. 

"What are you planning on doing with the vodka?" Ted asked warily. 

"Jesus Christ, why do I keep having to- I'm making myself a fucking cranberry and vodka!" Ash started to snicker, mixing her drink. 

"That's an oddly specific drink choice." Ted blinked, walking over to watch her. He blinked again in shock. "Okay, how do you know how to mix a cosmo? You're not fucking legal!"

"Actually I am." Ash told him. "Where I came from, I was 24."

"Pardon?" Ted scoffed. 

"I came from 2022." Ash told him. "I guess when I was pulled here... my body reverted to its age in 2018."

"Are they high?" Bill mumbled. 

"Uh, no... Remember I told you about Megs?" Ted sighed. 

"I still think you're pulling my leg on that one." Bill hummed. 

"Ash is the same way." Ted told him. 

"Uh huh?" Bill raised his brows, unimpressed. 

"You're planning to take Alice to Watcher World this summer. You're going to take her on the day Deb is hosting her last big party." Ash told him. "Don't do it. FIrst of all, that park is fucked. People have died on the Eye Drop and you almost do. And second... give her a break! Deb is actually a really great kid. She smokes, but she doesn't smoke anymore. She gave it up. It's not like she's an addict who's coming for your daughter, Bill. In fact, she fully supports Alice's decision not to smoke and always has. Also Grace Chastity? Really? You want your daughter with that bigoted bitch?"

"How did you know about..." Bill's face dropped at the Grace Chastity thing. "I only told Alice that this morning... and she was going to Clivesdale. Her phone was dead."

"Because where I come from, this is all the content of a musical. And that was a conversation you told Paul about later." Ash explained. 

"Wait... I'm a character in a musical?" Paul blanched. "Fuck no..."

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