Chapter Five: You're Either IN Or You're OUT

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A/N: Ash (in irl) has requested to be referred to with they/them pronouns in dialogue and she/her pronouns in narration. Just so that you know I'm not constantly misgendering them in my narration. 

Megs followed Ethan and Lex through the halls of Hatchetfield High, on the way to the back of the school where they were about to spend lunch with who they hoped were going to be their friends for... well, who knew how long? They considered how this was a bit different from their original fic. By this point, they were already dating Ethan. They'd entirely skipped the friendship arc when writing that fic, but that was mostly because any time Megs became friends with someone, they got friendzoned. So they kinda had a fear of taking things slow. But oh well. If they weren't meant to be with Ethan here, they'd find someone... right? They really needed to stop thinking about dating Ethan. They'd get all flustered. 

"I like your jacket, by the way." Ethan remarked, snapping them from their thoughts. 

"Oh, thanks." Megs blinked. 

"Leather suits you." Ethan smirked. "You got the whole vibe for it."

"You know, I didn't always." Megs chuckled. "But I always wanted to. Then I stopped giving a fuck what people thought about me, and bam! I could rock a leather jacket."

"Hell yeah!" Ethan chuckled. 

"So tell me again why you're here?" Lex asked. 

"Lex!" Ethan shot her a glare. 

"I mean in Hatchetfield, dumbass!" Lex rolled her eyes. 

"Oh, my mom couldn't take care of me anymore." Megs bit their lip. "She's, uh..."

"God, I wish that were me." Lex sighed. "My dad's an asshole, but at least he's not my fucking mom!"

"Yeah, uh... I'm sorry about her." Megs winced. "Why aren't you... with your dad?"

"Um... I don't actually know." Lex bit her lip. "It's complicated."

"Right. Sorry for asking, I just..." Megs bit their lip. 

"Nah, you're all good." Lex sighed. "Uh... just don't... I don't like to talk about it."

"I... don't really wanna talk about my mom either." Megs nodded, sighing. "If that's ok. It's just... still sore."

"Oh, shit, yeah... Fuck, I'm an idiot." Lex chuckled softly. "Uh... sorry. God, I completely forgot my manners."

"Nah, it's fine." Megs assured her. "Uh... listen, E and Deb told me a bit about your situation."

"You ass!" Lex pivoted. Ethan raised his hands in surrender. 

"Sorry!" He winced. "Deb just asked about you, and we didn't want to confuse them."

"Yeah, well it's not your business to be fucking telling everyone what's going on in my life!" Lex growled. "I trust you guys with that shit because you're my best friends- not so you can blab it to any new kid you find cute!"

"I don't-" Ethan protested. 

"Please, Ethan. They literally could not be any more your type." Lex scoffed. 

"Lex!" Ethan huffed. 

"Why the fuck else would you get all up in Johnny's face, ready to fucking fight?" Lex rolled her eyes. 

"Shut. Up." Ethan warned. 

"I'm not gonna-" Lex started. 

"Shut up!" Ethan snapped. 

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