Chapter 1

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(There is a bit of strong language and cussing in this chapter)

Sunlight poured in from the window of the apartment falling on a bundle in the sheets on the bed. The figure in the bed rose, frowning slightly at the light. Harry sat up on his bed rubbing at his eyes. He knew he had to get up, but leaving the comfort of his bed was not something he wanted to do. Sighing, he got up and headed to the bathroom to wash.

His morning routine wasn't much. He didn't exactly have the money to throw around so he only spent what he earned on things that were absolutely necessary. He finished up and pulled on denim jeans and a white shirt. He toweled his shoulder length hair dry and then pulled it into a low ponytail. Harry picked up his phone at checked the time.


If he hurried he could actually make it on time without his boss getting on his case. He quickly grabbed a black jacket, his keys and rushed out of his apartment.

It was already Fall, the air was crisp with autumn breeze and harry was sure that if there had been any trees in the shabby district he lived in, then it would have most definitely be losing its leaves and leaving little spots of orange and brown on the debris filled streets. Unfortunately he didn't live in such a wealthy area and he had to make do with the drying leaves of Mrs. Mailer's bonsai hanging out her window and the stale stench of alcohol and cigarettes that constantly hung in the air.

His walk to the cafe he worked a morning shift at was about fifteen minutes. He could take a bus but that would cut the money he needed for food and suppressants. He shuddered. Just the thought of going through a heat in the apartment he lived in was enough to make him willing enough to skip eating for a whole day. The alphas and betas would just take advantage of him in his mindless state and no one would give a damn because he was just another omega.


The word brought a bitter taste to his mouth. His stupid secondary gender was the root of all his problems. The stares, the whispers, the groping, the comments, everything was his stupid status' fault. Everyone believed omegas were sluts, home breeders, sperm holders. They were treated more like property than actual people. Being an unmated omega is basically carrying a giant sign above your head that says, 'fuck me cus I am a cockslut.' At least mated omegas had an alpha or beta to defend them. Even then, many omegas were slaves in their own homes, not all of them found true love.

It irritated him.

The government didn't help either. The worthiness of an omega was based on their mate. The wealthier and more important their mate, the more respected and important the omega. Basically, they had no identity. An unmated omega had no power at all. They couldn't own property, they could hardly get real jobs and they certainly couldn't earn a decent living. The entire society was structured in such a way that it forced omegas to find a mate just so they could have a reasonable life or any life at all. It was repulsive but it was what he had to live through.

He walked into the coffee shop he worked at grateful for its warmth. The place was already filling up with people of many kinds who needed coffee and or a light snack to be up and about. He ignored the stares he had already gotten. He realized his scent had gotten a lot sweeter since his heat was in a few days and he knew he was cutting it a bit close. However he needed the money and skipping a day of work would leave him without suppressants, his only defense.

Sighing, he walked behind the counter, shrugged off his jacket and replaced it with the apron he hung around his waist. He walked up behind the counter and began taking orders. His shift was from 7:30 to 12, he just had to make it through without insulting anybody and getting raped. Everyday shit.

He had been working for nearly half an hour when he noticed someone looking at him. No, let him correct himself, someone ogling his ass. He groaned internally and turned around to find his boss staring at him with the most lecherous and disgusting smile he had ever seen on his face. The man was in his mid-thirties and had given him this job because he thought harry was pretty, not that it really mattered to the raven haired omega. As long as he got his money and the man kept his hands to himself, he could stare at him all he wanted.

Harry turned to face the man with a fake smile plastered across his face. His boss had a rather lecherous look on his face already. Harry internally cringed and leaned against the counter.

"is there anything you needed Boss?" he asked.

The man smiled and strode towards the omega. Harry narrowed his eyes and leaned back. He knew that face all too well. The man leaned until he was a few inches away from harry. He took a deep breath, his pupils dilating. Harry felt like clawing the man's eyes out, but he needed the money the idiot paid him, so instead he held his breath and tried to ignore the beta in front of him.

"Well potter, I actually-"

"Good morning harry!" a cheerful voice interrupted the man.

Harry internally thanked the gods for Hermione's insane internal clock. He politely ignored the man and turned around to face Hermione. He ignored the growl the man let out and focused on his friend.

Hermione granger was one of his best friends and one of the only people he would consider himself actually close to. The brunette was a beta and a mated one at that. Many at time, harry would find himself jealous of her. She was a beta hence she wasn't as restricted as he was. She was currently working on getting her degree in college and would graduate in a few weeks. Her mate was a re headed alpha, Ron Weasely, who was also his best friend. They got engaged last month.

"Morning 'mione. I'm assuming you want the usual huh?" he asked, a genuine smile on his face.

The wild haired woman did not comment on what she had witnessed his boss do. She knew exactly what omegas had to go through when they were unmated thanks to her friendship with harry.

While her friend arranged her morning cappuccino, Hermione could not help but feel pity for him. She had met the raven in Hogwarts, the high school she attended. Originally, no one had wanted to be friends with her. Harry had been the only one to reach out to her. She had stuck with him after that throughout their years in high school along with Ron. After graduation, they all split up and the raven gradually distanced himself from the rest of them. Now six years later, the only time she really saw him was in the mornings when she got something to eat before heading to college.

She missed him but between the insane timing of college and the amount of hours he worked to earn a living, they rarely found time to meet up. The raven turned to her with a smile and rang up her order.

"One medium sized Cappuccino and strawberry scones. You know the price." He announced.

Hermione shook her head and handed in the money. While harry wrote down whatever he did in that notebook of his and took more orders, she decided to strike up a conversation with him.

"Harry, I don't mean to pry but I couldn't help but notice that your boss is being creepier than normal." She said.

She looked over Harry's shoulder and sure enough, the man was still staring at harry from the back. The raven sighed and dropped his pen. He tucked a stray lock behind his hair.

"Well he can't exactly help it. You can't really smell it, but my heat is next week."

Hermione blinked and then gasped in alarm.

"Aren't you cutting it a little too close Harry?"

Harry shook his head and leaned against the counter.

"I know, but I need the cash 'mione. I can't exactly avoid this. The consequences are way worse."

Hermione got the double meaning behind his words. She wanted to offer her help, but she knew harry well enough to know that he would not accept any of her help. It was a habit he had developed over the years that she never knew the reason for.

"Fine, just be careful okay?" she sighed.

Harry smiled at her. Hermione offered a tired smile back and walked away with her order. She was worried.

First chapter done!

I have never written omegaverse before. Well, we'll see how this turns out.



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