Chapter 13

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Draco rushed into the room as soon as Luna was gone. He stood outside the door to his room for a minute, hesitating. He was not even sure where he stood with Harry. The last time he talked to the raven was when he told him the truth about himself. Gathering up whatever bit of confidence he still had left, he slowly opened the door and stepped into the room.

Harry was sitting up on the bed staring back at him. They said nothing for a few moments, simply just staring at each other, neither wanting to break the silence between them. Draco broke first.

He rushed to Harry's side, making sure to keep a respectful distance and knelt down beside the bed. Harry opened his mouth to speak but he did not get any words out before the worried blonde began to fret over him.

"Are you fine darling? Is there something you need? Anything I can help you with?" Draco rushed out, his eyes running over the smaller man's form looking for any injuries.

Harry stared at the alpha in front of him. Despite clearly wanting to touch him, the blonde's hands only hovered briefly before retreating. Scooting closer to the edge of the bed, Harry took a hold of Draco's hand, burying his face into the large palm. He heard the slight hitch in Draco's breath but said nothing about it.

"Thank you." He whispered.

Draco stopped short, blinking in surprise, "You don't have to thank me at all, if anything, you should be upset with me for putting you in this mess." Draco said morosely.

Harry suddenly looked up and stared into the blonde's eyes with a fierce expression on his face, "You did nothing wrong Dray. You weren't the one who attacked me, so don't blame yourself."

Draco's stomach fluttered at the nickname and he looked away, trying to hide the pink flush on his face. Harry cooed and gently placed his two hands on the blonde's face forcing the older man to look him in the eye.

"I'm not upset with you," Harry said gently, "In fact I don't think I ever was. Maybe I was shocked yes, but I don't hate you. I honestly don't think I am even capable of that."

Draco was looking at Harry as if he had had hung the stars in the sky. Harry briefly wondered how he had even left this man in the first place. Smiling, he put on a haughty expression on his face.

"Now that all that is out of the way, I want breakfast, then after that I want cuddles on this bed." Harry demanded cheekily.

Draco still slightly dazed could only nod in response.


Harry, Draco discovered was a cheeky little brat once he got comfortable enough. The blonde had spent the better part of the morning snuggled up with he raven in his bed. He fed the omega when he wanted, let him bathe and wear his clothes. Draco's alpha was practically rolling in delight.

It didn't take too long, by early afternoon exhaustion had caught up with the smaller man once again and he had succumbed to sleep.

Draco did not want to leave, but he had to get work done. As carefully as he could, he moved the smaller man from his position on his chest to the bed. Harry frowned in sleep, his lips pouting before grabbing Draco's pillow and snuggling into that instead. Draco's heart stuttered at the sight and he had to resist the urge to coo loudly and squeeze the smaller man into his chest.

Rolling of the bed, the blonde quickly got dressed in work clothes. By the time he emerged from the room he wasn't Draco but the Malfoy heir, cold distant and calculating.

Just like he requested, Theodore had gotten Blaise prepared and they were both waiting in the living room with grim expressions on their faces.

They both bowed in respect when the blonde walked into the living room. Draco nodded in acknowledgment of the greeting.

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