Chapter 20

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Harry stared blankly at his hands. A few minutes ago, they were frantically packing but now they were just numb.

Harry didn't even remember how he got home. He just remembered stumbling blindly out of the mansion and towards Draco's cars. Crabbe and Goyle immediately shadowed him as soon as he stepped out of the building. At first, he hadn't wanted to take the cars knowing it would mean Draco could easily find him and to spite the man, but common sense overruled his irrationality. So he ordered Goyle to drive him back to Draco's penthouse.

He didn't know how long it had been since then, half an hour or three, it didn't matter. The sinking feeling in his chest hadn't left. He unconsciously rubbed circles over his sternum in soothing motions.

It hurt.

Harry had only felt like this once before when Sirius was taken away from him. It was the slow realization that he was once again alone. That continuous heaviness in his bones Draco had unknowingly lifted greeted him again like an old friend. He took in a shuddering breath but his lungs wouldn't cooperate leaving him gasping and clutching at his stomach. His eyes couldn't focus on anything, he couldn't see anything. His mind raced with more thoughts than his body could keep up with.

'Foolish.' 'Stupid omega. What made you think an alpha like Draco would want something like you?'

He dropped to his knees. The sharp pain didn't even register to his scrambled mind, the loud voices in his head seemed to echo louder and louder.

'You are unlovable. Worthless. Why did you even try? You knew. You already knew you ruin everything and everyone you touch.'

He scrambled in a desperate crawl frantically, as if trying to physically separate himself from his thoughts. He didn't stop until his back hit a wall, his eyes staring blankly ahead of him.

'Your family didn't love you. Sirius had to pay the price for caring for you. What made you think Draco would love you?'

He shook his head frantically, pressing his palms to his ears.

'Stupid boy.'

'An alpha gave you a little attention and you were ready to do anything for him.'

'You are just another toy. Just another disposable omega. You are nothing precious to him.'

Someone was screaming.

It wasn't until he noticed the hoarseness of his throat and burning in lungs did he realize that the painful screech of despair was him.

He curled into a ball.

He must have been there a while and was only startled out of his trance by the door banging open. He whined loudly and curled further into himself, his green eyes frozen in fear as he took in the figure of Draco standing by the door.

The alpha looked a mess. His hair was ruffled from running his hands through the soft strands forced out of their place. His cheeks were flush and droplets of sweat slipped down his face and neck. He had clearly came in a rush, his chest still heaving from exertion.

His panicked eyes took in the sight of Harry on the floor and he immediately dashed towards the smaller man, kneeling down to meet the smaller man's height. He scanned through the omega quicky, his hands already wrapping around Harry.

"Baby?" He muttered in surprise.

That was all it took for the dam to burst and the tears to come pouring down his face in rivulets. Draco looked stunned and confused as the omega broke down in sobs, pushing his arms away.

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