Chapter 28

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Harry stared in open-mouthed shock at Sirius. His mind whirled as he shakily sat down. His godfather eyed him carefully. He knew tonight was a lot for him. Not only finding his godparents after years of separation but also finding out the truth about his family. Sirius had wanted to ease him to it slowly, he had wanted to raise the boy, he had wanted to get it right but life had not done him any favours. He failed James and Lily.

"T-then," Harry swallows thickly, "How did I end up with the Dursleys?" His hands shook and his eyes shined, "Why didn't Dumbledore raise me? Or Hargrid? Why did I?"

Why did I have to go through all of that?

Sirius could hear the unasked question. His heart ached something fierce as he stared at the lost boy in front of him. When he had seen Harry earlier he had seemed so grown up but now all he could see was the child he failed to protect.

"While I was locked up," Sirius swallowed rubbing at his arms, "Remy was basically living in exile. We got reassurances from Dumbledore, little pictures here and then because it wouldn't have been possible to see you ourselves."

Sirius could not look him in the eye.

" Remus, he was so scared, that if he searched for you, that Riddle's men would find you and kill you." Sirius laughed wryly, "Dumbledore sent you to the Dursley's without our knowledge. I wish I could wrangle the old man for answers but he's six feet under. "

Harry once again engulfed his godfather in a hug. The man sagged instantly, wrapping his arms around the young man.

Harry understood. It hurt him greatly. It hurt him that cruel fate had taken away his parents so young. That it had denied his godparents their youth. He mourned for the child that cried in the little cupboard under the stairs thinking he was not loved. He mourned for the family they could have been.

And so they went together.

When Remus and Draco found them, they were both smiling weakly, eyes red, faces blotchy and noses a little runny.

It was late. Remus and Sirius offered to house them for the night. Draco looked like he wanted to protest but relented anyway. So here he was, showered, changed and sitting on the bed of one of the guest rooms. Sirius did not quite trust Draco enough to let him sleep in the same room as his godson. The blonde didn't mind.

He tossed his head back and sighed heavily.

He was itching to do something, anything at all. All learning the truth had done was fill him with restless energy. The thought most prevalent in his mind was how to put a bullet through Riddle's head. He had never considered it before. He was supposed to remain a neutral party.

His hand twitched, aching for a gun.

The door to his room opened. He tensed.

And in walked Harry.

He looked like he was fresh out of a shower. His curls were still damp and the clothes Remus got for him were slightly large. The omega said nothing and took a seat beside him on the bed.

They remained in silence for a few moments.

"I want to kill him." Harry whispered into the silence.

It was a new feeling for him. He had never really wished anyone death in his life. Not even his awful relatives, not even his perverted boss, he had just wished to escape them.

He wanted Riddle's head on a stick.

Draco reached out and pulled the younger boy to himself. Harry did not protest, instead he doing to him just as tightly. The raven slightly shook in Draco's grasp whether it was from fear or grief, he did not really know.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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