Chapter 3

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Harry dragged his tired bones from his bed, eyes drooping in exhaustion. His room reeked of heat and slick but his mind was finally clear of the hazy lust that came with being in heat. The suppressants had worked wonderfully given that no alpha or beta had barged into his room and tried to take him forcefully, he knew that the flimsy lock on his apartment door would hardly be enough to keep a determined alpha away.

The suppressants were the new kind. It allowed omegas to experience their heats, but it kept their scents low and artificial to anyone but them, and of course also doubled as a contraceptive. They were far better than the more common suppressants that completly stopped the heat and eventually caused harm to their heat cycle. Although they were expensive, Harry would rather starve a bit that face the possibility of being infertile later on given how often he made use of the drugs.

Usually, he was extremely tight on money by the end of his heat and would have to skip more than a few meals to make up for it. However, the overgenerous tip a certain alpha had managed to sneak into his pocket was more than enough to cover him for three weeks at least.


The silver haired man had been on his mind since they met about a week and a half ago. Harry was ashamed to say that even when he was at the peak of his heat, lost in the throes of lust, the image of stunning grey eyes had been burned at the back of his eyelids. He was almost desperate to meet the alpha again but that was probably one of those once in a lifetime deals.

Resigning himself to his fate, he performed his morning routine and quickly got dressed in a large sweater and old jeans. He didn't even bother trying with his hair, knowing by now that the messy stubborn thing would only become worse if he tried to run a comb through it.

The walk to work was peaceful today. He didn't have to walk to work perse, he had enough money to cover the bus fare, but the walk would help wake him up properly and clear his head.

After managing to avoid his creepy boss once again, Harry's shift began. The crowd was not that much as it was a Wednesday so he enjoyed working at a slow pace. Which also meant he could daydream about the alpha who refused to leave his head.

He was so lost in thought that he did not notice the new customer waiting for him, thus he was nearly shocked out of his skin when said customer cleared their throat.

Harry's startled green eyes looked up to meet the amused eyes of the very same alpha he was daydreaming about.

"D-draco?" He internally cursed himself for stuttering as a red blush filled his face.

The blonde gave him a toothy grin, eyes dancing with mirth, "ah so you recognize me? It's a pleasure to meet you again Harry."

Without the sound of loud music and yelling, harry could finally hear Draco's voice properly and he swore that the blonde's voice will haunt his dreams from now on. It was smooth, deep and heavily accented.

"You are not exactly easy to forget Draco." Harry said smiling, he was still nervous but he didn't want to show it.

The blonde hummed and tapped his smooth fingers against the counter... They were very nice fingers, long, tapered and filled with silver rings. Harry was definitely staring.

"I'd like to think I'm unforgettable, if you don't mind I would like my iced Americano now."

That seemed to snap harry out of his thoughts. He blushed deeply and scrambled to get the blonde's order, flushing deeper under his unwavering gaze.

Three very embarrassing minutes later, Draco's drink was ready and placed gently in front of him. It was then that the alpha caught a whiff of the heat scent still on Harry. Draco's nostrils flared and his pupils dilated as he took in a bit of the younger's intoxicating scent. It was more intense than the last time they met, definitely more sweet, a clear sign that the omega had been in heat.

Harry slightly shrank back on himself, his face flaring even more.

Draco knew what he was doing was not exactly appropriate but he could not help it. He leaned back satisfied when he did not catch the scent of another alpha on the younger. The thought of Harry spending a heat with someone that was not him had his blood boiling.

Harry was now staring at the blonde, his green eyes widened in shock, an a blush that went down to his neck. Draco found the sight very pretty indeed.


Draco smiled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. 

"I'm sorry, I know I was a bit inappropriate...I couldn't help it to be honest." Draco assured.

Harry smiled and handed the blonde his order, "It's fine really."

And weirdly enough it was. Maybe his omega was preening a bit about being able to affect someone like Draco but nobody had to know about it. The blonde gave him a toothy grin and dropped his payment on the counter. Something that was more than a few pounds higher than what he owed.

Harry balked, "Um, you don't need to pay this much-"

Draco waved him off with a smile on his face, "consider it a tip and a thanks."

Harry tilted his head, a little confused, "A thanks for what?"

Draco simply smirked and walked away leaving a baffled and extremely flustered Harry behind.

SO it is my personal project to finish at least one of my books by July... knowing me that will be impossible but I am still willing to try😓.

See you guys in the next chapter!


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