Chapter 7

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Harry could feel the other men tense at the presence of the new alpha.

Suddenly he was grabbed roughly and whirled in front of the man who was previously cornering him. His head spun for a moment and all the breath left his chest when he felt the sharp edge of a blade pointed at his neck.

"Don't take any steps Malfoy or I will kill your precious little omega in front of you." The man hissed.

Harry's eyes widened and he let out shaky breaths. In the back of his mind he idly wondered exactly how these men knew who Draco was but he was more worried for himself when the metal bit into his skin, leaving behind a line of red.  

Draco's nostrils flared in rage and his already strong scent was near oppressive at this point, the usually soft tones of sandalwood and bergamot sharpened and left an acrid acid taste on Harry's tongue. 

"Darling," Draco drawled, his eyes were dark with promise, "Close your eyes for me please and no matter what you hear do not open them."

Harry faintly nodded and shut his eyes, oddly he was not trembling anymore.


Draco was relieved when those vibrant green eyes slid shut. He did not want Harry to see the kind of beast he could become and it was a show of trust, something that tickled his cold heart even as he stared the other alphas down.

"Now, now gentlemen, it would be in your best interest to let him go. I would rather like to avoid getting messy." He drawled as he walked further into the alleyway.

The goons took a few steps back in response. The biggest one, who was holding unto his queen snarled and pushed the knife deeper into Harry's delicate skin. Draco's eyes narrowed in contempt, rage burning like a pit in his stomach.

"I really hoped to avoid this." He sighed hanging his head.

Before any of the men could react he whipped out his gun putting a bullet through the leader's eyes. There was no loud bang thanks to the silencer on the gun which was still smoking even as the grip the man had on the omega loosened and his corpse hit the floor with a loud thud.

The other two were frozen in fear and thus too slow to react when the blonde buried three more silver bullets into the throat of the second man.  The man gargled and grabbed at his throat, the thick crimson liquid dripped down the edges of his paling lips as he struggled to hold on to his life.

The third goon, having seen what became of his other groupies tried to scramble away. The alleyway was narrow and there was only one was he could go. He lunged towards the more slender alpha with a knife hoping to gain the advantage with his greater bulk.

Draco deftly slid aside, slightly spinning before striking the back of the thug's neck hard with his elbow sending the bulky man hurtling to the ground. His only form of defence skittered to a halt several feet in front of him, leaving the criminal helpless and vulnerable.

The pitiful alpha struggled to get up to his feet but collapsed in pain when he felt a bullet tearing through the skin at the back of his knee. He let out a wail of pain as the same was done to the other leg.

"Look at you bleeding all over the place," Draco's voice was cold and condescending.

The man shivered in fear and scrambled to his back meeting the empty eyes of the Malfoy heir. The blonde's face was void of emotion, but his eyes were wild and tremor racked up the fallen alpha's spine.  He honestly didn't know what terrified him more, the nozzle of the gun between his eyes or the man holding the weapon.

"You and your dirty crew just had to go and ruin my shoes with your filth and you dared to spill my queen's blood." Draco spat in distaste, "I should take you back to my den and teach you a lesson or two."

Pleas began to fall out of the goon's lips before he could register it as he cowered beneath the other man.

"P-please! M-mr. Malfoy! Spare my life! I-i could help you! I-If you kill m-me now you'll l-lose your only lead!" He was grasping at the straws, deep down he knew he was finished. This person, no, this monster, in front of him would not let him live.

Draco tossed his head back and let out a low cruel laugh, "Foolish alpha, are you really trying to bargain with me? I already know who sent you." He hissed, he squatted until he was at the man's level.

 "I've been in this business long enough to know that worms like you don't know shit, it really doesn't matter whether you live or die in the long run."

The cold tip of the weapon kissed the man's  forehead, "The crown fell a long time ago." Draco whispered. The man's eyes widened in shock before he too joined his comrades in the after-life.

Draco spared a glance at the body on the floor before riding up to his full height. He pushed his hair away from his forehead tsking in irritation. He always hated doing the dirty work himself. Harry was still standing stock-still where the first man left him, eyes still shut closed and slightly shivering from the cold. 

A small smile spread across Draco's lips and he walked towards the smaller man. His slippers made squelch noises in the remains of the dead alphas as he approached the omega.

"Sweetheart," He rumbled, he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

The younger man tensed for a moment, but immediately relaxed when he recognised the soothing notes of Draco's voice. His chapped lips let out a small yelp as he was suddenly swept up his feet and into the arms of the taller man. 

The scent of Bergamot and sandalwood invaded his nose. The raven sighed and buried his nose deeper into the source of the scent, his hands fisting the smooth material of Draco's shirt. The blonde slightly shivered when Harry's cold nose brushed against his neck but said nothing of it.

"Y-you don't have to carry me." Harry whispered as Draco led them out of the alley, his eyes were still tightly screwed shut as Draco had not let him open them yet.

Draco let out a small laugh and tightened his hold on the raven's shivering body, "The floor is dirty."


Harry did not remember much after Draco had told him to shut his eyes.

He knew Draco was saying something to the other men. He felt exactly when the bruising hold on his shoulders slipped and the knife slid away from his neck but he struggled to collect anything after that.

It was almost like he was in a daze. He could hear the sounds of struggle but it sounded faraway like he was underwater. He did not know how long he stood there floating in his own mind. He only knew that he came to when the warmth of Draco's large hand greeted his shoulder and the rumbling notes of the alpha's voice reached his ears.

Suddenly the cogs in his mind began to chug, although rather slowly. There was a sharp metallic tang in the air for a brief moment but it was immediately replaced by Draco's scent when he was lifted up into the older man's arms.

He knew he was telling Draco something but he was too shocked to even know what he was saying. He could only feel the warmth around him, the steady sound of the alpha's heartbeat under his ears and the stronghold around him before him mind slipped into unconsciousness.

"Safe..." was his last logical thought before his exhaustion caught up to him.

And done!

I was actually going to update this last week, but you know life happens 😀. I am happy their relationship is moving if you know what I mean. Read more to find out what happens next...when I get enough time and energy to update😅. The whole the floor is dirty is from a scene in Heaven's Official Blessing that was just so 🫠. I

f you haven't watched it, I highly recommend, it is guaranteed to increase your already high standards for men.



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