Chapter 11

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It had just been three days but it felt much longer.

Draco stared at the clock hanging on his wall, watching the hands move. The tick-tock of the device was the only sound in the otherwise stillness. After spending six hours moping in his apartment over how things turned out with Harry, Draco had decided to do something with himself. So he did what he did best...buried himself in work and vodka until he hopefully felt better.

Needless to say it didn't work.

He ended up feeling even more shitty than before. He was snappy with everyone, so much so that Pansy locked him up in his office and refused to schedule any other meetings for him until he in quote 'got his precious blonde head out of his arse'.

So here he was, staring at the fancy abstract clock at an unthinkable hour because he didn't know what to do with himself. His peace was disturbed by his door being flung open. He barely had a minute to recognise the familiar scent before he had a lap-ful of omega.

The same omega that was drenched in blood.

Draco's brows scrunched in worry. The room stunk of distress and fear, sending his alpha into a frenzy. Harry was clear out of it. Sighing to himself, he cradled the younger man gently before lifting him in a bridal carry.

First things first, he had to get Harry to his penthouse.


Draco watched the omega lying peacefully on his bed. 

After he had gotten home, he immediately stripped Harry of his clothes and redressed him in one of his robes- the best he could do with his eyes closed, cleaned him up from the excess blood with a warm towel and laid him on his bed. Harry had not once woken up from whatever trance he was in during the entire process. It more than worried the blonde and he made a mental note to get a doctor for the dark-haired man when morning came.

It was nearly three in the morning now.

Sighing, the alpha left the room and headed to his balcony. He fished his pockets for a while, satisfied when he found a cigarette and lit it. The balcony to his home was large, fitted with an upholster couch set and fairy lights. On the nights when Draco felt particularly frustrated, he came out here to relax.

The figure leaning against the railing reminded him he would not be alone.

"It's been a while since you have had me over this late, Boss." the man admonished, his tone light and jesty.

Draco rolled his shoulders and strode up to meet the man until they were standing side by side overlooking the night sky.

"It has been a while hasn't it, Nott." Draco responded.

Theodore Nott let out a small laugh, his blue eyes crinkling with mirth, "I would have gotten here sooner...but you did personally ask me to look into the matter of your special little someone."

Nott was Draco's third-in -command, a willowy beta who he favoured as an informant. He was a loner, some might think of him as cowardly and rabbit-like only protected by his family's wealth. However Draco knew better than to be swayed by his soft eyes and saccharine words, Nott was a sharp man, one would not be able to survive in the abyss that is high society without good senses. Theodore in particular was a genius at scavenging information and making it out of dangerous missions unscathed, so Draco often assigned him to spy work and negotiations.

Draco breathed out the toxic smoke from his lungs, "And what did you find?" He had noticed the beta's rather shifty mood, Theo rarely got antsy about anything so what he discovered must not have been good.

Theodore presented the other man with a thick black file. Draco grabbed the folder and began to flip through.

"Harry Potter, twenty three years old, status omega, works at Harble's and Jones Cafe, currently un-mated..." Nott recited, "At least that is what he is on the surface..."

Draco hummed and turned the page. Theodore was very thorough, everything about Harry to as little all his medical reports were in the file.

"His relatives are a cause of concern though," Nott said rubbing his neck nervously.

Draco stared at the profile of the Dursley family, just looking at their pictures had him disgusted. Harry's only living relatives were a whale, a horse and a pig living in a a dull little stamp community in Surrey. There was nothing particularly fascinating about them.

"Technically by law, Harry is supposed to be in the care of Vernon Dursley no?" Draco asked, frowning in distaste.

"Not exactly." Theodore whispered.

Draco's eyes snapped up from the file his was reading and zeroed in on the nervous man in front of him with a look on his face that clearly said 'explain'.

"Vernon has a rather distasteful side business. I had from a little rumour running about that apparently Vernon had a beautiful omega pet that alphas could get their fix from for a price," Theodore whispered, disgust clear in his voice. 

Draco tensed everywhere. it could not mean what he thought it did, right? But Harry was the only omega in Vernon's care... but Harry would have still been so young!

"He had apparently been running his little side hustle for maybe about five years before he decided to sell the omega off to a sleazy loan shark that currently resides in Nottingham, however before the deal was finalised the omega managed to escape." Theodore concluded, his gaze now fixed firmly on the floor.

Draco heard all the words the other man didn't say. 

Rage like he had never felt before set his blood ablaze. His cigarette was crushed between his teeth, his fingers nearly dug through the file in his hands and his scent became absolutely oppressive. 

The beta nearly crumbled under the pressure of the the alpha's pheromones and tried to breathe through his mouth as much as he could.

"Send some men to No. 4 Surrey right now and tell them to bring Vernon Dursley and his pathetic little family to me under twenty four hours." Draco barked out.

Theodore nodded.

"As for the rest of whatever you wanted to tell me, that will all be handled in due time. Let Blaise know that I want to see him by the end of the day. Are we clear."

There was no question in that tone, it was an order. Theodore bowed hastily, "Of course Boss," before scurrying off to meet the blonde's demands.

As soon as the brown haired man was out of sight, Draco let out a frustrated growl and tossed the file to the ground. 

Harry had gone through so much.

Cursing, he dug the heel of his palms into his eyes. Was that why Harry was so weary of him when they first met? God knows what kind of damage that man had inflicted on the omega. Breathing deeply, he took out his phone from his pockets, trying to break the thing in his fury. He called the number he had previously contacted.

"Luna, I need you to move that appointment to tomorrow morning."

And done!

How have you all been? Hope everyone's been well. If you must know, my graduation went splendidly. Thank you for all the love, the votes and the comments. I really appreciate it!



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