Chapter 8

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It was warm.

And soft.

Consciousness came slowly, dripping like honey, amber, smooth and languid. The bed he was in felt heavenly, like what he imagined sinking into a cloud would be like as a child and heavily saturated with the scent of sandalwood and bergamot. A scent Harry now associated with protection and comfort.

It was dark and possibly at an ungodly time in the night. The source of the comforting scent was beside him cocooning him further into a sort of hazy floaty mindset.

He sighed peacefully and snuggled deeper into the comforter, not quite willing to let go of sleep yet. Vaguely, he could sense a presence beside him, familiar fingers raking through his messy hair and grey eyes before he allowed sleep to pull him under again.

When he came to again, the room was no longer dark. Beams of sunlight seeped into the room through the floor to ceiling windows as the blinds were rolled up.  Humming in satisfaction he sat up and stretched, nearly purring in satisfaction. He blinked and looked around, his large green eyes taking as much as he could see without his glasses. He knew he was in Draco's room and probably in his bed if the pure scent of the blonde surrounding him was anything to go by.

He placed his feet on the grey carpeted floor that was so unbelievably lush and warm, his soles revelling in it for a moment before getting up. It was only then he noticed exactly what he was wearing.

Rather than his own clothes, he was now wearing a black silk pyjama shirt that belonged to Draco. Due to their height difference, it was large, stopping at his mid-thigh and slipping off his shoulders. He wasn't wearing pants but still had on the briefs he wore the night before which meant that at some point in the night Draco must have changed his clothes.

He flushed beet red and covered his face with his hands whining in embarrassment.

Right...last night.

His hand flew up to his throat. The wound was now properly cleaned and covered in a band-aid. They had attacked him because of Draco, what that could possibly mean he didn't know. 

He walked out of the room, opting to find the blonde in question. After a bit of trial and error, he manged to make it to the living room. Harry could not see much but he knew the place was classy and modern, done in neutral tones and arranged in a way that screamed expensive. 

"Well good morning to you sweetheart, you finally decided to get up huh?" came an amused tone.

Harry swivelled his head in the direction of the voice, blinking owlishly at the blurry figure he now identified as Draco walking towards him.


Draco had seen a lot of adorable and alluring things in his life. It was only natural, omegas and females tended to flock towards him despite his cold demeanour. However, the sight of the omega in front of him was enough to put him in the hospital, rearing his shirt, hair messy, cheeks still flushed from sleep and large eyes blinking at everything because he couldn't see without his glasses. It was like watching a new born fawn find its feet.

'Fuck his adorable.' Draco thought, his chest tightening with warmth.

He walked towards the younger man and gently placed the glasses on the small man's nose. Harry blinked a few time, his eyes adjusting to seeing clearly again before focusing on Draco. He gave the blonde a soft smile.

'He will be the death of me.' Draco thought, a hand to his chest.

"Well since you're up, would you freshen up while I get you breakfast, there should be a spare toothbrush and other things for you to use in my room." He said taking Harry's wrist and leading them back the way they came.

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