Chapter 13:The Unexpected (part 1)

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"I'm here to come get you",Sean said. I frowned,"I don't think that's the best idea." He looked confused,"Why not?" Does this boy have monkeys in his damn head? "You know why Seth would be angry." He smirked,"Are you scared of him or something? Come he won't be mad." He really wanted to be cocky now,"Bye Sean I'm not going to have my boyfriend pist off at me because your stupidness." I turned around and marched my ass right back to the office and to the schools property. I had no idea how he managed to let them make me go home with them.

As I was walking back to the field Crystal was walking there to. I slowed down because I honestly had enough going on with me already she's always bad news. She finally turned the corner and I walked over to Seth and the group.

"I thought you left",Seth stated. I sighed,"Well I thought it was one of my brothers who came but it was grandma. She said something like she needed my help with...soaps. But I told her I had to stay in school so yeah", I lied. I was going to tell him the truth but I couldn't tell him now. He was already on the verge of wanting to kill Sean. Si why tempt him more. Adrena gave me a suspicious look,"So grandma drove all the way from SanDiego to Rosamond just for that?" She knew I was lying but Seth could not know. I nodded my head as the bell rang. I had Mrs.Bone's class I had it with Crystal and she was and she was my own hell. I bumped into something hard and dropped my bag,"Sorry I'm so sorry I'm so clumsy-."

Speak of the fucking devil it was Crystal. I picked up my bag,"What the hell is your problem?" She snickered,"Nothing...Actually there is something.You." Crystal pushed me,"I'm not fighting you again just leave it alone." She pushed me again in front of everyone and they all instagated the situation,"Oh!!" I got got angry and pushed her,"Move!" She fell on her ass. I didn't mean to push her that hard. At least she stayed on the ground when Seth and I walked away.

Seth kissed me and walked to his class. I walked into Mrs.Bone's classroom I took my seat in the back were I usually sit with Omar and Billy. My phone vibrated and I got a text from Sean.
Sean: Hey for how I've been acting lately I actually really like you.
Me: Oh it's ok I guess.
Sean: Wtf? You guess? Anyways I heard your fighting.
Me: How do you know?
Sean: I got my people
That was it I was ignoring Sean he had people watching me now. he went from cute,sweet,stranger, creep. Maybe I should listen to my mom and not talk to strangers. Omar and Billy came in class and took there seats next to me. Mrs.Bones went on with teaching while Billy and I passed notes.
Billy: Well you have a watcher and a thinker.
Me: Um how would you know?
I looked back at our teacher and passed Billy back the note. He smirked and passed me back the note.
Billy: Crystal is staring at you and thinking about you. It's quite funny.
Me: Um how would you know she's thinking about me?
I looked at Crystal she was staring at me so hard. I busted out laughing. I never met anyone to hate me so much, I passed Billy back the note. He looked at Crystal and we both started cracking up. Omar tapped my shoulder and motioned us to be quiet with his finger,Billy passed me back the note.
Billy: VAMPIRE. Duh you always forget the stuff we can do.
Me: Oh Yeahh I do always forget you could do that and run fast right? Idk sometimes I feel retarded.
I passed him back the,"Young lady are you passing notes." Mrs. Bones was standing in front of me with he hand out waiting or the note. I looked at Billy and he snatched the note from my hand and teared it up. I laughed he put it in Mrs.Bones' hand,"You can keep it if you would like to. You walked all the way over here for it", Billy laughed. I knew Billy hated teachers he didn't care if they were nice. He couldn't stand them at all. The teacher took the now ripped note and stomped to the front of the classroom and finished teaching.

We decided to skip lunch an head to the field. Crystal and her friend weren't to far from is Derrek was with them. He didn't even like them he wasn't only over there for Crystal but honestly in my opinion he needed to break up with her. She only started dating him because I liked him at the time. Sure we both liked him but she only did it to prove she could get him. They were all staring at us Jessica noticed I was staring back at them,"Destiny don't pay them any mind." I smiled,"Trust me I'm trying not to I can't wait to get my hands on her again." Adrena kept tapping her feet I could tell she was already angry but why? Everytime Crystal looked over at us she flipped them off. Crystal stuck her tongue out at her. She was so childish. "If any of you touch my sister I will break your nose myself and it will look worse then Michael Jackson!",Adrena yelled over to them. I laughed who the hell would say something so corny.They all looked away I laughed harder,"What the he Adrena?"

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