Chapter 7:Oh Steven..

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Crystal pissed me off."Baby can you take me to the movies all my friends are talking about going."
"Yeah I'll take you but don't go just erk someone",Derrek said.
That bitch was probably just going to piss me off.

I was in my closet looking for something to wear. I out on a yellow and black daisy crop top and mini short leather skirt with tan sandals and a tan cardigan.
(Picture is on the side muah💕)
I called Christian from our house phone since I dropped my phone in water. "Christian I'm done getting ready now."
"I'm already almost there I'm passing up the trees I."
"Oh Damn your almost here alright I'll be waiting on my doorstep for." I hung up and got my whole Cheerleading outfit together. I heard Christians horn honk and I jumped in the car and we took off."Damn you look beautiful." I giggled,"I do?thanks."

Christian parked the car and I spotted Seth leaning on Christians car. I got out and kissed him. I said,"I'm gonna go find our friends." He smiled,"ok. you look really beautiful." He winked at me as I was walking away. I was looking up and down at cars I saw a lot of people from our school.
I noticed there were some guys following they had been following me since I been walking. They kept mumbling stuff "that's a pretty girl" they all looked like they were like 20-28. As I was walking I saw Steven. I started walking fast and they started walking fast. I got to Steven and said,"Kiss me like you mean it." He looked shocked. I knew he wasn't going to do it I had to make it look real so I went in for the kiss. He was tense. He got more comfortable and slid his hands around my waist and slid mine around his neck. We heard one of the guys say,"damn I told you she was here with someone." So when they were out of distance Steven pulled away from the kiss we were speechless his kisses where just mmm. Jessica and Billy pulled up by his car and parked it there. When they got out Billy said,"Let's go find Seth." I lead the way. When we came up to Seth he had already found Adrena, Omar, Christian, Derrek, And Crystal. Ew Crystal. He said,"Well they have no good movies playing and everyone wants to go to a party so I'm just going to have a party at my house." I knew this was going to happen.

Steven and I were driving to Seth's party. He said,"So that kiss." I knew he was going to bring this up sooner or later.
"Yeah those guys where following me." I was trying to ignore the fact I actually liked the kiss.
He smirked,"So your lying because you think I'm going to tell Seth which I wouldn't do that." I gasped,What the fuck are you talking about I'm not lying."
"You told me to kiss you like I meant it and you gave me a full on kiss",he said.
"Get over yourself Steven", I said.
"I know you like me",he said.
"Yeah as a good friend."
"Yeah you can put it that way baby girl but me and you both know the truth."
I busted out laughing,"did you just call me baby girl?"
"Yeah I did because you are my baby girl",he stated it like it was a fact. It Got Really Silent.

When we pulled up to Seth's house I was getting ready to get out of the car until Steven grabbed my hand,"hold on I'm sorry for saying what I said I let y dumb ass mouth speak for itself."
I giggled,"its alright your good."
He smiled an we both got out the door and I knocked on Seth's door.
This book is just getting started I have a lot of good stuff for this book I first wrote in my journal when I was 13.
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