*Request Memechrista*

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Brushing down my hair nervously fiddling with my dress I took a deep breath. So tonight is the night. My heart is gonna jump out my chest I know it. I met this really really cute guy at my job a few days ago. He asked me out and of course I said yes. He asked to meet at the park.

I swallow my nerves going out to my car.

Scrolling threw Instagram I liked different pictures here and there. I got to this park a little earlier than I planned. Mariah just sent me a text that's she's on her way. Getting out and locking my car I went up to the little snack shack getting two lemonade a and rose.

"Chris?" I heard that soft voice and smiled turning to face her.

"Hey you look great. These are for you."

"Oh thank you. So what did you wanna do?" We started walking down the little walking path.

It was a nice spring day out. Not to hot not to cold. "I was thinking just you know enjoy this nice day out. So how long have you been working at pandora bread?"

"Since I was sixteen it was my first job."

"That's cool. I bet you get discount cookies."

"Sometimes my boss has a little crush on me so I'll get free stuff here and there." She sips from the straw leaving the lip stick color on it. "What do you do?"

"Damn must be nice. I work with my dad he has this construction business. I've been working for him since middle school."

"Oh wow that must be fun right?"

"Here and there. He's a little tough on me."

We kept walking as others in work out clothes or with their dogs or kids and some like us on dates. "So um what made you ask me out?"

"Well your beautiful and I thought just sitting back watching you work would've been to weird." we chuckled. "You seem like a really sweet girl and I'm in a place where having that one special girl is needed in my life."

"That's nice. I'm glad you decided to talk to me instead of stalking me. And that's cool you know what you want." We sat on a bench.

"Thanks. What kind of things do you like to do when your not working?"

"Oh I am a total couch potato. If I'm not working I'm at how with a snack in my hand and TV in front of me."

"Yeah we should get along great. I'm the same. I hope this isn't to boring for you."

She blushed as I stood holding out my hand. Neither of us let go as we walked back down the path towards our cars.

"No I'm not really into big over the top type things. I'd much rather just have a nice relaxing walk then sit and talk. Is that weird?"

I chuckled. "Nah babe not at all."

We shared small facts about each other as we approach her car first. "This was really nice. Thank you such a relaxing time I really enjoyed it."

"Me to thanks for coming out with me. Would you maybe go out again another time maybe a movie or something?"

"Yeah that sounds nice."

"Ok I'll call or text you later." I kissed her cheek softly.

She blushed again as I chuckled letting her hand go. We got in our cars driving several ways.

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