Made for TV

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(Omarion/Made for TV-
"#shoesneverlast...finally he saw that girl was only using him....anyone could've told this girl she wouldn't be around long look at his ex and then her....#1love vs #nolove....I like Katie and Chris together but I love him and his ex.....that bitch Katie is nothing compared to Chris ex."
Tears rolled down my face as I strolled down my timeline. The announcement Chris was leaving me for his ex had just went worldwide. Why did I go along with this stupid stunt. Nothing good comes out of it for me. The things you do for love. I closed my twitter app curling up on my bed. I miss Chris. My pillow smelling like him didn't help at all.
"Ok now look deep in her eyes." The photographer said holding up his camera.
Soon as the light flashed I let out a sigh.
"Chris what's wrong baby?" My ex rubbed my chest as she sat on my lap.
I pushed her off shaking my head. "You know what's wrong with me. I'm here doing this stupid stunt when I could be with Katie."
"Uh forget her your with me now. You agreed to this don't start bitching now. I love you." She smiled wrapping her arms around my neck.
"For the next two months I'm yours. Just remember all this shit is fake and to help both of our album sells. I may be with you in front of everyone but we both know who I really want to be with." She laughed kissing me.
"For now it's fake. Everyone loves us together...were like the young jay-z and beyonce. She will never be me which is why no one likes her. The longer your with her the more people hate you. Trust me us together is just what we both need." She smiled rubbing my chest. "We are perfect TV love."
I straighten my tie walking out in front of the huge crowd of camera people. They yelled questions left and right.
"Good evening. I called this meeting today to make a special announcement. As you know I broke up with my ex girlfriend Katie to be with my other ex. I am here to tell the world it was all a stunt. I love Katie and would never willingly leave her. She is the love of my life. She is more important to me than some record or album sells. Katie I'm sorry for this whole situation....I love you."
I finally got myself together a few hours ago. Crying under the covers was going to change nothing about today. I'm sharing my boyfriend. I took a shower cleaning myself up then got dressed. I was gonna go and treat myself to something nice. Maybe a nice lunch or get my nails done. Walking out to my car I notice someone sitting on my car holding some flowers. The closer I got the i noticed the person.
"Baby I'm so sorry for putting my career before you. I love you so much and I completely understand if you hate me. I just wanted to let you know I love you and I'm sorry." He said all in one breath then hands me the flowers. "I want real love not love made for TV."
I looked at him as his eyes begged me to say something. I smiled wrapping my arms around him squeezing. "I love you to Chris."

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