*Request BlveBaby*

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Leave him
Ashely parked the car outside the restaurant/bar. A live band played so loud you could hear it before walking in. We show our ID and get in. "Where you do guys want to sit!?" I yell over the music.

"Uh booth right there." We connect arms moving threw the crowded place.

A waiter came over to get our drink orders. We spent the night drinking laughing and dancing.

"So Ny we're just gonna throw this out now since the night is almost over." Ashley started putting her hand on my back.

"We are just trying to help our friend ok? Whatever lies he put in your head are just that....lies." Chanel added grabbing my hand.


"Cool now first you need to fire the blond bitch. She's sneaky a liar and a hoe."

"Who Sam? No way she's one of the best we have." I scrunch up my face. How can they say that about her? She has been working at my aunts boutique for the longest. I've never had any problems with her.

"Trust us also you have to leave Chris."

Uh so that's what this is about. "What do you guys have against him? He's a very nice guy and treats me like-"

"Shit." They both said in a union.

"No he's treats me like a queen."

"Bullshit!" Chanel slaps the table. "I know it's not the dick that got you so sprung off this guy. Did he hypnotize you or holding something against you?"

"No I love him and he loves me."

Chanel nodded taking her phone out.

"Oh my god Nyonna is this what you want your first experience of love to be like? He is not right for you. You are way to good for him. He's cheated, lied, lied about cheating and don't forget that fuck boy put his hands on you."

I start messing with my hands. Why do they always bring up our bad times. "You know instead of talking about the bad you could bring up the good in our relationship."

"What good!? Please Nyonna tell me what good has come from you being with him." She holds her arms waiting for my response.

"Well I got the condo because of him."

"That's because the turd talked you into putting your sweet grandmother in a nursing home. You were perfectly fine living with her until you met him. Because of him we all know what happened."

"That was not his fault!" I start to tear up.

"Oh so he didn't scream at that sweet lady into a heart attack over something that had nothing to do with him? He's a fucking bully."

"Look I'm going to show you this." Chanel turned me to her. "After if you still want to be with him...we won't talk about him anymore. We'll let you be happy."

She hands me her phone. On it were pictures. I let the tears fall as everything came out. He is no good.
We left the bar speed back to my place. Fuck him! After all I've done for him he plays me like a damn puppet. I had Ashley take me back home. I'm not letting this fuck up of a man stay one more second in the place where I pay for everything while he sits back doing nothing but sit on his dirty ass.

Using my key I walk in. Instantly I get heated. Taking off my jacket earrings and shoes. Looking back I see my girls following my lead.

"Ay I got some we can put on our faces. Bet a bitch won't get one hit in." I chuckled at Ashely putting my hair up in a high pony tail.

Quietly we walk to where MY bedroom is. Opening the door slightly I see a blond on her knees. I kick in the door making them both jump. Sam screamed scattering to get her clothes and try to leave. Chanel and Ashley quickly stand in front of the door.

"Oh no you not getting away that fast." I hear Chanel piping her knuckles.

I ball up my fist watch him put some clothes on. "So this is what you do when I'm not home huh?" Walking up I push him down making him stumble.

"Baby look I'm a man and I have needs. Tammy was only doing what you are suppose to do as my girl." He quickly stood back now with pants on.

"It's Sam ass hole."

"You need to shut up." I point. "You are not gonna stand here and try to blame this on me. I was soooooo good to you Chris . I did any and everything you asked. All I needed in return was respect and love. But clearly your to stupid to not only get a damn job....but to understand how a fucking relationship works." Standing in front of him right now has me so heated.

Two and a half years I was with this idiot. And that's also how long my best friends have been trying to get me to see what they saw from the start. "Sam I was going to fire you because well you you've been sleeping with my boyfriend but that's not the professional thing to do."

"Wait your not firing me?"

"Your not?" Ashely and Chanel gave me stank faces.

"No but you will be working some zombie type shifts from now on. And if your late one time your gone. Please leave my house." She frowned stomping to me getting in my face.

"I will not. Just because you can't please your man I don't need to suffer! Get your act together Nyonna I'm sure your no angel like you try to make yourself seem. Chris needed someone and you weren't there. So I filled your spot."

I took deep breaths to keep myself calm.

"Say the word Ny just say the word." Ashely jumped looking at Sam. "I will pound you to the floor with my pretty hands you dirty hoe." She chuckled.

"Fuck you. Yo ugly ass won't do shit to me!" Sam threw her shirt.

And that's when they attacked. My girls don't pull hair and clothes. They go straight for the kill and maybe when their getting tire they'll fuck up your weave.

While they handle her I went back to Chris my now ex. "I need you to get your things and leave my house. If you have a problem with that tell me now so I can make a call."

"Really Nyonna you just gonna let those jealous bitches get I your head. You believe them over me baby?"

"Keep talking crazy and Im'ma beat yo ass to." Chanel yelled as they dragged Sam out to the hallway leaving her there.

"Shut the fuck up bitch!"

"Lick Johnson hoe." She replied laughing with Ashley.

I chuckled shaking my head. "I'd like you to be out by 1:20. We're gonna spend the rest of our girls night here."

"Baby.....look at me. I love you....you can't just let our love fall like this." He grabbed me kissing me hard.

Before I would just melt in his arms. Now....I feel nothing but disgust. Pushing him away I wipe my lips off. "Chris please. Get your shit and leave. If you haven't gotten the hint we are over."

"Bye Chrissy." Ashely and Chanel laughed as we walked out the room.

Sam was gone which I was happy about. I just need a fresh start now.

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