*Request icecreamzxyn part 2*

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To Late
"How was you're day honey?" Zayn squeezed me kissing my cheek.
"It was good I just found out that I will be styling Beyoncé for the Grammy's." I smiled stirring the pot of noodles for the pasta we were making for dinner.
As Zayn cut up some vegetables for the salad my iPhone vibrates. Pulling it from my back pocket I see a text from Chris.
Chris-tell Sam I'm on my way and to be ready please
"Sammy hurry up your father is on his way!" I called up to his room as I took the rolls and set them in a baking tray.
"Mom you know where my new Jordans dad got me are!?"
"No just wear the ones Zayne got you baby!"
"No thank you!" I roll my eyes.
I washed my hands dry them and start setting the table. As I was putting the glasses on the table the door bell rings and Sam comes racing down the stairs. "Stop running." Zayn called out as he reached the bottom step.
Sam looked at him twisting up his face then went on. "What is up with that kid?" He shook his head.
"Have you met his father?" I mumbled.
"Good evening to you to Inayah." Chris walked in Sam right by his side. I could tell he was just coming from work since he was wearing this nice sexy and expensive looking suite. He took off his dark ray bans and looked me up and down.
"How you doing Chris?" Zayn came over holding out his hand.
Chris looked at it for a second before meeting half way shaking his hand. "Look uh Inayah I need to talk to you...in private."
I nodded walking into the family room. "Yes?"
"Did you think about what we talked about?" My eyes widen as I push him out the door.
"Did you really just ask me that?" I whispered.
"Yes I did we talked about this. You know how much Sam misses me and doesn't like that Zayn fool. I want my family back. I'm sorry for what I did I don't know what else I can do to prove that to you but I'm willing to do more. Anything I need to do to get you back I will do with no hesitation."
I looked down shaking my head as tear swelled in my eyes. Why now? Why is he begging and pleading now after all these years? I'm married to the man of my dreams. At once I thought Chris was that guy but turns out he never was. I'm happy with Zayn...I'm in love with him. I can't just dumb him for the man that accused me of being a gold digger.
"Chris I-I can't leave him." I look him seeing his jaw clenched. "I love him and were married. It's not like I can just drop him to be with you. It's not like I want to be with you."
He narrowed his eyes at me stepping closer. I stood my ground starring back into his eyes that were burning holes into mines.
"You don't want to be with me? You're saying you don't love me anymore? So that night when that guy made you so upset you left in the middle of a storm. You remember how you came to me crying those eyes out. How I hugged you telling you I would always be there for you. How sorry I was for what I did and then we made love. I proved to you one of the best ways I could how sorry I was and how much I love you. How bad I want you back in my life by my side." He got closer to the point where I could feel his breath on my lips.
He tilted my head up more just looking at my face. He quickly placed his lips onto mines. I just as quick pushed him off me slapping face as hard as I could. His cheek was red as he breathed in and out roughly.
"Bitch...did you just hit me?" He looked at me with dark eyes.
"I told you I'm not doing this. I love Zayn. You lost your chance with me a long time ago. Do you're job as Sam's father and stay in that lane. Leave me and my love life alone or you will lose Sam just like you did me."
Clenching his jaw his breathing calmed down. "Fine." He opened the door calling for Sam. "I'll bring him back in the regular day."
"Bye mum." He hugged and kissed my cheek before running to catch up with Chris who was already walking down to his car.
I went back in seeing Zayn standing there. Closing and locking the door I walk up to him.
"I heard everything." I opened my mouth to say something but nothing ever did. "Look I love you so much. The fact that you stood up to him and stood up for our married shoes me just how much you love me. I'm willing to do whatever I can to help you when it comes to dealing with him. You just have to make this promise to me."
I nodded tears coming down my face. He smiled wiping them with this hands. "Promise you'll never leave me."
Again I nodded. "I promise." He leaned down kissing me softly. Every kiss reminds me I made the right decision.

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