Eren Yeager

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*** Trigger warning DO NOT READ IF THESE AFFECT YOU! Extreme violence, child abuse, sexual assault, rape.***

"Carla Yeager the first wife of renowned doctor of genetics Grisha Yeager disappeared nearly seventeen years ago." The news reporter stated. The dark haired man leaned against his desk watching. "She was five and a half months pregnant with the couples first child when she went on assignment to bring you the story of what The Sina Rose shipping company really was doing with all the warehouses they have across the nation." Behind the good looking reporter streams of omegas were being led out. The man saw himself walking out holding the hand of a small boy. His emerald green eyes sparkled as the sun touched them. It roved over the boy who looked amazed at its golden light. His eyes twinkled jewel bright.
"Today we bring to you the shocking and horrific story..." The man snapped the TV off. He pinched the bridge of his nose. All of this was horrific. He lifted his eyes to look in the window. On the other side sat that same small figure. He was curled up, naked in a corner. The man sighed.
Getting up he walked out of the room. His intention was to go to the boy. He had left him only five minutes ago, with the order to dress. As he pulled the door of the room he had just vacated closed, his name was called out.
"Levi?" He lifted his gaze to see his commander striding towards him. A man with dark hair and bespectacled eyes was directly behind him.
"Commander Smith?" Levi asked looking puzzled. Commander Erwin Smith paused a few steps away.
"This is Doctor..." Was as far as he got.
"The boy, the child you led out, where is he?" the doctor demanded. Levi sighed.
"He is with the others as we try and figure this all out." He tried to be patient.
"Please, that boy, I must see him, now." The doctor demanded. Levi turned to the commander.
"Doctor Yeager believes the boy to be his child." Erwin explained.
"How's that?" Levi asked.
"My wife Carla was pregnant when she went on that assignment. It was to be her last one until the baby was born. That child he, he has her eyes." The distraught doctor cried.
"Sir, I'm sorry but we don't know anything right now. He could be another offspring. The news report said your wife vanished seventeen years ago..." Levi was cut off.
"Yes, that boy was small, but so was my wife. He could be our child." He pleaded with Levi.
"You're a doctor. Give me your business card. As soon as I know anything. I will call you. Our own doctors are working hard to care for these poor omegas." Levi offered.
"Please, if there's anything I can do..." Doctor Yeager begged handing over his card.
"It's too early to tell. I'm sorry, but we will be in touch." Commander Smith stated. "Officer Ral, could you please show the doctor out." He called to a hurried looking patrol officer. She paused to collect the doctor.
"Have you found out anything?" Erwin asked once the doctor was out of earshot.
"He doesn't like Alpha's. He keeps trying to "please" me." Erwin laid a hand on the slightly smaller man's shoulder.
"Levi, I know he's you're mate..." Levi flung the arm away.
"Right now he is a scared child I'm trying to help!" he flung at his commander. He stalked to the other door, letting himself in.
The boy looked up. He whimpered but wiped his face dry. He then turned to present his bottom to the Alpha.
"I told you, you don't need to do that for me." Levi said. The boy looked at him with those alluring eyes. Levi picked up the pants from the pile of clothing. The boy was at least clean. He thought.
"Come here." He said. The boy crawled to him on all fours. He didn't look the Alpha in the eyes. Levi sighed. "Do you know how to dress yourself?" he asked. The boy whimpered he shook his head. His thin shoulders shook as if he was going to be beaten.
"Did, did they give you clothes?" Levi asked. Once more the boy shook his head. "OK, we are going to dress you. That means put clothes on. When you are not in here you have to wear clothes, understand?" the boy nodded.
"Please use your voice. Do you understand me?" Levi asked.
"Yes, master." The boy whispered.
"My name is Levi, not master." Levi's heart ached he had searched for his mate for so long. He didn't know the abuse he was surviving. He just wanted to reach out and hug this boy.
"L, Levi." The boy muttered his name.
"Right, good job. What's your name?" Levi asked. The boy whimpered shaking his head. Levi stopped.
"Dress, lets put the clothes on." He told the boy what to do as he helped him get into the clothing. Levi had to laugh when the boys head got caught in the hoodie. He fixed as he popped out. The boy gaped at him amazed.
"Haven't you heard anyone laugh?" he asked. The boy shook his head.
"Use your voice." Levi remained calm. Something about this one, he wasn't sure if it was simply because this abused child was his intended mate, or if it was just the boy himself. Something made Levi feel the need to be careful with him.
"Do you have a name?" Levi asked.
"W, what's a name, m, m,..."
"Levi, call me Levi. That's my name. The name people call me when they want to talk to me. What did they call you?" he asked. The boy blinked.
"119" He said. Levi bowed his head.
"That's a number not a name." He whispered. The door opened behind him.
"They were all given numbers. That's the only thing they know as a name." The person stated. Levi looked up at them. They weren't as tall as him. Their auburn hair was often messy and stuck in a bun. Large glasses covered their face.
"I have cataloged everyone else. This one..." they pointed to the boy. "appears to be a favorite. They are all crying for him." They said. "We can't get much out of them since they only ask for him." Levi sighed.
"Doctor Yeager was here..." He began.
"Yeager." The boy repeated. His voice changed it became high pitched. It sounded like he was imitating a girl. "Remember who you are. You are Eren Yeager, my light. Don't let them make you forget that. Promise mama!" the two watched in horror as the boy had stood tall to say this. He now bent back down.
"I promise, mama. I will remember. I am Eren Yeager." The auburn haired person put a hand over their mouth to hold in the cry.
"Oh my sweet lord." They whispered.
"Hange, get out of here." Levi ordered. He waited until he heard the door click shut.
"Eren?" he said the name as his lips curved slightly for naming his mate finally. The boy peeked up at him.
"I forgot. Don't tell mama I forgot." He whimpered.
"I won't." Levi rubbed at his arm. "Eren, do you know what a hug is?" he asked. Eren gave a small smile.
"Mama said we could hug, but don't let anyone see." He whispered as if it were a big secret.
"Show me, Eren. Show me what mama said a hug was." Levi's voice shook as he begged his mate for affection. The boy stood up, having huddled back into the corner. He walked shyly up to Levi. Extending his too thin arms he moved closer. Levi held his arms out. Eren stepped between them. He put his arms around Levi's neck. Levi closed his arms around the boys back. Eren pressed his soft lips to the mans cheek. Levi closed his eyes. The smell of his mate filling his nose.
"Oh, Eren." He breathed out. Eren's arms tightened. He patted Levi's back.
"You smell nice, Levi." He told the man.
"So do you, Eren." Levi smiled. Eren stepped back. He didn't go to the corner. Instead he touched the tears leaking out of Levi's eyes.
"Water came out of mama's eyes and then I never saw her again. Are you going away, Levi?" Eren asked. Levi shook his head.
"No, Eren. I am staying with you." Eren gave him a tiny smile.
"Do you want me to please you?" he asked.
"No, Eren. Please stop asking me that." Levi whispered. Eren looked down as if he had been scolded.
"Then, why aren't you letting me go?" Eren pondered. "Alpha's only touch us when they want us to please them." Levi stood stepping away from the boy. He ran a shaking hand over his face and into his dark raven hair. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. He couldn't hide the haunted look on his face.
"I, I'm sorry Eren, I didn't mean to hold you longer than you wanted." Levi whispered.
"I wanted more." Eren muttered. Levi turned. The boy was curled back into the corner. "I want my friends." He whimpered. Strolling forward, Levi scooped the boy up. He held him tightly to his chest.
Opening the door, he marched down the hall. "Levi?" Commander Smith called. Eren whined burying deeper into Levi's neck.
"Let's give him a break for now." Levi said without stopping. He walked to the cell at the end of the hall. All the younger omegas were sitting there huddled together. When the scent of an alpha filled them, they scattered to the back of the room. Levi pulled the cell door open. He sat the boy down. Eren hesitated.
"Go, it's ok." Levi said. He turned back to Levi.
"You said you weren't going away..." He whispered. Levi smiled.
"No, I'm not. I'll be back and you will see me. Look, go inside, I'll show you." Eren stepped inside, his oceanic eyes watching the detective. Levi closed the door. He walked around the side. Eren followed him from the inside of the cell. Levi sat down at his desk.
"See. This is my desk. I'll be here most of the time." Eren gave him a smile. He then turned. The younger omegas quickly surrounded him. Levi turned to see Erwin waiting in the hall. They had moved all the alphas out of this room. Only Levi was allowed down here. The rest were omegas to care for the younger children. As Levi met Erwin's gaze a beautiful sound came from the cell.
A song. One of them was singing. Levi turned. The children all circled around Eren. Each one was touching him. Some had their heads on his lap, some were bent over his back. Others could only reach a hand out to place on whatever body part they could reach. The boy knelt among them all. One blond boy who looked to be about the same age as Eren was holding the brunettes hand.
The children's whimpers quieted. Their eyes closed. Eren's song filled the room. By the time he stopped all the omega children were asleep. He turned to the blond. The boy pressed their foreheads together. Levi frowned. What was this? Eren was his! Anger swelled in him. He heard Eren whimper pushing the blond boy behind him, eyes fearful he looked at Levi.
Levi closed his eyes. He reigned in his anger. "I'm sorry, Eren." He said looking up at the boy. He sent out waves of calming scents. "Who is your friend?" He asked. Eren pointed to the boy. Levi wanted to smash his desk. Instead he tapped his fist against it.
"What is your friend's name?" He asked.
"120." The soft voice spoke up.
"A, Armin." Eren nodded. "Mama said to call him Armin." Eren beamed at remembering this. Armin smiled.
"I'm sleepy. Do we have to work today?" he asked.
"No." Levi told him. "Go to sleep." Eren laid down with the children. Armin curled in his arms. They closed their eyes. As soon as their breathing evened out, Levi ran. He ran down the hall to the workout room.
Those inside took one look at the detective and got the hell out of the room. Erwin closed the door. The entire building could hear the alpha's screams of rage. In his anger he tore the place apart. It took over an hour for his rage to quell. He sat slumped in the center of his carnage. No one came to check on him.
He must have dozed. The next thing he recalled was waking up on the mats. He went into shower. He leaned his head against the wall letting the water flow down his back. The door opened and closed. He heard the shuffling of feet. Someone leaned against the door to his shower stall.
"The kid's awake. Apparently they aren't allowed to sleep long." Levi was already shutting the water off. He rushed to dry off and dress.
"How is he? Is he scared I'm not there?" He asked.
"He was concerned, yes." Erwin told him. Levi rushed back to the cell.
"Hey!" He saw Eren sitting beside his desk. The bars were pressed into his back. A few of the children were curled around him. He was humming to them. He smiled when he saw Levi.
"Hi." The boy said shyly.
"Hello, Eren." Levi smiled down at him. He knelt behind the boy.
"Do any of the others have names?" he asked. Eren shook his head.
"Armin and I are the only ones left from when mama was there." He said. Levi sighed. He pressed his head to the bars. Right behind Eren's. He let out some claiming scents. Eren giggled.
"I like that." He whispered. Levi lifted his head to look at him.
"You giggled?" Eren shrugged.
"We play, when the alphas aren't around." He said. Levi smiled.
"You look after the younger ones?" he gestured to how they were all over the boy once more. It looked like in their sleep they just gravitated towards him.
"Yeah, as much as I can." He offered.
"Eren?" Levi asked.
"Hmm?" Eren locked eyes with him.
"Tell me your story?" The steel eyes of the Alpha bore into the oceanic greens of the boy before him. Eren smiled.
"Do you want to know a secret?" he asked a twinkle in those eyes.
"Yes." Levi answered honestly.
"I'm not like them." He rubbed the back of one of the omegas. "That's why the alphas kept mama so long. They wanted another like me."
"Did they get one?" Levi suppressed a shudder. Eren giggled.
"Nope. Mama was smart, she wouldn't let them have another like me. I'm special." He smirked.
"You certainly are, my beautiful boy." Levi whispered ruffling his hair through the bars.

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