A place called home

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Zeke came to the house. The girls were standing around waiting to greet him. The problem, every single boy stood in their way. Armin was first. Zeke glanced at them.

"You're all omega's?" he sounded slightly upset.

"Just because you're an alpha, doesn't mean we will listen to you." Jean snorted. Zeke's eyes widened.

"How did you get so big if you're an omega?" he had seen Reiner and Bertolt their tallest.

"Armin's cooking." Eren chuckled.

"Huh?" Zeke glanced to his brother. Eren stepped before him. He smiled.

"Let me introduce you. Armin." Eren held out his arm. The blond ducked under to allow it to rest in his shoulder. "Is my right hand. He is my best friend." The daggers in those eyes dared Zeke to say anything about the omega. Zeke politely held out his hand. Armin took it.

"I am also the cook around here, so let me know what you like." Armin grinned at the boy.

"His mate is Commander Smith." Eren pointed out. Zeke swallowed hard as his eyes darted to the tall blond alpha.

"Connie, Sasha?" Eren called them all up two by two he introduced the mates to his half brother. Jean leaned down to get his face in the kids.

"We are used to fucking with alpha's." He sneered. Zeke rolled his eyes.

"From what I hear it's more like you are used to getting fucked by alpha's." He meet the dark eyes with his own. They stood like that for a few minutes. Jean broke first laughing.

"Eren, his balls are as big as yours. Little freak wont' back down." Eren snorted.

"Niles, Show Zeke to an ..." A small brunette girl inched forward. Her blue eyes riveted to the Alpha. Zeke saw her. He shifted, slightly but couldn't take his eyes from hers.

"Carla, what are you..." Ymir tried to grab the girl. Eren laughed.

"Well, looks like we have to keep him now. He has a mate." Eren rolled his eyes.

The next few months were an adjustment. Zeke did believe some of the alpha supremacy that had been drilled into him since birth. Levi, Hange and Eren himself spent a lot of time deprogramming him. It helped for him to see how the beta women treated the omega men as equals. How the Alphas bowed to Eren's own command. In time he became one of them, not just in name, but in action as well.

"It's done!" Erwin stated. He came in late one night.

"What's done?" Levi asked. He was sitting in front of the fire. A tea cup rested on his knee as he held a book with his other hand.

"Where are the boys?" Erwin asked.

"Who knows. They have been spending as much time outside as they can. Winters coming soon." Levi stood the tea cup in his long fingers. "Eren and Jean took the twins out for a run."

"Wait they've shifted?" Erwin looked shocked by this.

"No." Levi laughed. "Zeke helped tie them to their wolf bodies." He walked to the kitchen to wash his cup. "Eren got to him in time. Grisha never let him shift. Didn't even know anyone could still do it. He is still in puberty so, Eren's been teaching him."

"Has he done it?" Erwin asked a weird sort of pride in his voice. Levi turned a smirk on his lips.

"Managed a full shift tonight. Not sure if it was good, but it's under the full moon." He shrugged one shoulder. Erwin sat at the table. Levi took a plate from the fridge and popped it into the microwave. He leaned his hip on the sink as he waited for the food.

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