The alpha lives

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Smut warning

There was a rumbling in his mind. Levi came aware in increments. First he sensed a restless tiredness. This sprang into the search for the demon. His anger was tethered. A glowing golden chain holding it back. The cage that once housed it shattered. The pieces scattered around his mental landscape. This flashed to the last thing he recalled.

In terror he tried to get up, his eyes flashed open and he yelled out "EREN!" A heavy weight was holding him down. He was about to start thrashing around when a small hand hit his face.

"I'm right here." Eren shifted to cup the alpha's face in his hands. He turned the wide tortured eyes to his. He smiled. Levi's mouth fell open. His body relaxed. He gaped at the wonder in the glowing green eyes.

"Hello, lover." Eren giggled.

"You're safe." Levi once more tired to lift his arms to hug him. "Why can't I move?" he muttered trying to peer down at what was holding him.

"The pack was worried about you." Eren leaned forward to kiss Levi swiftly. He let his face go so the man could look around.

Jean was just lifting his head. His eyes met the alpha's. He smiled shaking Marco.

"He's awake." Marco turned to look at Levi. He reached out to wake up Connie as Jean shook Bertolt. As each one woke they turned to wake the others. Slowly the pile of bodies shifted. The boys knelt around Levi. Some rubbing sleep out of theirs. Others looking concerned. And one glaring.

"Why didn't you go after Eren!" Armin glared at him.

"Because I couldn't fly!" Levi hissed. Armin crossed his arms.

"You got shot, did you know that?" He demanded.

"No. I..." Levi looked down. Armin slapped him in the face. Levi, startled flashed up to look at the boy. Large tears filled the blonde's eyes. Armin suddenly threw himself around Levi's neck.

"You were all bloody. I didn't know what happened. Hange had me help them get Eren and the big guy back. I didn't know what was your blood and what was doctors. Don't scare us like that again. It was mean!" Armin babbled as he cried on Levi's shoulder.

"Which part scared you?" Levi asked a smirk on his lips.

"You got hurt." Came the muffled reply. Levi snickered. Armin slapped his bare chest. Levi couldn't stifle the giggles they rocked his body as he hugged the boy. Eren laughed hugging Levi from the other side. The boys were all laughing as they piled on top of the Alpha.

"HEY, DON'T SQUISH EREN!" Levi yelled.

"He's yelling!" Someone cheered.

"He's gonna live then!" Another cried out. The loud voices got the attention of those outside of the room. Levi was trying to make his arms a cage to protect Eren and Armin from being squash.

"You little brats stop it!" He raged. They laughed harder. Levi looked up to see Erwin come in. He was followed by Hange and Krista.

"I could use some help.....Ah!!!!!" Levi cried out as the mass of bodies pushed him off of the bed. The boys laughed as they tumbled to the ground. Eren landed trapped to Levi's chest. The others rolled away.

"I'm fine." Eren smiled down at him. He kissed him. Levi dug his hands into the boy's hair. He held him tightly as he kissed him harder. Their tongues twirled around each other's.

"Get a room!" Reiner cried hitting the back of Eren's head with a pillow.

"Yeah, who wants to see you make out!" Jean cried another pillow bounced off the pregnant boy. Levi broke the kiss.

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