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** Smutt Warning**

"Levi?" Eren's soft voice called out to the dark room. He rolled over. The bed he was in was vacant of the tall handsome alpha. This had been happening more and more since the video of father came out. Eren shivered in the darkness. He didn't like being alone.

With a strangled cry he bolted to the door. His smaller hands fumbled with the catch. Tears blurred his vision as he fought to not cry. His throat ached. Finally, just as he was on the verge of a complete meltdown, the door sprang open.

There was a soft light coming from below him. He raced along the upstairs hall. "Levi?" he whimpered as his bare feet struck the wood hard. His foot slipped on the top step. He almost fell head first over the railing. His shirt caught on one of the decorative designs in the wooden surface. Panicked the tears flew down his cheeks.

"Levi?" he cried again as he tried to control the fear raging in his chest. He put a foot on the first step. He couldn't hear anything over his pounding heart. Where was his mate? He gripped the railing as he worked his way down the steps. His only thought was he wanted to be held in Levi's arms.

It took him a moment to realize he had reached the bottom of the stairs. He stood in the living room. A glowing fire spewed its light from the fireplace. Eren blinked at it. Turning he got his barring's and hurried across the floor. He could feel the cold coming.

He raced to the far hall. The windows reflecting the light resembled huge dark monsters. He whimpered again. His nightmares were darker than most. He was sure his heart was going to beat out of his chest. "LEVI!" He wailed as a particularly large shadow shifted above him.

Two things happened at once. The light was flicked on from across the living room, where Eren had just ran from, and something appeared in the hall in the direction he was heading. He screamed, falling on his ass as he stared fearfully at the large shape bearing down on him. He tried to scoot back away from it.

"Levi?" he whined folding himself up into a tight ball. His tears hitting the wooden floor between his legs. He was too scared to move. He clenched his legs together trying hard not to wet himself.

"Eren, Eren, it's me, your safe." Levi knelt before the quaking figure. He ached to just pull the boy into his arms. He didn't want to frighten him any more than he obviously was.

"Eren, can I..." Levi began. He didn't have time to finish the question. The shaking body was thrown into his arms. Eren buried his head in Levi's chest as he cried. Huge hiccupping fearful cries.

Levi sat down, leaning his back against the wall he pulled the boy onto his lap. "Eren?" he cooed as he stroked the boy's hair. He rubbed at his shaking back. Erwin strolled across the floor. He scooped up a blanket from the couch. He draped it over the teen's quaking back.

Levi pulled it tighter around him. Eren was a small tight ball in his lap. His knees were buried in Levi's chest. His arms tucked in to his sides were somehow wrapped around Levi as well. His head was pressed to his heart.

"Oh, Eren. You're safe here." Levi whispered.

"Is he ok?" the two alphas turned to see the blond standing on the steps. Armin was halfway down the stairs.

"Yes. I'm sorry he woke you. I think he had a nightmare, I wasn't in bed yet." Levi explained.

"He, he didn't wake me. I, I was..." Armin looked down at his feet. His eyes darted to Erwin then back to his feet again.

"Would you like to sleep in my room tonight?" Erwin asked. "You can have your own blanket." He offered. He could see the red creeping up the boy's face. Slowly Armin's head moved up and down. Erwin grinned sappily at him. Levi groaned out a chuckle.

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