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The pain hurt. The man had taken him from mama. He was scared, the room was dark, only a light high up shined down on them. The man grunted. The boy laid naked over his lap.
"You are a small one." The deep voice grated over the boy. The child cried out as the man pulled his finger from his bottom. The boy shivered. "Don't worry. We will fix you soon enough." There was laughter. Mama had told him to be good and do what the man wanted. He stayed where he was.
Something cold touched his bottom. The man ran his finger through the cold and around the boys hole. He pressed the finger back inside the boy. It didn't hurt as much, but the child closed his eyes. The man moved his finger around, pulling it in and out. More pain came when another finger went in. The boy couldn't hold back the cry. He didn't know what was happening or what he was to do. This man was an alpha, so he had to do what he wanted.
The man's fingers came out. The boy laid painting from the pain. Then more pain came, this one intense. The boy screamed. The man laughed the pain went deeper. "There ya go, your first plug. Don't let it come out or you will be punished." The man ordered. He stood the boy up before him.
Pain radiated down the boys legs and up his back. He turned to see a soft golden brown tail coming from his butt. It was pretty but it hurt. "Do you like the color?" the man asked. The boy nodded.
"You can touch it, but don't take it out, understand?" he demanded. The boy nodded again. "Alright get out of here." The child tried walking each step was painful with the thing in his bottom. He managed to walk back to his cell. Mama pulled him in for a hug. She sang to him as he cried out from the pain. There wasn't anything she could do for him.
Two months later he was given back to the man. The man did the same thing. He made the child lay across his lap. He pulled the tail out. The boy knew it was to only be removed by an alpha and only when he needed to go. He didn't need to go and he whimpered. The man laughed again. He was big and smelled musty.
The man once more stuck his fingers in the boy. He added the second making the boy cry out. The third was added after a few minutes. The mans hand was the size of the boys head. He cried and cried as the man moved his fingers around inside him.
"Trust me kid, it's better you let me stretch you slow then have those animals take you on the first time." The man gave him a different tail. This one silver. The boy loved the color, how it caught the light. He was proud of his new tail, even if it hurt more. This went on every few months. All the children he knew went through it. They loved petting each others tails as they curled around mama and she sang to them. Mama's belly was growing big once more. The boy knew she would be taken away soon.
The night mama said good bye to him, she kissed him crying as she clutched her big belly. "I love you Eren, remember who you are." That night a different man came for Eren. He had his fourth tail. He knew that this would mean he would be taken away. They all left after the received their red tail.
"Did mama tell you how old you were then?" the voice asked. Eren blinked. He had forgotten he was sitting in the room with Levi. Levi smelled nice. He was different than the other alpha's. Eren thought about the question. He recalled how when the room began to warm, Mama would draw him a picture, she called it cake, in the dirt on the floor. She told him to make a wish then she cut the flames off of the candles. She then would hold up Eren's hands to show him how old he was.
Eren held up his hands in the figuration that mama had showed him. "Seven?" Levi asked. Eren looked at his two hands. One had all his fingers open the other only two. He shrugged. Sometimes Levi asked him things he didn't understand. Levi nodded writing something down. Eren lowered his hands.
"Where did the new man take you?" he asked. Eren turned to stare at the wall. It was easier to remember when he wasn't looking at the Alpha. This alpha made him feel weird, but it wasn't bad. Not like the others.
"Jail." Eren whispered. Levi flinched back.
This room was just as dark as the other. The light coming through a square so dirty it might not even light. The boy was told to hold out his hands, so he did. Metal bracelets were placed over them. The chain pulled his arms upwards. He let out a squeak of fear as he was pulled from the ground. More chains were hooked to his ankles. His legs were pulled apart.
More windows opened. A whole bunch of faces appeared in the squares. Numbers a gold color showed up under them. This kept changing. A voice came out of the speakers telling the man what to do. Like holding the boys pee tube up, putting his thumb in the slit, which made him cry out. Or he would spin him around. He ripped the tail out yanking his hips back and spreading open his butt. The boy wanted mama but he knew he needed to be strong.
When it was over the boy was let down. His legs removed from the chains but not his arms. He was lead out by another man. This one took him upstairs. Eren had never been up here before. He wondered if this was outside. Mama talked about outside sometimes. The man took him to a door. He opened it with a key from his belt.
The boy was taken inside. He was forced to kneel on the floor. The chain was threaded through a hook on the floor. It was pulled tight so the boys face was only a few inches from being pressed into it. This way he was bent over his own legs.
"It's time you start making some money, kid!" the man chuckled as he left. Eren didn't know what that meant. He wanted his tail. The softness would soothe him when he was upset. He didn't know how long he stayed like that. His knees were starting to hurt when he heard another door open. A light came on. The boy blinked trying to hide from it. A hand forced his head up.
"I wanted to be your first. Those eyes, a person could drown in them." The man smelled stale. Eren flinched away.
Levi's hand came down on the table. Eren jerked scurrying away. He knew the Alpha was upset with him. What had he done?
"Eren, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." Levi whispered. "I need some air." The Alpha left. In came the other one, the nice beta with the pretty hair. They had let Eren brush it last time.
"Hi. You remember me?" they asked.
"Ha, Hange." Eren was learning their names.
"That's right." They smiled at him. "Please tell me the rest of your story?" They asked. Eren pointed to their hair.
"You want me to take it down?" He nodded. They did so. Eren reached out. The person let him touch their hair. He moved closer to twist it in his fingers. He went back to the story.
The man put their fingers in Eren's mouth. At first it was just weird but then they pressed them to the back of his throat. He gaged but they kept pushing them against him. His body shook and his stomach heaved. Eren vomited into the corner. As he was doing so, the man licked at his butt. Eren whined, crying at this. He didn't know what he was suppose to do.
The man stood. "Look at me." He ordered. Eren did so. The man took his shirt off. He was an alpha, they all were alpha's. This one was pretty fit. He tossed the shirt aside. Undoing his pants he pulled out his own pee tube. Eren blinked at how big it was. Then the man told him to put it in Eren's mouth. The boy shook his head.
"Do you want to be punished?" Crying, Eren opened his mouth. The man forced his dick inside. Eren gaged as the man went deeper. His body shook, his throat hurt. Tears rained down his face but the man kept going in and out of his mouth. Then he spit stuff down Eren's throat. He told him what a good boy he was for not biting. He stroked Eren's hair.
When the man sat down on a bright red pillowed cushion, he took off the chains around Eren's wrists. "You're too little to escape." He man laughed. He pulled Eren onto his lap. Pressing his mouth to Eren's he forced his tongue into the boys wet chasm. Eren shivered.
That wasn't the worse. The man shoved his fingers inside Eren. The boy screamed. He didn't use the cold stuff. He just came shoving fingers into him. Eren's body shook with pain. The man pulled his mouth back laughing. Then He grabbed Eren's waist with both his hands. Eren didn't understand this since he could still feel something at his entrance. The man pulled Eren's hips down. The boys head fell back as he cried out.
The man went in and out of him making Eren bounce in his lap. Every so often something hot would shoot up into Eren. He would cry out afraid he was getting burned. The man made him bend over he continued to thrust inside the small boy. The pain was too much and Eren passed out.
He was in and out of consciousness for over a week as his body healed. When he was better he was taken to a new room. Here he found the other children who had graduated to red tail before him. Armin came a week later.
The Alpha in charge told him his new number was 119. He would please the al0ha's who wanted him.
"With those eyes, boy your ass is going to be like grand central station!" the man had laughed. When Eren asked about mama, the man told him "Forget that bitch, she died. You won't see her any more."
"I never saw mama after that." Eren whispered to Hange. "At least I had Armin and the kids." He rolled off of their lap to go back to the corner.
"It was a long time after that, but a long time before you came when they got upset I didn't go into heat yet..." Eren began.
"119!" the man called. Eren stood walking to the door. He held out his hands. They put the chains on him. Keeping his head down. He was led out. Up the stairs to the work rooms, he was taken again. They took him to the last door. Eren never had been placed in this room. He usually got the nicer ones.
"Fucking bitch hasn't been in heat. Let's see what he does with an alpha in rut!" Laughing the man took his chains off. He opened the door, shoved Eren through and slammed it closed again. Eren didn't even have time to turn around. Hands shoved him against the door.
A nose sniffed at his bottom. A tongue licked his crack. Eren dug his fingers into the steel of the wall. His bottom was licked inside and around. It was the only lube he got. The thing behind him, he knew it was an alpha, but it sounded more like a beast. It yanked him backwards. Throwing him around, Eren felt his head connect with the wall.
"Mine, mine, mine." The thing howled in a mix of animalistic sounds and human speech. Eren howled in pain as the thing rose up slamming deep in him. He was so caught of guard he nearly threw up. The Alpha pounded in and out of him, all the while walking around or shoving Eren against the wall.
By now Eren knew better then to cry or beg for help. This was his job. He was to please whomever he was given to. He tried his best to find the rhythm and meet the beast. But it hurt so badly. He could feel the large cock shoving into his stomach. He gaged at the harshness of it.
Once he came, Eren hoped the door would open but it didn't. "Mine, mine, give me all of you." The thing growled at him.
It threw Eren onto his back. Looking up Eren saw a man so large he blocked out the light coming in behind him. He was dark, His skin blended in with the lightless shadows. His teeth protruded from the sides of his mouth as he panted at the boy. "Mine!"
The thing reached out to play with Eren's dick. They did this sometimes. Eren never understood why. It hurt but sometimes they made it feel good. The man had a lot of hair on his chest and arms. He pushed Eren's legs up, holding his ankles together. The massive length of the man was thrust deep into the boy again. Eren's body arched. A cry of pain escaped his lips.
The man shoved his legs apart to lay on top of Eren. He went super fast inside the boy. Eren could only cling to his hard back, crying out, but the man didn't slow or stop. It was like Eren wasn't even there. Eren took it for a long time. Over and over the man never gave him any rest.
The man flipped him over, yanking his arms back behind him, Eren was thrust face down as the man shoved his full length deep inside him. But that wasn't all. As the man pulled on Eren's arms, while shoving inside him, and using his foot to hold Eren's head down, something else happened.
Eren felt something bigger going in him. It hurt. It was like nothing he ever felt before. He cried out in pain. The man grunted pressing deeper. Eren felt his butt widen to take it. He felt the head of the cock pushing against his insides. It was too deep, it hurt too much. Eren screamed in pain. His back arching.
The man let his head up. "Mine! Now you will carry my child!" He howled at the boy. The thing inside Eren throbbed as it bulged locking the man in him. He came. If Eren moved he would cum again. Over and over. If Eren laid still the man forced his hips to move to make him cum. Eren was exhausted and crying. This went on for what felt like days.
At one point he passed out, but when he came too, the man was still there. Eren was locked in pain with him. The man kept twitching and thrusting if Eren laid still too long. The boy whimpered. He didn't know how much time past, finally the huge thing inside Eren dwindled. The man was able to pull out of him.
"Mine." The man cooed again before passing out. Eren closed his eyes.
"He, he impregnated you?" Hange asked. Those delightful bright eyes turned towards the detective. They were stunned at the beauty of them. How the boys thick lashes encircled those bright eyes. It took their breath away. It also took them a moment to see the sparkle there.
A mischievous twinkle hidden deep inside them. "Like I would allow that." Eren laughed. Hange's eyes widened. The child before them had been shy, docile even. Now there was something going on with them. Their aura shifted. Hange drew back. What was this thing? The child stood. He wasn't overly tall. Maybe five four to five six. Nothing about him showed any sign that he could be remotely violent.
Eren strolled over to them. He looked down his nose at the detective. A cold smile touching his lips.
"E, Eren?" Hange gasped.
"Where's Levi? Why did he leave?" Hange gapped up at the kid before her. Gone was the menacing vibe, gone was the dark look in his beautiful eyes. The detective wondered if it really had existed. Those eyes looked concerned.
"He didn't like me talking about what the alpha's did to me." Eren went to sit cross legged on the table. "Why? It is only natural that I please all alpha's." He turned a quizzical look onto the surprised detective.
"Eren, what...?" the door opened. Levi walked in. Eren smiled up at him.
"I'm sorry I was gone so long." Levi melted under that look. "I brought you some soda and pizza." He held up the food. Eren glanced at it. Levi set the pizza down and popped the can open. Eren bolted across the room at the sound. Hange had stepped out as Levi laughed at the startled boy.
"Tell me you saw that?" they demanded as they entered the observation room. "There is something off about that boy!" Hange put their hair back up as they watched Levi attempt to coax the boy out of the corner.
"Yeah, we saw." Commander Smith stated. He held out a folder to the detective. Hange was actually a doctor who worked for the agency that had taken in the omegas. They had asked that the officers referred to them as a detective so as not to frighten the already fearful children.
"It looks like they took great interest in this one." Smith reported as the doctor opened the file.
119 Status omega? Pregnancies 0 docile, protective of others, favorited by alphas. There was more. X-rays blood work other health information. "Smaller than normal reproductive system?" Hange read.
"Is he an infertile omega?" they asked.
"We were hoping you could answer that." Smith turned away from the window. "What if Eren Yeager isn't an omega at all?" he asked. The folder snapped closed. All eyes went to window to see the wondrous look on the boys face as he tasted soda for the first time.
"Have you obtained Carla Yeager's medical file?" Smith asked.
"It came in just before I went into relive Levi." Hange told him.
"Let me know what you discover. I want to know if one of those skeletons we found belong to her." Smith stated. He turned back to the doctor. "And if she bore any more children." He added. Hange nodded. Smith walked out.
Hange moved to the mirror to watch the boy. He was hugging Levi once more. It was as if the kid knew they were watching. His jewel bright eyes lifted to the mirror. They locked with the person on the other side. As beautiful as they looked, Hange swore they held a very dark secret.
"I'm special, I'm not like them." He had smiled so sweetly up at Levi as he made this pronouncement. Spinning on their heal, Hange marched out of the room. They went to their lab.
"Moblit, everything is on hold until we find out all we can about Carla and Eren Yeager." They called to their partner and assistant.
"You got it!" He agreed.

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