The dark debate

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Erwin laughed as Eren opened the door. "Wow, I forgot how small you were." He chuckled at the boy. Taking his shoes off, he glanced up at Levi.

"How's is playing house working out?" Erwin asked.

"Who said we were playing?" Eren growled folding his arms. Erwin snorted.

"It's just an expression." He stated stepping fully inside. He ruffled Eren's hair. The other boys came down, sleepily they rubbed at their eyes.

Armin's blond head lifted. It was unusual that he wasn't in the front of the pack. Instead he was almost the last one. Still standing several steps up, he looked down at the large blond man who had entered their happy home. His body shook as he whimpered. The scent of an alpha filling the house.

The others caught it. They began to whine. Several risked running to Eren for comfort. Most hurried over to Armin. Levi was shocked. Erwin knew better than to come in here and blast his scent. With a growl he rammed his body into the man's chest, forcing the tall commander out the door. It closed behind him. Levi felt his wolf fangs slip out.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He bellowed. The Alpha in him ready to fight in order to protect his pack. He shoved Erwin out onto the porch. Erwin wasn't fighting back.

"I, Levi, I'm sorry!" the commander cried out. He backed away holding up his hands. "The boy, the blond one..." Erwin looked almost terrified of Levi. The detective's face was distorted as he snarled, not moving from the door behind him.

"Armin! What about him?" snarled the Alpha.

"He's mine, he's my mate..." Erwin whispered so softly that if Levi wasn't using his alpha ears he wouldn't have heard the utterance. Levi pulled back. Standing his features reverted back to his normal appearance.

"Are you fucking with me? How didn't you know that at the precinct?" He demanded.

"I never came into the room with them. Hange and radioed back to keep all alpha's away from them. I only talked with Eren." Erwin stated.

"You're mate huh?" Levi rubbed at the back of his head. "Funny, your mate is mine's best friend." He smirked at the irony.

"Please, can I come back in? I didn't mean to unload my scent. He just surprised me when I saw him." Erwin whispered.

"Uh, yeah, but um, don't make it awkward. They are pretty delicate with the whole mating alpha thing." He warned. "In fact several of them are mates. Jean's with Marco, Mike's with Nanaba, Reiner's with Bertolt, and I'm pretty sure Sasha is with Connie, but he's been hurt so haven't seen them interact much. Sasha's the one who visits him the most." Levi turned to open the door. He walked back in. The pack was surrounding Armin. Eren stood directly before his friend.

"I won't let you hurt him!" He spat. Erwin held up his hands.

"I don't want to." He said. "I'm sorry I frightened you. I didn't mean to. I was startled at finding my mate here." He informed them. Eren glanced at Levi.

"Erwin is good. Better than me in fact." He complimented the commander.

"I, I'm scared." Armin whimpered.

"It's fine. You can stay there, but I just want to talk, when you're ready." Erwin gave him a tiny smile. "We can even have Levi and Eren in the room too." Erwin offered. He noticed how Armin's fingers were threaded into Eren's. Armin nodded.

"Now for the reason of my visit. We have problems, that just became a lot worse, now that I know my mate is among Eren's pack."

"Our pack. These are my kids." Levi corrected. Eren's head shot up. His blue green eyes widened. As looked at the man.

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