A break for freedom

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Hange was just inside the door. They rushed to Eren, he could see the intention they had in their mind. He offered the injured child up to them. Hange pulled the boy to the ground yelling for Moblit to get several things in order to save the child's life. Eren stood, his attention was locked on the man down the hall.
Father. The term he didn't understand. There was a lot he read from the alpha's minds he didn't understand. Mama wasn't around to help him. One thing he knew, father was equal to bad. The worst of the bad. He had promised mama that he would never go with father, that father would never harm his pack.
"Go away. There is no one who wants you here." Eren called to the man.
"I will leave your pack to them. All I want is you." Father insisted the light shinning off of his glasses. Eren smirked.
"Yet you are not strong enough to take me, a helpless omega, by yourself? You pay hired thugs to do the job?" Eren called. The man at his side shifted. He saw the glint of light off the metal barrel of Levi's weapon.
"What does he mean by that?" Levi demanded. Father snorted.
"He's an abused child, he doesn't know what he is saying." Father stated. Eren chuckled.
"Father, if you want me, come get me." He stated in a sing song voice. Suddenly Eren wasn't beside his mate. He sprang to Armin's shoulders. The blond thrust his body upwards, sending Eren into the rafters. Eren scurried along the metal pipes.
"After him, stop him!" Father yelled. Eren's dark laugh filtered down the hall.
"You can't catch me alone?" he taunted the bespectacled man. Levi was frozen with indecision. Before Eren had challenged Dr. Yeager he swore he heard the boys voice in his head.
"Save my pack. Protect them and I will be yours and your alone." Levi lowered the gun. Eren was indeed a very special boy.
"Smith, get me a van large enough to carry them all." Levi demanded.
"Where will you take them?" Smith demanded as Levi marched past him. The ravenette turned to look at his long time friend.
"Wall Maria." The man stated. Smith's head rocked back as if the other had slapped him. Wall Maria was a fictitious place the two friends had created as children. Had Levi actually kept it up all these years? Smith knew better than to question his prize detective.
"Ral, Reiss. Get a van fueled and ready. Someone catch that kid!" Smith parked.
"Don't worry about Eren." Levi chuckled. It took less than fifteen minutes to have the van prepped and ready. Levi shoved the evidence books into a bag. He swung that to his shoulder.
"Kristen and Hoover have supplies loaded." Smith said.
"The injured boy?" Levi asked.
"Hange stabilized them, but they have to remain with them. They have an ambulance loaded with equipment needed to keep the pack safe. They will follow you." Smith stated.
"And you?" Levi asked. The large hand fell to the mans shoulder.
"I will clean up your backside as always." He smirked. Levi smiled back. Lifting his head he searched the garage.
"Eren, we're ready." He called. Out of the shadows walked the small alpha. He strolled confidently to the van. His green eyes practically glowing in the dark.
"Stay safe." Smith called.
"Eren!" Armin yelled. The teen dropped to the ground. His body so small that the Alpha racing at him misjudged his size. Father sailed over the boys head. Eren sprang up, knocking the man back. The ring of the mans head striking the pillar behind him filled the sudden silence. Eren stood looking down at father.
"Pathetic." He snorted at the unconscious body. Turning he walked up to the van. Slipping into the passenger seat he waited for Levi.
"Gotta go!" Levi smirked giving his friend and commander one last tight hug. They drove out into the early morning light. The sun would be rising soon. Eren glanced over at the handsome alpha beside him.
"You sure know how to be a dick." Levi chortle.
"All I know are omegas and alphas." Eren whispered.
"Which do you prefer?" Levi asked.
"Alpha's are mean, cruel beings. They only see others as how to please them. I hate alphas. I become one to protect my pack. They are kind, quiet, my omega's are my family." Eren stated coldly.
"Not all alphas are like that. Smith and I are alphas, do you hate us?" Levi asked as he turned the van away from the city.
"I do not know the word for what I feel for you." Eren admitted.
"What did mama tell you about father?" Levi asked. Eren eyes closed.
"He is an alpha. The cruelest of them all. He made me so he could have a weapon. Mama wanted only to take me from him, to keep me safe."
"Mama was a beta, why didn't you imprint her?" Levi wanted to keep the boy talking.
"At that time, I was learning to control my shifts. The Alpha and omega were the strongest inside me. I knew what each were. They are so very different." Eren cooed. "Want me to tell you more stories of the alphas?" Eren smirked.
"Only if you want to talk about them." Levi offered.
"Not all of them were men..." Eren's voice shifted as he began his story.
"It was the third spring after mama left us that I met my first female alpha. she was strong, tall, and just as unforgiving as the males. Maybe even more so.
"119, you have a job!" Mr. Warden called. Eren stood up. He laid the child he had been holding as he sang to them down on the cot. Small hands patted his bare legs as he walked through the nest of sleeping bodies. It was late, Eren had worked all night. It didn't matter to these alphas. He stood at the door raising his hands. The chains were attached to him. The warden led him out of the cell.
He was taken upstairs. To his surprise they went beyond the fourth floor. Eren had never been beyond this point. He moved along trying to look everywhere, but not looking like he was. They bypassed the fifth and sixth floors. The warden past him over to another person in guard uniform. Eren was pulled into the hallway of the seventh floor.
The hall was painted a light purple color. Instead of the harsh red lights, Eren was used to, this had a soft glow of warm amber. There was a flowery scent to the air. Eren had no name for it. He liked the scent. Lifting his head to sniff at it. The person beside him struck his nose. He whined.
"Keep your head down, dog!" the woman spat. Eren hissed rubbing at his nose, but did as he was instructed. He was tugged forward. There was a set of pink double doors at the end of the hall. Two people opened these. Eren was escorted through. Inside the room looked like a furry nest.
The walls were carpeted in white, purple and pink. The floor was soft blue under his bare feet. There was a couch before him with a strong lean looking female reclining on it. Several pillows of various colors, thicknesses and dimensions were strewn around the blue carpet.
"Unchain him and leave." The reclining woman ordered.
"Master, you will have no way to control him!" The guard beside Eren exclaimed. A whip slapped the air. The woman next to him cried out. A bloody welt laced across their cheek.
"Do not question my orders again!" the reclining woman barked. Eren was freed of the chains. The doors clicked closed behind him. He bowed his head, knowing full well he stood before an alpha.
"How may I please you?" he asked.
"Ah, you are well trained." The woman rose as she purred her praise onto the small male. The whip slid over Eren's naked body. It made him shiver. It was like a live wire ready to bite him.
"Open your mouth." Eren did so. The women pressed her nipple into it. "Suck it." She ordered. Eren did as commanded. The woman stroked his penis. He winced at the nails that dug into him.
"Mm you are a good specimen." She purred. She drew away from Eren. Looking him over she smirked. "Follow me." The woman took him over to a pile of pillows. Forcing him down, she knelt between his legs. He frowned. She drew out a metal rod. Without any lube or stretching his hole, she pressed it inside him. Eren's body arched up with the pain of it. He gasped as he forced himself to relax and take the rod deep inside him. With only about two inches sticking out, the woman connected cables to it. Eren shivered as he felt something zing along the metal.
Electricity shot into his ass. His dick harden from the jolt. He cried out. The Alpha laughed at him. Forcing his hips down, she wrapped a silver ring around his cock. Spikes tightened into his base. Eren howled from the pain. The woman kissed his purplish head. Her tongue opening his slit.
"Em, sweet boy." She cooed. Placing a knee on either side of Eren's head, she pulled his face up to her crotch. "Eat me. Use your tongue and teeth, make me feel good, boy." She ordered. Eren had no clue what it was he was suppose to do. Tentatively he licked at the slit between her legs. If he didn't do what she wanted she would press a button. Pain shot into his ass every time she did this.
She did it so often his chest began to hurt from the shock. He moaned but she forced him to keep going until she peed on him. Laughing she slapped his face saying how good he was. Eren shivered as her nails racked over his chest. She cut them down the length of his sore cock. The ring making his penis ache. She touched it with a vibrator. Eren screamed at the pain shot through his stomach. The woman laughed harder at him.
He tried to read her, to understand what she wanted from him, but all he could get was that she liked to torture males. Eren's body quaked at this. She pressed a slimy wet balloon over his aching manhood.
"Don't want any diseases from the likes of you, or some messed up child." She cackled. Once the wet plastic thing was on him, she knelt over his groin. Now she ordered his hands up above his head. She chained his hands to a bar he hadn't seen. Taking his cock she forced it into her slit. Eren moaned as she squeezed him hard.
"Ah, good boy. I may just have to buy you." She murmured. Many people have said this to him. He didn't know what they meant. They never bought him, but they always came back for him. She bounced on his sore penis. He cried out from the pain. This just made her go harder on him. Laughing she forced him deeper inside her. When she was done, she climbed off.
"That was good, but I'm not done with you." She rolled him over. Removing the rod from his ass she made him get on all fours. He did so. The whip slashed across his back. He cried out as he felt a wound open up there. Then a dick was forced inside his ass. He bucked trying to pull away from the pain. It was thicker than the rod. She didn't use lube at all. Eren cried as she fucked his ass hard. If he made too much noise she whipped him. She yelled at him to just take it. Over and over she slammed into him. She reached around him to squeeze his pain filled cock.
"She took her time. It was midday meal by the time I was escorted back to my pack." Eren finished. "I could barely walk. I was bleeding everywhere. They had to put me up for a week to heal."
"My god." Levi breathed out.
"You want to do those things to me too." Eren accused.
"Yes, but not to hurt you. I want to show you what love is." Levi whispered. In his mind he thought about Eren. The places he wanted to take the boy, the foods he wished to share with him, memories he wanted to make with him. Plus there was the sex he wanted.
Just thinking about the boys small body cuddled up to him filled his heart with a joy he had never known. He looked over. Eren had rested his head against the window his eyes closed. Levi smiled fondly at the face. In sleep it looked peaceful.
As Levi drove on he thought about what he wanted from his mate. He fantasized about another life. How he took Eren to the cabin him and Erwin had built one summer. It was up in the hills on the other side of the city. The pine wood was soft glowing in the morning sun rise.
Levi smiled at the thought of Eren sitting on the porch, the glow of the sun a halo around the angel he was. How the robe he wore would slip down from one milky white shoulder. Levi would set the coffee cup before him. He would kiss the sun warmed skin of the teen.
Eren would tilt his head, giving Levi access to his neck. The taller alpha would suck at the unmarked flesh. Eren would taste like berries warmed in the summer sun. Levi wouldn't be able to get enough of that taste. He would lick his neck, pushing the robe down over the smooth chest of the teen.
Levi shifted in the driver's seat as his cock thickened while he day dreamed. In his dream he would pick Eren up. His small body unable to hold the robe. It would slip from his form to give Levi an unobstructed view of the soft delicate skin. He would taste the harden buds of his mates nipples, rolling them around in his mouth.
He felt his mouth fill with saliva at the thought of his mate. His arms ached to hold the boy to him. To love him as he should have always been loved. Levi rubbed a hand over his hardening crotch. He glanced behind him. All the omegas were asleep. His eyes went to Eren. One green orb peeked at him.
"You smell like them now." He accused.
"I'm sorry, I uh..." Levi stopped as Eren undid his seat belt.
"It's OK, I know you aren't like them." With skilled hands, the boy pushed Levi's hand away from his crotch.
"Eren, no, you don't.." Levi's objections were cut off when the boy undid his pants freeing his throbbing penis. Eren stroked the tip.
"Really, you don't want me to help you?" he looked up from Levi's crotch. Those lusty dark green orbs doing things to the detectives body that his mind couldn't comprehend while driving.
"E, Eren..." He whispered. Eren's tiny pink tongue split Levi's slit. He licked along the entire length of it. Levi moaned, shifting in his seat.
Eren pulled the rest of his cock out. His mouth slipping over the head. Levi clutched the steering wheel, his knuckles going white as he fought to keep the vehicle on the road. Luckily they were out of the city on a back road with few cars.
"Eren, I don't want you to do this, just because I'm hard." Levi ground out.
"You're the only alpha who hasn't forced me to do this. I want to ease your pain." Eren pushed his mouth fully over Levi's head. The detective moaned at the wet chasm of his mate surrounded him for the first time. Levi groaned as Eren's head bobbed up and down over his shaft.
Eren was skilled at this, a fact Levi both liked and was repulsed by. It wasn't that he minded his mate having skills in sexual situations, it was how this fragile, child had learned these skills. Eren moved over his cock as if he knew all the right places to strike. It made Levi grow harder.
He moaned trying to contain his scent so as not to frighten the other omegas in the van. He hit the button to roll down the window. The sent of an alpha pleasing themselves or receiving pleasure was a thick cloying scent. One that only the most desperate try to hide. Levi had thought he had master the ability long ago. All his power, all his self control, all his strength flew out the window when it came to the boy blowing him right now. Nothing in his known universe prepared him for the touch of his mate, a mate who was willingly seducing him ras he drove.
Eren moaned gaging slightly on Levi's erection. "S, sorry." Levi gasped. In all honestly he had never been so hard before. Eren lifted his head briefly freeing Levi from his spell.
"It's OK, I can sense what your feeling. Don't worry, the others are used to the scent. But I like the fresh air." Eren smirked up at him. Levi groaned at his delicate handsome face.
"Oh, Eren." He breathed looking down.
"Eyes on the road, captain." Eren chided before resuming his task. Levi drew in a shaking breathe. Eren sucked him harder. His hand squeezing his shaft. Levi moaned shifting trying to find a comfortable position.
Eren rammed his dick down his throat. Levi jerked the wheel as he cried out. He caught himself bringing the van back under control. He heard a twitter of laughter coming from the back of the van. His face flushed as his cock spewed its load down Eren's throat. The boy licked him clean, even replaced his cock in his pants and did them back up. Eren sat up in his seat.
"Feeling better?" he asked a smirk on his lips as his eyes danced with mirth.
"Fucking brat!" Levi hissed. He was awed by the boys laughter.
"I liked your fantasy about us." Eren whispered. The boy dozed off. For the rest of his journey Levi forced himself to recall every recipe Erwin had ever made him. Anything but to think about the boy beside him. Yet his eyes kept darting to the sleeping figure.

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