A fallen king

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Levi drove through the night. He liked the quiet. He had left Eren asleep in their bed, a note beside him just in case he woke up. He knew where it was, where Eren had been taken. He pulled to the side of the road a few feet before the site. Leaning his head against the steering wheel, Levi drew in a deep breath. He let it out slowly, his hand reached for the door handle.

A face was pressed against his side window. He jumped slightly then slammed the door open. "What the hell, bushy eyebrows!" he shouted. Erwin laughed.

"Your face!" He chuckled. Levi glared then a thought struck him.

"Whose guarding the pack?" he demanded. Erwin sobered.

"We aren't the only alpha's." He muttered.

"Shitty glasses." Levi turned. His eyes flashed as he looked down the road.

"You seriously came to clean it, didn't you?" Erwin asked. In answer Levi went to open the back of the truck. He had a fifty gallon drum of water, soap scrubbing brushes... Erwin's hand landed on his arm.

"Don't bother. I called in a dead animal. Cleaning services came out yesterday. Come on." He tugged his friend away. They walked down the few feet to the spot where the van had sat. A flash of a memory came into Levi's head. He recalled ripping the hood off of the van and slipping inside. He could see Grisha's face... then it was just black. The rage demon had taken over.

"What would you have done if I didn't collapse?" Levi asked. He knew that was the only way his anger cooled. It was part of the reason he hardly slept.

"You didn't just collapse. Eren came to you." Erwin stated.

"WHAT?" Levi shouted spinning his commander around to look at him. "How could you be so irresponsible as to let any of them near me! Especially him, when I was in that state!" Levi snarled.

"I wasn't close enough to stop him. Besides it was Eren. That kid has a mind, and will, of his own." Erwin shook his head. Levi turned away. He knew the man wouldn't tell him everything. Erwin kept Levi's darkest secrets.

"How did they get him back?" He asked instead.

"Not sure really." Erwin scratched at his head. "Something with a drone and Armin being small." Erwin shrugged. Levi wasn't buying it. Armin was his mate, he knew exactly what had happened. It was probably risky and could have ended up hurting Eren. Since the kid wasn't hurt, Levi would let it go. Sometimes the less he knew the better life was.

"What are you planning?" Erwin asked after the silence between them had grown profound.

"I'm done, Erwin." Levi whispered. "I can't walk in two worlds any longer." He stated.

"Which one wins you?" It was an honest question.

"Do you honestly think, I would drag him my child, any of them, into that hell?" Levi wasn't looking at the blond. He was watching a plane taking off. It's light bright as it ascended into the heavens.

"They were born in hell, Levi." Erwin mumbled.

"The king is dead. I'm just... just Detective Levi Ackerman. Decorated good cop, dependable." He snorted.

"So, you're gonna keep it?" Erwin pointed to the badge on Levi's waist. He had brought it out here in case anyone asked what he was doing.

"Yeah, you're stuck with me." The raven haired man smirked. Erwin sighed.

"I can live with that." He grinned. Levi smirked. He pushed the guy. Erwin pushed back. The two had a mini slap fight that Levi won when he nearly nocked Erwin out. They sat on a hill, Levi poured them each a cup of tea from the thermos he brought with him.

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