To lead and protect

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The woods were cool and dark. Levi loved watching the sunlight filter through the canopy of leaves. The boys had been running around, but as the day became darker, they shifted to huddle close together. Marco, Jean and Bertolt huddled around Reiner. The tall blond was carrying Connie on his back. The others were making sure he didn't trip.

Several of the boys had already fallen. Hange was prepared for scraped hands and elbows. She had sprayed each boy down before allowing them to set foot in the woods. Kept on complaining about the bugs. Levi wondered if the boys understood this. He smirked, Eren was clinging to his hand.

"Just because its dark, doesn't mean it's scary." I told him. His huge eyes lifted up to my face.

"They punished us by leaving us in the dark. They would make noises with the lights off." Marco stated. He shivered. I glanced over at Erwin. We shared a 'maybe we should head back.' look. Then Hange pulled out their miracle.

They led us to an opening in the woods. It was a wide grass field. Moblit tossed a soccer ball out. He got most of the boys to play. I smirked as I sat down on a rock to watch. Eren was kicking the ball to Armin. It missed and hit the smaller boy in the stomach. We all held our breath waiting. Armin doubled over until the pain went away. Then he stood chuckling. His smile lit up the field even more.

Hange and Erwin had packed a picnic while I was helping Eren get dressed. I helped Erwin spread the blankets out. He brought five. We made a large area using rocks to hold the corners down. I was much more comfortable sitting on the blanket and leaning against the rock.

"It's nice seeing them be kids." Erwin stated.

"Yeah, even if they should have had these experiences before." I frowned.

"Levi?" I looked over to see those intense blue eyes watching me.

"Yeah, eyebrows?" I asked.

"The sex thing, with Eren. How did you handle it?" he asked. I sighed.

"Well, for a long time I didn't bring it up. I let him talk about it. Actually I gave him all the control. I would ask before I touched him in any way. He was the one that started it last night." I told him. Erwin leaned back.

"I think Armin is too afraid. I don't want to pressure him or hurt him. He won't let me cuddle him in bed at all." He whispered to the clear blue sky.

"It took Eren a month before he let me hold his hand in bed. Those bastards used a bed as something to punish them with. It meant they had to have sex with the Alpha they were in bed with. That trauma doesn't fade easy." I told him. "Start out of bed. Ask to hold his hand, or see if he would like to watch a movie with you. Court him a little." I explained.

"Look at us, who would ever thought I would be getting relationship advise from the most awkward person who has ever been around another human being." He rolled his eyes as he looked over at me. "College was your first sexual experience? Seriously?" I shivered.

"Seriously." I told him.

"Didn't you do two tours in the military before college?" he asked.

"I did reserves when I was in high school and one four year term." I explained.

"Then four years of college... no wait, you graduated early didn't you?"

"I was military police, so taking the civil courses was all I needed." I said.

"Yet you joined the academy the same time as I did. What did you do for two years?" he demanded. I looked away. Those two years were the worst of my life. Most of it I was hurt.

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