Chapter 4

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The first couple of weeks they work together is pretty much uneventful.

The first week of Aga working with them, Lea spends the majority of it out of town checking on an ongoing project. By the time she comes back, it is Aga's turn to be away.

It shouldn't be that big of a deal. After all, they managed to be away from each other for years. But knowing that the other is just somewhere around, so close and yet so far, only intensifies the longing.

Which is why, the day Aga comes back from his trip, he shows up to work earlier than usual, a vacuum flask in hand with Lea's favorite coffee blend that he prepared himself.

Their floor is still mostly empty aside from a few early birds whom he greeted with a nod or a polite smile. Everyone in the office has been so welcoming to him and he's grateful for it.

When he arrives at her office door, he makes a quick scan of the place to make sure no one is looking before he turns the knob and sneaks in... only to come face to face with a startled Lea on her desk.

"You're back!" She looks surprised, but pleasantly so.

Lea rises from her seat and she looks so excited that for a moment he thinks she's going to greet him with a kiss. She stops short just a few feet shy from him.

"H-hi," he stammers, standing awkwardly in front of her. Does he kiss her cheek? Shake her hand? That doesn't seem right. He settles on doing nothing.

"I... yeah. Just came back last night." His eyes wander, looking for anything to focus on other than the woman in front of him.

"What are you doing here so early?" Her smile is soft but genuine and he can't help but be in awe of how she looks so good and put together despite being at work earlier than everyone else.

He shifts on his feet. He didn't really think this through, did he? He has expected an empty office. The plan is to leave the drink on her desk, maybe stick a note to it to let her know it's from him and hide away in his office. Finding her already inside isn't part of it.

He scratches his head. It's only then that he remembers that he still has the coffee. So in lieu of an explanation, he presents her the thermos he's holding without a word. Great, now he looks like an idiot.

He swears her eyes light up when she sees what he has in hand. He doesn't have to tell her what it contains. He used to do the same thing for her back when they were still together. The woman loves coffee—a sentiment they both share—and he's always been more than happy to supply her drink every morning. Not because the absence of said drink makes her cranky the entire day of course. Totally not the reason.

"Thank you." She accepts the drink gratefully.

Their hands brush when she reaches for the drink and he flinches at the bolt of electricity that shoots up his arm at the contact. His eyes flick up to hers and he knows that she felt it too.

He watches her take a sip, her eyes closing as she savors the beverage. She hums in satisfaction and he has to swallow down the memories that come to mind at the sound. Too early for that.

"I missed this. I can never make coffee the way that you do."

He gives her a smile. "Turuan kita next time I come over."

"Don't." Her quick response surprises him and he looks up to her in question. Their eyes meet and her gaze holds his as if to convey, don't teach me. I want you to keep making it for me. He doesn't say a word, only nods, making sure she sees that he understands.

They've always been good at communicating without the need for words. He's glad to note that they didn't lose that.

He notices the faint tinge on her cheeks that she tries to hide through a curtain of hair, but her hair isn't long anymore and lowering her head doesn't do much to shield her reaction from him. And so when he feels his own lips stretch, he doesn't try to stop the smile from escaping.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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