part one - ii.

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Allot of us clapped along and laughed as Elijah played his guitar to some old folk song. It was a song written by his great-grandfather and been passed down. It was a good uplifting song about staying strong as a pack and the legends of our kinds. It's was our thing—eat and have fun. I've heard some many good stories about wolves who were brave. The folk song had sorta of a Scottish music sound to as he strum his guitar.

“To be at one with my pack.” he finished, his fingers brushing down the strings of his guitar. Elijah wife Jolie smile as she rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist. She placed her hand on her nine month stomach and he smiled down at her stomach. Jolie hadn't been at Alpha Alaric party those months ago and Elijah had gone himself.

“Another one, Eli.” Gavin said, patting his friend back.

Elijah chuckled as he starting to strum the string on the guitar, “When the moon rises our souls when will under the moonlight together—”

Killian came over next to me and sat down with some deer meat that others had hunted down earlier. He kissed the side of my head and I smiled at him. “Where's Devin?” I asked. “Shiloh been a little trouble maker.”

“Uhh, last he told me—keep everyone away from his and Zoe tent.” he said, chuckling as he laid down and laid his head down on my lap. He brought a piece of meat up to his mouth, “I think they want a baby number two and having a hard time doing that—they'll do anything to try. He skips going hunting the last weeks to try.”

I chuckled I played with his brown lose curls, “Oh gosh. Hopefully a girl is made, no more little ones like Shiloh to be a hellion.”

Killian started at the fire for a moment before looking up at me, “Babies are cute, Mat.”

I chuckled, “Yes, they are.”

He stared up at me for a moment, making me starting to think he was thinking. My amused look disappeared as I looked down at him. His baby blue eyes with a speck of gold in them look up at me seriously, “Marry me, Mat.” My hands froze and my mouth part a little as I took in a small breath. We stared at each other for a moment and he brought his hand up to my cheek, rubbing it as he took a deep breath, “Marry me and lets have a baby of our own.”

I brought my hand up to his and held it, “Killian. . .”

“Please Mat, I love you.” he said.

“I love you too but we don't gotta be married to show we love each other.” I said, sighing heavily.

“Marry me.” he repeated. “I want nothing else but to say your my wife—Mat.” he breathed out heavily as I stood up.

He looked up at me as I pushed my hair behind my ears, “I should bring Aeriela food, stubborn thing hasn't left her tent since she closed it on me. I'm sure she's straving. Girl could eat a horse and be hungry five minutes later.”

He scoffed, “Are you serious right now?"

I shrugged, “I have to take care of her.” I said as I turned away. I took a few stepped away before I felt like I could breath again. I took a deep breathe as I ran my fingers through my hair and hit myself in the face. I can't believe what just happened. Killian just proposed to me and I said no—well, I didn't say it but it was clear it was a no. I knew it hurt him but there's no time for a wedding or babies right now! I still have to take claim of Oregon and I still don't know when that'll happen. I'm trying to wait for the right time. When I felt like it's been long enough time for Melinda and her mother could grieve for Marco.

The only two ways I can take Oregon is if I kill Lincoln or he gives me Oregon and his pack—which most Alpha's hardly ever do and Lincoln won't be willing.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now