part one - x.

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I was helping Will skin some rabbits when his phone when off. I looked down at the phone on the table and a picture of a girl appeared. She had long beautiful blonde hair and smiling happily into the phone. Will picked up the phone and excused himself. I nodded my head before he left.

"Hey Ella." he said as he walked away. "No, I'm not busy. How was your day?"

I sat there for a moment before I continued to finishing helping with tonight dinner. I thought back to earlier when Ulric had kissed me and all this feelings rushed back. I guess my 'crush' on Will was gone but I had already promised to help him do this since he wasn't very good and I was.

Across the camp site a wolf ran over and Mat shifted back into human room. She seemed very angry and pissed. She grabbed Brayden, Ian, Gavin, Elijah, Adan, Will, and Killian. She was quickly talking to them and was telling them something I couldn't really hear.

She then walked away from them and I quickly got up. I wanted to talk to her about Ulric and what happened earlier since I didn't know what to do. "Mat, I wanna tell you something." I said as she came near.

She walked passed me, "Not right now, Aeriela. I'm to busy." she said.

I quickly came beside her, "But it's important. Earlier today while I was at the lake—"

Mat turned to me with a hard cold look on her face, "Not right now, Aeriela! I have things I need to worry about then whatever you have to say." she said. She turned away and I scoffed, my jaw dropping. She went over towards Ulric and grabbed him. I barley heard what they were talking about but I think she was asking him about his doctor at the hospital. I so badly wanted to talk to her about everything with Ulric and Harley.


I walked into the hospital emergency room. I went over towards the desk where two nurses was and they looked surprised. "Is Doctor Cortez here?" I coldly asked.

A nursed cleared her throat, "I think she might be out today."

I leaned my hands against the counter, "I want you to call and see."

"We can't just do that." the other one said.

I leaned down towards them, "Now look here, I have had a shitty day and you will call to see if she is here."

They looked at each other with concern faces. "Young lady, we need to ask you to leave or we'll be forced to call security." the first one said.

I stared at them for a moment and I closed my eyes as my eyes turned amber and sapphire. I breathed heavily out my nose and held the growl that so badly wanted to escape. I breathed out heavily from my mouth and opened my eyes. I swear—I swear I seen Cortez picture on Shanes phone. I didn't think much about it when she was taking blood from Ulric. I thought she was being serious about wanting to check his blood since she is a doctor. I shouldn't have been so naïve.

I stood up from the desk and cleared my throat, "Sorry for freaking out." I said before leaving the hospital.


Ulric and I was laughing as we raced each other around in the woods. I was beating him back towards the lake and he kept pulling me back. When I would get close to him, I would pull him pack. We jumped over things and felt the wind blowing throw our hairs.

We heard Rascal and Luna somewhere laughing as they ran. Harley had stayed back at the camping site since it was her night to help cook. It was something allot of liked to door, run around in the woods and stretch our legs.

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