part two - xxviii.

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I stared in front of my laptop for a moment on a blank email page. I tapped my right hand fingers against the table as I thought hard about what I what to do. I knew for sure I wanted to do this because I can't have anymore wild running around. I just had to think for a moment about every situation that could happen.

The more I thought, the more I knew what I wanted to write. I sat up on the chair and started tapping out the proposal message to the other fifty alphas in the United States.

When I was near finishing, Killian knocked on the door before stepping in. He leaned against the frame, "We should get going, Mrs Arkwright."

I quickly typed on the keys, "One more moment, I'm almost finished."

"What are you doing?" he asked, walking over. I finished up right when he came over and started reading it. "...and to make sure our secret safe we should round up all the wild rogue wolves. Mat?" he questioned. "What are you doing?" He didn't seem so opened minded about the idea.

I stood up, "Times are changing, Killian. Humans are getting smarter, it bound to happen soon and they'll be the reason we get exposed." I said as I pressed the send button.

I walked around Killian who groaned, "Why did you do this?"

Confused, I turned around, "What? Killian, this is imporant. I know we agreed a long time ago in the old days to keep out of each other businesses but do you really think they can keep our secrets. Allot of them are turning to drugs like Aydin is. Their gonna be ones to screw us over."

"No, not that." he said, walking over towards. "Why are you getting involved in something we should just leave alone. Why are you getting into something that can possibly dangerous? I thought you wanted a safe settled life. I might have found a place to go on our honeymoon in Asia. Beautiful mountains to hike, beautiful beach. I want to suprise you where it is when-"

"Killian, don't worry. This isn't going to be very risky. You know very well I can handle some wild rogues and it won't take forever. This is about the safety of our pack and the others." I placed my hands on his neck and kissed him, "Don't worry, it's gonna be fine."

He brought his hand up to my wrist, "You didnt even tell me about this."

I shrugged, "I decided it just a few hours ago. We really don't need more Aydin roaming around." I took his hand in mine and kissed the palm of my hand, "Now lets go, Tamaz said he was making some Georgian dinner. This should be interesting."


The room was filled with the smell of delcious foods. Tamaz set a dish with some kind of flat looking bread with beans inside with bacon since it was an appetizer. It smelled so good and I was eager to try some different kind of food. It put some hot sauce on it and ate a few of them. I sipped on some wine as I enjoyed it.

It was pretty quiet with mostly Killian and Tamaz talking about both families. I was pretty suprise when Aeriela showed up but I thought it was pretty nice. She didn't seem very happy to be here though with the sad look on her face as she picked at the bean filled bread. Her long dark red hair wasn't done or anything, it hung in it waves and looked kind of unbrushed. Aeriela use to be very beautifully tan but since she came here her skin got lighter and stayed a light tan color. She wore all black when she use to wear light clothes.

Tamaz brother Zakaria was also quiet at the table as he drank from his wine.

Killian leaned over, "Save some room for dinner, don't you think Mat?" he teasingly asked. I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled.

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