part two - xxix.

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I grabbed the bag of chips and munched on them as I typed back Alpha Kover of New Mexico to thank him for joining me next Monday. I had step up the meeting to be held by the Honeysea Beach in Jenkins that's about an hour run.

I got up from the chair and went downstairs. Killian and Tamaz was outside messing around in the yard in wolf skin. I grabbed some juice from the fridge and some pretty unhealthly snacks. I started munching down on cakes and chips. I have such a sweet and salt tooth.

Soon both of the man came back inside laughing, both drenched in sweat from their wrestling around.

"I would not take you as a fighter, Killian." Tamaz said, chuckling. "I take you as a book reader with glasses. But you clearly proved me wrong."

"Well with your muscles you don't give off thw book reader type." Killian said. "But thanks, growing up with four brothers we all like to teach other things."

Tamaz sighed, "Oh brothers. He's eleven years younger than me and he didn't really have his father around so I had to be that father for him. Anything I ever do for him, is because I know he's to stupid to learn on his own."

I chuckled, "I know that feeling. When my parents were taken Aeriela had just been taken in so I had to look after her. Trust me, not easy at all. It was like teaching a baby things but in a fifteen year old body."

Killian grabbed two water bottles from the fridge, "And trying to help a immature seventeen year old boy like my cousin Ulric. He's now just starting to realize life isn't easy alone." he said as he handed Tamaz a water.

"God we're getting old." I said, making them nod. "Well speaking of family, my brother should be returning soon from his fun. I'll go meet him at the guest house. Thank you, Alpha Matilda for the ticket to Aeriela dance. Zakaria is excited."

"Hmm, just make sure he knows not to get to close to Aeriela. She doesn't need boys problems right now." I said before stuffing my mouth with a donut. I grabbed my chips and started to leave the kitchen, "Killian, lets order tonight. Hot wings sound so good tonight."


When I got home, Sofia had ran into the living room with a big grin on her face. I arched an eyebrow, finding grin kind of weird. I looked at Emily who just shrugged, looking confused like me. "What?" I asked as I looked back at Sofia.

"When were you gonna tell me you had a date to prom?" she asked. My face heated up as Emily gasped as she turned to look at me and grabbed my upper arm.

"How'd you know that?" I asked her.

She snorted, "You think Mat wouldn't tell me? Were you just gonna wait until the last minute to tell me? Oh this is to exciting!"

I walked passed her, "Jeez, no it's not. Prom is this saturday, five days away. I don't have any time to prepare." I said as I sat down on the couch.

"We're girls, we can make anything?" she said.

"Who is he?" Emily asked excitedly. "Oh! Please tell me it's that cute European wolf!" I brought my hand up behind my neck and scratched, "Ah Ellie! Why didn't you tell me!"

Sofia chuckled, "More prom shopping!"

"Crap." I breathed out.


Sofia always got excited when it came to bonding with us. She loved helping Mat do her wedding. She was excited to help Emily do her prom shopping and she was eager to make sure I was getting my things. It's because she said she never had a chance to do these things before and as a mother she's very happy.

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