part one - iv.

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Two days later.


I had been focused on the children book on my lap when a hand touched my shoulder. I jerked, quickly turning my head around with a hard look as my teeth bared, "Don't ever sneak up on me like that, Ulric."

"Jeez, all jumpy and cranky." he said, snorting. "Look, I was invited by some of these girls yesterday to a party when I was in town. It's only eleven, we should go. Harley, Rascal, and the others are coming."

"A party?" I asked. He nodded as I turned to face him, "Are they wolf?" I have learned of that word when I came to live with Mat. It is like a gathering and just another word.

"Not exactly, their humans." he said, making me snort as pure disgust appeared on my face. "Hey, it'll be fun. Lots of dancing, socializing, and food."

As if my ears perked up, that caught my attention, "Food?" I questioned. Screw dancing and socializing, I'll go anywhere there is food. "But wait—Mat told us not to go anywhere at night just in case of those bad people."

"We're in a large open town, I doubt Hunters will be shooting at us with humans watching. We sneak out from the kitchen and everything will be fine." he said, rolling his eyes. "It'll be in a big house with others like our age. Come on, it doesn't sound fun?"

"Humans don't sound fun." I said. "Why are you asking me?"

He shrugged, "Why not? You are apart of this pack, right?"

Hearing that made something buzz on the inside and made a small smile itch on my face. Someone had actually said that other than Mat, Killian, or Will. I wanted to jump, cheer, and do something crazy because Ulric said I was apart of this pack! Maybe finally I am fitting in. I can't do anything to ruin this, I have to be normal and I hear parties are way normal.

I nodded, "Alright, I'll come."


Killian sat down next to me top of the building of the shelter. He took my hand in his as I held back the tears that so badly wanted to escape. In day time, at least I could see mostly outline fuzzy things. I could guess what's in front of me and be more careful. In the dark, I might have well been blind and I hated it. I felt so worthless and pathetic for letting that Hunter get me like that. I should have attacked him, not stare at him.

I brought my other hand up to my runny nose and ran my hand across it, "I already know what Alpha Lincoln gonna say. I'm not looking forward to it at all. He's going to say he told me so and that I should just give up now. Maybe he's right, maybe I should stop kidding myself."

"Mat, stop beating yourself up about it." Killian said, gripping my hand harder in his. "None of us knew this was gonna happen, they surprised us."

"Their gonna say they knew there were Wild Rogues out there and have some in the pack be a watch out at night for protection. They're gonna be right—none of this would have happened if I just been smarter!" I said, tears finally rushing down my face. All the stress the last couple of weeks was hitting me and I brought my hands up to hide my face that was ashamed. Ashamed of crying in front of someone I so badly wanted to show how strong I am and feeling like such a failure to my pack.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now