part two - lv.

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I woke up to someone knocking on my door. I groaned, exhausted from last night party. I peeled my eyes opened just enough to see through my lashes and saw the sun was rising from the window. I closed my eyes, ready to go back to bed. There was another few knocks at my door and I realized they seem pretty rushed.

I through my blanket off with a groan and forced myself up yawning loudly. There was more knocks at the door and I grumbled under my breath as I got up, "I heard you, I'm coming." I said as I walked over to the door. I swung the door open and stared up at Ulric. I blinked a few times, trying to get the sleepiness out of my eyes, "Ulric, I don't wanna-"

"This is serious," he said, grabbing my shoulders and pushed me inside. I was to sleepy and tired to halt myself but I did push his arms off. I glared up at him, feeling my mood darken at the moment. He closed the door behind him before turning to me, "You can't marry Zakaria-"

I groaned, "Enough of this, Ulric. Leave or I'll call him up here. I can't take-"

"Aeriela, he's been lying to you all this time. Has he ever told you Yuliya?" he asked. I stared up at him, trying to process what he had just said. Yuliya? No, I never heard that name before and Zakaria-or anyone-has mentioned that name. "Tatiana?"

I scoffed, "Who? No, I don't know who they are. What does it matter?"

"It matters allot-Aeriela, Yuliya was original engaged to another girl before." he said, reaching out towards me but I stepped back.

I groaned as I ran my hand through my hair, "Yes, I knew he was engaged before but she left him because she didn't think he was good enough. Now leave, I know who Zakaria is."

"No, that was a lie." he said, confusing me as I narrowed my eyes on him. "And Tatiana, that's their daughter."

I felt that a bunch of bricks been through on me as my heart dropped. I brought my hand up to my chest, "Wha-no, that's crazy. Zakaria doesn't have a child."

"Yes he does." he said. "And she didn't leave him because she didn't think he was good enough. Her father got pissed because she got pregnant before the marriage, broke the engagement, and Zakaria apparently didn't see any use in marrying her anymore. He used her, in allot of ways."

I started to breath heavily as this heavy pressure got heavier on me and I had so many emotions running inside. I wasn't sure if it was angry, pain, betrayal, or annoyance. I shook my head, "No, I refuse to believe that." I said as I turned away and walked over to my bed. I brought my hand up to my mouth, "Get out of here, Ulric. Why are you always running things for me-"

He grabbed my arm and turned me around, "Aeriela, please. It's true, she came to me with a woman who translated for her. It's not a lie, I'm being serious."

I glared up at him and brought my hands up to his chest, pushing him away and he fell on his back to the ground, "No!" I said. "I refuse to believe that, that isn't true! Get out of here, now!"

He stared to stand up, "Aeriela, I'm telling you the truth. He's only using you for-"

I brought my hand up to his chest and pushed him away but he stumbled back, "No." I brought my hand up to my head as I rank my fingers through my hair, "No! No, not again. Ever. I don't believe you, Zakaria would never do that to me."

He took a step towards me and I bared my teeth as I growled. His eyes widen as he looked at me and that confused me because he looked taken back. Suddenly this heat in my chest hit me hard and I took in a sharp breath as this heat just seem to spread across my chest to my whole body. I didn't know how to explain it but I felt like my hand was over top of fire. Just an inch away.

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