part two - xli.

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When the plane finally landed in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia I couldn't wait to get off. I hurried off the plane, my knees falling to the growled. I didn't even care that it was concrete that my bare hands were touching. I was safe on ground again and now-I can kill Ulric!

Okay, so not kill but fully yell at him for following us.

Mat scoffed, "Oh get up you dramatic girl." she said, stepping beside me and held her hand out.I took her hand and she helped me up. "Oh look, your boyfriend over there!" she said, pointing over where Tamaz and Zakaria was waiting. There was a woman next to Tamaz who I assumed was his wife.

I scoffed as I pulled away from her, "He's not my boyfriend, he's my friend."

Killian walked over, pulling sunglasses on his eyes hung over, "God, why's it's so bright?"

We walked over them and I awkwardly walked over to a smiling Zakaria as Mat and Killian caught up with Alpha Tamaz. I smiled up at him before we hugged each other. I thought it would be a light friendly welcoming hug but Zakaria hugged me tightly around my waist.

I chuckled, "Hi." I said when the hug was finished. "Long time no see."

"Yes." he said. "I am happy you made it. Seeing you fall to the ground I can tell you didn't enjoy the plane ride so much."

My face heated up because he saw that and I bit my lower lip, "Uh. . .yeah. I'm more of a ground person. The flight was terrible, though."

"Aww, why is that?" he asked.

I grimace as I turned around and saw Ulric stepping off the plane. I looked over at Mat who looked away from Ulric sighing heavily as she pushed her sunglasses on, "Killian, make sure you're cousin stays beside you." She forced a friendly smile to a confused Alpha Tamaz, "I'll explain it on the ride there."

My mouth dropped because it seemed like she didn't care about Ulric being here or not. I mean, I know this is supposed to be her honeymoon but come on! Ulric followed us here-which is really creepy-but she won't even send him back? All she has to do is order him to stay here, wait until the next plane, and punish him when we get back!

"Ellie," Zakaria said behind me. "What is he doing here?"

I glared at Ulric as he walked over, throwing his duffle bag over his shoulder, "He's Killian cousin." I turned to Zakaria smiling up at him, "Don't worry, he's not gonna get in the way."

Zakaria didn't seem happy about Ulric being here as he looked over my shoulder before looking back at me and held his hand out, "Okay." he said. I stared at his hand before I placed mine in it.


When we got out Alpha Tamaz car, I swirl around as I looked at the beautiful green scenery. Alpha Tamaz home was in the middle of the country but outside a town. There was so much land-larger then the land where I live-and trees everywhere. Mountains were closer and higher than the ones in Oregon. It was all so beautiful, like something from a postcard or something.And his home, it seriously looked like a small little castle with moss growing on it but it had a nice earthy look about it. Behind it was a barn with a fence with horses around.

Killian looked amazed as he looked around to and I hugged him around his waist, "Look at this, Kill. And we thought Oregon was beautiful in the summer. It's like some fairy tale thing. I wanna go running, we need to go up to those mountains!"

Alpha Tamaz chuckled as he walked over with his wife, "Yes, we should all go. Lets go get you all packed up first and we can all go."


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