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There was only one person who ever truly was there for me. I remember growing up with Marco Hanigan since childhood, always having a crush on him. I was the ugly duckling growing up but Marco was still there for me as a friend. I always had a crush on him.

But my family was regular pack members. Yes, we're Vaughn's but Mat family always had the upper hands. I use to imagine Marco being paired with some other girl. It hurt allot, knowing with his good looks daughters of Alphas would want him. It wasn't even a competition, all he had to do was pick.

When we were sixteen, Marco came to me one day and asked to kiss me. I was surprised and speechless. It was a little awkward since I had been in the garage of my parents home and I was covered in paint that I accidentally spilled on me.

Marco only gave me a moment to answer before he leaned down and kissed me. I remember just feeling like I burst into sparks. It felt like watching those cheesy romance movies and those kiss scenes come up. I knew at that moment I was in love with him.

After he kissed me, he asked me to be his girlfriend and then on we were hardly apart from each other. At first I never felt like I was worth being with him. Being with me was the only time Marco was ever rebellious towards his father. We soon realized we were true mates. The elders in the pack noticed us together and how close we were. Lincoln then allowed us to be together. I gain confidence and felt good to be known as Marco Hanigan soul-mate.

I was completely devoted to Marco as much as he was too. He always told me he would die for me.

I never actually thought there would be a day he would.

I relived with what happened almost four years ago over and over again ever day. The night of the massacre in Seattle. The worst night of my life where I wished I would have died with him. If only I was strong enough to protect myself, Marco wouldn't of had to come to my rescue and that wild wolf wouldn't have killed him.

Yet, I did die that night. At least inside. Marco dying ripped the connection we share apart and it might as well ripped my heart apart. It was true pain and I remember not smiling for months. Laughing was a distant memory. Feel love from anyone became numb. I was shell of my former self and everyone was worried. I locked myself away in my room and mourned him for awhile. It was a year before I could actually be around allot of people and that about the time Mat came back.

But things were still different. Mat and Killian gotten married, Mat having her new title as Alpha. Melinda and Nate were still in their honeymoon stage. Will was courting a girl. Everyone moved on and I was stuck in the darkness.

But that was my own fault. I locked myself away, ashamed to feel any kind of happiness without Marco. I was "free" from the bond, able to love again. But the thing about losing a soul-mate, no one feels worth to replace a soul-mate. No one could be better than Marco Hanigan.

I stroked my brush down the canvas, blank thin black line of a distant tree being made as I added short strokes to add branches. The picture was nothing but a tree in fall in a field. I was only using two colors, mixing water into the water color kit to make them different shades.

There was a knock on the garage door and I smelt Melinda before she came in. She looked every way different than in high school. Marco sister-suppose to be my sister in law-use to have a little reputation of being wild and bitchy. That changed after being in the wild and she grew up. She had short shoulder length hair, reminding me a mom haircut. She dressed in a loose blouse and a normal pair of jeans with sandals.

"Melinda, what's up?" I asked as I set my brush down and got up from the table.

"Trouble happening in Oregon." she said, making me concern. "That loose wild wolf came back with some Canadian wild wolves and attacked Salem."

My heart felt like it dropped in my chest. Wild wolves attacking city? Most of the time it would be a small rural town where it wouldn't cause a huge scandal. A wild wolf attacking Salem was allot of guts.

Melinda growled, "I'm going up there to try and find Aydin. I wanted to know if you come and help me." She looked around the garage of paintings, "I could use it."

I knew she wanted to say she knew I haven't left the house in a few days. My hair was greasy, in a bun that's been hanging from my head since last night but if I kept it down it would hang to my waist.

"I don't know, Melinda." I said.

She walked over towards me, "Please, I need you there for when we catch him. My anger towards him--you'll calm me down enough not to kill him quickly. It's not just because of him lying to me why I see red at the thought of him. Marco was my brother."

"He was my soul-mate." I reminded her. I knew it was petty to compare family to me but back in the days-mates came before family.

She sighed heavily, "Then come with me. Mat is on her way back from that country Georgia. You haven't seen her in awhile."

"Because she decided to bring those wild beast into her pack." I coldly said. "We're wolves but they are completely different. I tolerate Aeriela, she's very different from them but the rest? They're beast."

"She's trying to change that though." she said. "One wild pack attacked that night, not all of them. Mat is your family, you have to forgive her for that."

"You're my family." I told her.

She gave me a small smile, "I am, we'll always be sisters. You, my mom, and Nate-we all hold are together and away from that life."

I bit my lower lip, "Have you heard from your dad?"

She shrugged, "Somewhere in Mexico. He sends cards on how he's doing." She straightened her back, "Listen Blue, I love you and that's why I want you to come. Nate coming next week, just got some stuff to do. Lets get the old group back together."

I shook my head, "Someone missing from that group though."

She brought her hand up to my face and gently took my face in her hands, "Then go visit him." Once Melinda married Nate, Is stayed with her in Texas. Melinda was the only connection I had to Marco and leaving Oregon meant leaving where Marco was buried.

I suppose that gives me a reason to go back.

Author Note: whew, the last chapter. I decided to write one more story because I honestly don't feel like it's over. I wanna bring Blue into all this, becoming an important character again. You can say Running With Wolves was Mat, Call Of The Wild was Aeriela, and the next story will be Blue but they are all involved. The next story is gonna be called The Loudest Howl. It should be up by Monday. Prepare for more mess to come!

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