part one - xviii.

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Melinda and Nate wedding was today and everything is going crazy!

Everyone was running around to make sure everything was perfect around the house. The wedding was here at Nate house but at the park with a good venue. We had gone the night before to decorate everything but today was so worse! I hated getting all dressed up and have to look pretty. My hair was pulled into a elegant bun with strains hanging down with some natural makeup. The bridesmaid and my dress was the same color of a soft ivory but all three of our dresses were style differently but still long.

I looked at Blue in the mirror who was across from me. I haven't seen Blue since that night of Alaric party and the massacre. She seemed so very skinny now with hallow cheeks but she was still grieving the lost of Marco. It took a hard toll on her since Marco was her true mate and she might as well died that day.

I haven't been able to talk to her yet.

Aeriela ran over in her pretty emerald dress that looked beautiful on her. She surprisingly stood still as they applied makeup to her face and all the freckles on her face was gone. Her long red hair was straighten and the top half was pull back away from her face. "My skin looks so lighter and clearer." she said as she looked in the mirror. "I don't even recognize myself, Mat."

"You look beautiful." I said, making her smile and I'm sure she felt beautiful. She kept looking at herself in the mirror with a big smile on her face and her eyes seem to lit up allot.

The door to the big guest room opened and Killian came in looking very handsome in his slim tuxedo. I stood up as he walked over towards me and I smiled at him, "I see Nate best man is all ready and prepared."

He forced a smile, "Nate need to see you in his office." he said, confusing me since he didn't look excited about the wedding as if something worried him. I sighed heavily since this doesn't sound like a good thing.

I walked out of the room and over towards Nate office. I walked into the room see Cortez in the room and I was taken back since I hadn't expected to see her. Nate was sitting at his desk in his tuxedo looked stress as he looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as I walked towards her.

She smiled at me as she held out some papers towards me, "You were right, Miss. Vaughn. You can't mutate tame wolves genes." she said as I looked down at some weird pictures of I don't know what they are. Are they chromosomes? I flipped the page two see a pair of chromosomes matching another pair then another pair was brightly blue. "But you can mutate wild wolves like yourself." she said, making my blood went cold. "It was that one wolf chromosome that was higher that made it mutate with a regular human. You're gonna make history, Miss. Vaughn."

I stared down at the picture of chromosomes as my blood felt so cold and I didn't know how to respond since I hadn't expected this. Staring at the picture there was evidence of research that prove you can mutate human and wolf DNA. No, this can't be possible! I lowered the paper, "What's it gonna take for you to stay quiet?"

"I have to show this to my colleagues. Once it could be found I must report it. I thought I would come tell you first the good news." she said, chuckling.

"Good news?" I scoffed. I ripped the paper up as my eyes turned, "You're gonna expose hundreds and hundreds of years wolves most important secret. You can't."

She sighed heavily, "Miss. Vaughn, it's the twenty-first century it's okay to come out and tell the world—"

"No it's not." Nate said as he stood up and walked over. "Humans like you are doing what we are always worried about. Testing on us, being scared of us. We're kept in the dark for a reason and we're all perfectly okay not being differently. You will stop this research."

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