part two - xxxiii.

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My room door had brust open and someone grabbed me by my arm. I groaned as Emily took in a sharp breathe, "Apparently the whole neighbor had some night blow out. Our alarms didn't go off Ellie!"

I quickly jumped up from my bed and grabbed my phone to see it was six thirty-eight. Today was the senior field trip to Celestia Park, an amusement park in Celestia a pretty big town. To small to be consider a city but very big to be a town. It was about an hour and half drive. And our bus leaves soon.

I pushed the blanket off me but my tired legs hadn't quite gotten the clue of waking up yet. I fell to the ground, hitting my elbow.

Emily put her arms under mine and lifted me up, "Oh you klutz! Hurry and get dressed! If we be quick, we can still make it! The bus leave at seven fifteen!" she said as she ran out of the room.

I quickly ran to my dresser and got dressed in a white long sleeve shirt and blue jeans with some brown flat. I didn't bother with my hair, just threw it up in a slouchy bun. I grabbed my bag, making sure my money, parents slip, and some things I might need at the amusement park. I threw the strap across my neck as it hung on my side.

I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth but Emily grabbed my hand, "No time! I grabbed some gum in my bag." We ran down the stairs where Sofia and Clyde sip their coffees, "Thanks for waking us up!" she said, no sarcasm in her voice. Sofia must have been concern when we didn't wake up and woke Emily up. We raced out the door and I pushed my legs to run even though I was still very tired. I had been up till two in the morning on Skype with Zakaria. This whole week I been up late with Zakaria because it was morning for him. Now that it's morning for me, it was around late evening for him.

"Ugh, Ellie slow down!" Emily cried out. I turned my head around as my legs slowed down. She was a good eight feet behind me. I hadn't realized I ran past her this far. She pushed her legs harder, "Jeez, you're getting extra fast. We have five minutes left, we're gonna make it!"

I grabbed her hand as we ran and we went the same pace. Having bags hanging on our sides didn't help much. We we're only two blocks away, we're gonna make it.

But when we turned the corner of the first block, we saw the two buses coming from the other end turning onto Marshal Street which is the oppsite end.

I groaned as Emily cried out, "No! They said seven fifteen, it's only seven o-eight. We could have made it!" she yelled breathing heavily.

I sighed, "Well they did say to be at the gymnasium by six thirty just in case they decide to leave early."

"But since when do they ever truly leave early!" she yelled, stomping her foot. She cried out in frusteration as she sat down on the curb or the street and sidewalk. I sat down next to her, wrapping my arm around her. "Of all nights the power likes to go out at night for a few moment, it had to be last night! I was so looking forward to getting on the new roller coaster ride." she said, stomping both her feet as she groaned.

I patted her hand, "I know, I know. We can save up and go this summer."

"But I wanted to go today." she said, huffing heavily. I rested my sleepy head on her shoulder. I should have gotten more sleep last time but Zakaria was showing me the horses his family own. Emily took in a sharp breath and she ripped herself apart from me, "Ulric! Ulric!" she yelled as she got up and ran down the street. I looked to see Ulric in a truck at the end of the street that Emily was running towards. I stood up, walking over as she got to the truck speaking to him but I couldn't hear.

It was only until I was a few feet away I heard. Emily squealed, "Oh thank you! Thank you!" she said. She turned around jumping as she took my hands, "Ulric will take us! Ulric said he'll take us! We can meet up with the class in time at the gates!"

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