part two - xl.

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Two and half weeks later.

Killian and I walked down the one hallway of the apartment building that was getting constructed on to add more protection security. The locks on the loft rooms have been taken out and replaced with number codes you can only open from the outside. Once we can trust them enough, we'll take the locks off for them to open freely when they want. Cameras were placed outside the hallways and bras on the window. It seemed unfair but it's for everyone safety. Step after step.

"Things are looking so good." Killian said as he looked in each rooms as we passed. "Rooms are set up with cozy for them."

"I doubt they'll use the beds at first. Spent their whole lives sleeping on the dirt ground." I said and he chuckled.

"Once they sleep on a pillow they'll love it." he said. "Why are their mirrors in the rooms though?"

I shrugged, "I learnt the things were interested. They never seen their reflection before other than in water sometimes. Many of the things Aeriela liked I have bagged up ready to give them to them. Also allot of the woman want their hair cut. Like almost all the way off to a pixie cut. They can't get brushes through their hairs so their getting it chopped off."

"A fresh start to a new life." Killian said. "How are the children in North Dakota?"

"Good. Their loving the farm and of course TV like any other would. I knew they'll adapt quicker than the adults." I said. "After everything in the building completed, my last add on will be a little playground outside so they can run and stretch those legs."

"They'll like that." he said. He grabbed my hand as he stopped and turned me to face him as he smiled, "We should head on home though. Finish packing for our trip. We do leave tomorrow night remember?"

I smiled, "I know. I just have to sign some papers and we can leave okay crybaby?"

He wrapped his arm around me as we headed over to the elevator, "Good." he said as he pressed the buttons.

Once we made it downstairs in the lobby where Devin construction team was Devin walked over with some papers and telling me what's written.As I breathed, the strong fumes from the paint got to me. It quickly gave me a headache and a bit lightweight which I found so strange.

"Mat," Devin said loudly and I looked up at him since I hadn't realized he been speaking to me. "You heard me?"

"Uh. . .papers, yeah. Hand me a pen and I'll-" I felt this weird feeling in my throat but I forced it down. I smiled, "I'll sign them. I trust you to know you wouldn't trick or an-Christ what kind of paint do you guys use?" I asked before hurrying outside. I rubbed my heavy eyes like I was a bit sleepy. Breathing in fresh air, the fainting spell gone away.

Killian rushed out with Devin, "Mat, you okay?" he asked, rubbing my back.

I rubbed my aching head, "Yeah, just been stressed still. I haven't eaten much today and it's all getting to me finally. My stomach also been feeling sick."

"Here," Devin said, holding the papers to Killian. "Just take her home and sign them. I'll come around later for them." He put his hand on my shoulder, "You really need this vacation. Try stressing less, Mat."


I chewed on the turkey bacon sandwich I made but I only took a few bites before my stomach disagreed with me. I set it down on the plate and pushed it away on my desk. I tried to push the nauseated feeling away by keeping myself busy. I grabbed the papers Devin gave me to sign but it was hard to focus when you wanted to throw up.

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