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She nodded in acknowledgement and started the coffee maker, pouring water into it and adding the filter into the filter basket

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She nodded in acknowledgement and started the coffee maker, pouring water into it and adding the filter into the filter basket.

"Can you take out my laptop from my bag?" she asked, back facing me.

As I pulled the zipper of her bag open, above the tapping of the tea bag on the filter, the clinking of her keychains pierced through the air. I pulled her laptop out of the back, placing it on the coffee table in front of me. Next, was the pop sound of the top of the coffee maker closing.

"It should be done in about five minutes," the girl announced, walking over to me. "I'm going to go change into something more comfortable."

"Yeah, alright," I replied, watching as she left into her room.

The soft dripping from the coffee maker, mixed with the quiet thoughts running through my head, just made the whole setting feel cloudy. Thankfully, it wasn't long until Sohee came back out in a grey, oversized, crewneck sweatshirt and black biker shorts underneath them.

'I wonder what she'll look like in mine-'

'Hey no, get that out of your head.'

The voices in my head fought.

In her hands was a cable that allowed her to connect the laptop to her television. It imitated her workspace in the company, making it easier to adapt. Soon after, the coffee maker dinged, signalling that the tea was ready.

"I'll get that," I offered my help.

It was the least I could do as a guest.

"Cups are on the top cupboard," she pointed out.

I hummed in acknowledgement, walking over to her kitchen and taking the guess of opening the cupboard above where the coffee maker was. Hence, I opened the cupboard to see white coffee mugs with their respective saucers. I took two pairs, cleaning them first, before pouring the tea into them.

"Hey, there's still leftover," I announced, directed at the girl.

"Leave it. If we don't drink it today, I can put it in my flask to bring to work tomorrow," the girl said.

I nodded my head and placed the coffee maker back j on its platform. With two somewhat steady hands, I brought the cups of coffee over and placed them on the coffee table, some distance away from the girl's laptop - afraid of possible spillage.

"Shall we get started?" Sohee prompted.

"Yeah," I replied.

Time skip

"Okay let's take a break," I suggested.

"Yeah. My brain feels like it's about to pass out if I don't rest," she exaggerated. "Would you like more tea?" she asked, looking down at my empty cup.

"Sure," I replied, passing her my cup.

There was an uneasy feeling lingering at the back of my head, as the girl stood up from her seat. She was wobbly as she walked over to the kitchen. I felt myself unknowingly holding my breath, as I watched her. When she did reach the kitchen, the minute I thought she was alright, a loud shattering sound pierced through the room.

I quickly got up from my seat and walked over to the girl to see white shattered pieces of what was a mug before on the ground.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so," she said, taking a step back.

The minute she did that, as her blood coursed through her veins, it also revealed the hidden scars from the mug.

"Can you walk?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Head over to the sofa first, I'll go get your first aid box," I instructed.

She nodded and walked over to the sofa. If I remember correctly, her first aid box is on the top right cupboard. I opened it and thankfully found it in its same position from before. I took it in my hand and walked over to the sofa. I grabbed a towel along the way, dampening it with water.

I sat beside the girl, pulling her legs so that it laid across my lap. I took the towel and started to clean her wounds one by one - there weren't much so I was thankful for that. After that, I poured some of the iodine solution on a cotton pad and began to lightly dab on her wounds. She let out a series of hisses as I did so, making me become more gentle and cautious in how much I put iodine I put on the wound.

"It's alright. It's alright," I comforted her quietly.

After that, I wrapped her wounds with a bandage, so that the iodine doesn't rub off when she walks or lays down.

"There! Finito!" I exclaimed, finishing up the last bandage.

"Thank you," the girl thanked. "I'm really sorry- about dropping the mug and making you do all this-"

"It's fine. I usually do it for the hyungs when they get hurt anyways. As long as you're alright, I'm never better," I shared.

The girl sat up slightly now leaning on the back of the sofa, rather than the arms of it, like she did before.

"Who gets hurt the most?" she asked, moving away from the current situation.

"They usually get hurt an equally fair bit. But I can tell you who inflicts the most pain," I joked.


"Changmin-hyung. He came back the other day and started biting everybody," I shared.

"Then what did you do?"

"I hid, in the toilet." I raised a rock sign. "But it was seriously really scary. I could hear Chanhee-hyung and Eric screaming from their room."

"It couldn't be that scary..." the girl opposed.

Just then, I got an idea. I exchanged glances with the girl before coming down to act as though I was biting her legs.

"Yah! Woo! Don't! AHH!" the girl screamed beside me, trying to pull her legs away from me.

I wasn't even attached to her leg. I was just hovering over it. It was more work to keep her legs from kicking my face. I pulled away, and looked back at her.

"Are you scared now?" I asked.

"Very," she stated, enunciating every consonant and vowel.

I let out a laugh and she did too. As we turned our heads, we met eyes. It felt as though I was getting sucked out of my body. She's so breathtaking, even more in her lounge clothes. I think she thought the same thing as me since the both of us leaned closer to each other. My gaze fell to her parted lips. She raised her hand to cup my jaw, making my eyes shoot up to look into hers. Telepathically, I asked for her consent which she returned.

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