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As per every comeback, here I am, in the studio, with Sohee, to brainstorm ideas for the tracks on our upcoming album

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As per every comeback, here I am, in the studio, with Sohee, to brainstorm ideas for the tracks on our upcoming album. However, we haven't really gotten anywhere. It was just silence and some occasional questions about the arrangement and what instruments to use. It was killing me, the silence and the isolation. I felt out of place and I think she felt it too.

"Hey," I started.

"Can we talk?" we asked at the same time.

The girl spun around in her chair, facing me. My parted lips closed itself as we blinked away, turning our heads the opposite side. I stared into the nearby corner of the room - as if that was more interesting than the girl sitting right in front of me.

"I'll start first," I stated.

I took in a deep breath.

"I wanna say sorry, for snapping at you the other day after the Heroine recording. I shouldn't have done that and I'm really sorry for saying anything that might have offended you," I apologised. "It's just-"

I stopped, trying to pick out my words properly. She waited patiently as I did so.

"When I left your house the other day, Mrs.Yang shared that you were a 'boy magnet' and I guess I got really worried because I didn't want to lose you-" I started to ramble on.

"Wait back up," Sohee stated. "Mrs.Yang told you that I, was a boy magnet?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"And you believed her?" she asked.

"I mean she's old, she's lived, she's seen everything," I stated.

"She's also gone through three divorces in the same time span that I've been living in Korea," Sohee pointed out.

I felt my jaw drop in disbelief. I can't believe I fell for that - an old lady's words.

"But it's fine. I understand why," she says.

It was a short statement, but it made my heart race. I didn't want to come off territorial or even controlling to her. This was the idea that kept my heart pounding louder than it probably should.

"You're just like Jae," she elaborates. "Jae does the same thing when I tell him about a new guy friend I made. So I understand. You're just..."

I think I forgot to breathe.

"Protective, but I can assure you that I can take care of myself well," she says.

Protective; not as bad as territorial.

"I'm also really sorry that I misjudged you. I thought that you were controlling..." she started, I think I held a breath. "But I see now that it's just like a brother's instinct. You're just worried I might leave and never come back," she continued, my breath still continued to be held. She was right.

"I'll assure you right now that I won't be going anywhere soon," she ended.

"Promise?" I held out a pinky.

I watched as she got up from her seat and walked over. She looked at the gesture hesitatingly.

"I promise that I will be less protective of you. In this way, you have some freedom to go out and hangout with your platonic guy friends," I promised.

I heard her laugh over the word 'platonic' before looking back at me.

"Okay promise," she said interlocking her pinky with mine.

And like all of our pinky promises, we would give a peck to our thumbs and connect them on top. My eyes shot up to look at the girl's face, gazing up at her facial features. I thank that the mask rule hasn't been implemented, as I would miss opportunities like these - me staring and admiring her features - when it is done so.

'Fuck it.'

Before the girl could let go and part away from the pinky promise, I quickly tightened my grip and pulled her to my left side. She seemed confused as first, but I gently pulled her toward me by her pinky and she got the memo. I managed to capture her upper lip between mine as she did the same with my bottom lip.

Her back arched itself slowly, making her tilt her head up more. Our pinkies still remained attached to each other, resting in the space between us. I was about to pick her up to put her on my lap but then, the studio door swung open violently.

"SUNWOO- oh," Eric called.

Sohee and I broke away from each other. I sucked my lips in, trying to contain the anger lumping in my chest. I closed my eyes, imagining the things I could use to beat Eric up later. The girl let out a soft laugh, de-attaching her pinky from mine. Her hand climbed up my arm to squeeze it gently, calming me down.

"Eric! What do you need?" she asked, head tilted to look at Eric over my shoulder

"I-I just need Sunwoo actually. We need to go take measurements for our costumes. He was supposed to be upstairs half an hour ago," Eric stated.

'Right. I forgot about that.'

"Oh. Then you should get going," she said, referring to me. She got up from her spot beside me. "Sorry to keep him here," she apologised.

"Oh no it's fine," Eric replied.

I got up from my seat as Eric left the studio before me.

"I swear, I'm gonna kill him," I stated, turning back to the girl.

"Don't. He was just doing what he was told to do," she sympathised, holding my forearm.

"But he broke our kiss," I whined.

"I can kiss you any other day. Just come down to the studio more often," she teased.

My heart fluttered at that thought. "I will definitely do that."

"Now go, you're already late," she dismissed me as I walked towards the door.

Before leaving the studio, I turned back to run up to the girl and give her a light peck on her lips.

"Dream of me," I managed to sneak in.

"Oh yeah will definitely do that!"

Her voice increased in volume as I walked away from her and out of the studio.

I closed the door and found Eric standing beside it.

"So," Eric began.

"I'm still going to kill you," I stated, making Eric walk away quicker than usual.

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