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"Have you heard of this one musical called Les Miserable?" Kevin prompts

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"Have you heard of this one musical called Les Miserable?" Kevin prompts.

I've heard of it, never actually watched it. All i know is that the setting is the French Revolution where some dude called Marius ditched his obvious love interest, Éponine, for another girl called Cosette.

(a/n: Éponine deserved more. She deserved better. *shakes fist in the air*)

"Sort of?" I answer him.

"We would like our performance to be based off of it," he continues, and I think my brain stopped processing for a moment .

"As in the concept? Or you want to sample the music?" I ask.

"Concept," Kevin says, and my brain starts again.

"So, the emotions throughout the whole movie, you want that incorporated in the performance?" I ask.

Kevin nods passionately. Well, I know what I'll be watching for the next two days.

"Is that possible, Sohee?" Ms.Kim asks.

"In this case, I can turn Reveal into something more of a rock genre, than the original pop. But I can foresee that most of the vocals for the song needs to be re-recorded," I say, eyeing The Boyz sitting across the room. "I'll try to have the demo ready by Saturday night, so that we can start recording on Sunday," I say.

"Then it is set. Now moving on to the costumes and stage props," Ms.Kim continues with the meeting.

I zone out midway and start concentrating on brainstorming my own ideas for the soundtrack.


"Soh!" I heard someone call my name from behind me.

I turn around to see a red haired running after me, manoeuvring between the staff and other members.

"Do you need help with the soundtrack?" the boy asks, brushing his fringe out of his eyes.

"Woo, yeah. If you'd like to, and if you're healthy to, I wouldn't mind. Help would mean a lot actually, I don't where to start," I confess, hand running through my hair, pushing it behind my shoulder.

"That's great," Sunwoo blurts out and I shoot him a raise eyebrow. "I-I don't mean it like that," he quickly takes back. "I meant that, I can work on it with you more, since there no definite starting point to it," he uses an analogy.

I stare at his, the other eyebrow joining my raised one, eyes big and staring at the boy.

"You get what I mean," Sunwoo resolves, pouting.

"Yeah, yeah," I reply.

"So can i help?" Sunwoo asks again.

"I don't mind some help," I answer indirectly.

"I take that as a yes," Sunwoo answers.

I nod my head, eyes closing. When I open my eyes, Sunwoo is smiling beneath his mask. We agree to meet at the lobby in 15 minutes before he walks away. Behind him, I spot a limping Kevin and his Jacob by his side.

"What happened to you?" I asked, in english.

"Danger happened," Kevin joked.

"Rest well. You'll need it, from what y'all's idea board looks like," I say. "All of you would need it," I add on, looking over at Jacob.

"Thank you," Jacob thanks, before the two walk, Kevin limp, away.

'They're being overworked,' I thought inside my head. 'Again.'


After packing up my things and brainstorming more ideas for the song, I headed down to see Sunwoo waiting in the lobby. I hugged my laptop against my torso tighter.

"Did you wait long?" I asked.

"No, I just came down, actually," he replies, reaching out for my hand.

He takes mine in his as we walk towards the exit of the building. We walk past Ms.Kang, bowing to her before we left. I meet her eyes and she raises an eyebrow, eyes gesturing down to my intwined hands with Sunwoo. Her eyes crinkle at the side and she smiles widely underneath her mask.

As per usual, Sunwoo and I head over to my apartment. I enter and check inside Jae's room.

'He's not here...' I thought.

"You think I'll be able to meet your brother some time?" Sunwoo asks, arms coming around to wrap around my waist.

"Why? You want to?" I ask.

"Just think, it'll be nice to actually meet your brother for once," he says.

In the next half an hour, I found myself, cuddled beside Sunwoo, at my apartment, sitting in front of the television as Les Miserable plays. My laptop on top of my blanket-covered thighs, as I jotted down possible emotions like Anged, Depression that I could pick up from the movie itself.

For one, the music is seriously well done, especially the trios and duets.

"Wait a minute, Fantine passes away like that?" Sunwoo realises.

"I guess so..." my voice trails.

It was an english show, yes, but we turned on the korean subtitles for Sunwoo to understand too.


"No! Éponine!" Sunwoo cries out softly beside me. "How can she d!3 like that?!" Sunwoo cries out.

"Dying for a boy she likes but not the other way around. I only feel pain," I mutter beside the boy. "We can add one-sided love to the list," I say, typing down on my laptop.


"So they get married and they pretend like the war isn't happening?" Sunwoo asks, staring at the screen in disbelief.

"Yes," is the only thing I can mutter out.

"What-?" Sunwoo asks. "What. A. Mess," he continues to whine.

"Alright. Now, that we've done the research needed for the audio, we should start on the actual project," I say, pulling away from Sunwoo as I got off the sofa.

"How can they-" Sunwoo says but cuts himself off.

"I'm not even sure, at this point," I reply, standing behind my island counter. "Do you want any drinks? Tea?" I asked.

"Sure," Sunwoo replies. "I need something to calm myself down after that hectic rollercoaster," Sunwoo jokes. I let out a stifled laugh, as I pour some tea for Sunwoo and I.

I bring the two teacups to the living room and place them down on the coffee table.

"I'm going to go get my hoodie. I'm getting cold," I announce before making my way to my room.

I rummaged through the pile of clothes in the corner of my room, pulling out my navy blue Griffith hoodie, when I heard the door unlock. Before I could think of anything else, there was a loud manly screech coming from outside.

 Before I could think of anything else, there was a loud manly screech coming from outside

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the girl behind the music: down for your love - a tbz sunwoo ff Where stories live. Discover now