Chapter 11

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Ok so heres my 11h chapter, it feels so good to be able to type that but anyway here goes nothin o and i was thinking of putting this one in for the Watty awards


I curled my fingers in and out of my plam while I juat glared at the, with my eyes boaring deep into her soul. And it was black, dark black, like the type of black that fully engulfs you. It sufficates you and penetrates all the other souls around you.

"Luci, sweetheart, um I have a quesion for you" I said in my sweetest voice possible.

"Sure bud, what is it" she said back in a voice absolutly overflowing with suger.

"There something in your hair like a fuzzy or something" I told her before I had a chance to think about what I was saying. I hadn't meant to say that to her, so when it came out of my mouth I listened to the words settle in on the room and look at the two of them. Jake had a horrifyed look plastered across his face, and Luci had an enraged look on her face as though there was a fire burning in her soul.

"Why is there a huge lion on the table behind you?" Jake asked his voice shaking with fear.

"Thats Matt" I said in a flat even tone.

"And whats wrong with you, Ash, you look mad, did some drop  a beehive on your head or something?" he asked.

I shook my head "Luci has been a real-" but I didnt get a chance to finish because she had launched herself at me. I caught her fist as it flew at my face and threw her to the ground. She was up in a flash and had her fingers outstreched towads me as though they were claws. Matt unleashed a defening roar but I ingnored it and shut my eyes so I could concentrate.

Water. Water. Water. A lake full of Water. A ball of water rising up out of the lake. Luci on the shore standing there with hatred etched into her face. The ball of water rose out of the lake and hovered above her. Then it droped. and she was encased in water. But she wasn't drowning just caged in walls of water. Then it froze so she was trapped in a hollow ice ball.

My eyes snapped open and there she was shivering in a hollw ice ball. The table was broken and different pices of it were strewn around the room. Everyone stood still as a stone. Matt had shifted beck to his human form, Sam was standing next to him with her head burried in his side. Tim was in the corner with a silent but sovving Jamie on his lap and Jake was sitting in the same spot he was before.

"NO ONE TOUCHES THE ICE BALL! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? NO ONE!" My voice thundered through the silent room and sent Jamie into a new round of sobs.

Matt nodded "Ashley may I speak to you for a minute? Alone." his voice was grave. I followed him into the cockpit.

"While that was amazing sis, but it scared Jamie and Sam to tears. Do you know what happened?" I shook my head as I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest "When you closed your eyes Luci went crazy. She started screaming in another language she said 'Nhìn nhìn vào mắt tôi và bạn sẽ rơi vào một giấc ngủ sâu sâu'". I think that means 'Look into my eyes and you will fall into a deep deep sleep' I think she was trying to hypnotize him. But thats all I learned in language class. Anyway after she said that Jake went into spasms it wasn't pretty. Finally he stopped shaking when the water appeared out of nowhere and trapped Luci. Thats when you opened your eyes."

I let his words hang in the air for a moment and then I heard something I hoped to never hear again. It was Sam and Jamie. They were screaming blood curdaling screams, I got up and dashed to the door. I flung it open and rushed into the room where a sene of utter horror met my eyes.

Luci was banging on the ice of the ice ball, her eyes were rollled back into her had and her hair was in a tangled mess. Her clothese were soaked and her legs arnd ars had bruises on them from banging ang kicking the ice. Blood was trickaling from a small cut on her lip, but the scariest part was that the iceball was begining to crack. I shoved Jake into the small huddle my team had formed and glanced at the door.

"Matt kick the door open!" I shouted over Luci's earpiercing screams. He nodded and headed over to it, her kicked it open and hurricane force winds blew through the cabin. But they wern't that bad for us, Matt turned in a polar bear so he could shield the others. I bent down on one knee and presed my hands to my temples. I pictured the lake again and pictured walls of water building up and forming a path from the ice ball to the door.

I opened my eyes and heard the sickening crack of ice as Luci broke free of the ice ball and hurled her disoriented self toward the open door. And just like that she was gone. I sigh in the sudden silence of the jet. Sam made the ice melt with her heat and I reshaped it into a door that took the broken ones place.

When that was over a T.V. slid out of the wall and Mr.Hamlit's face appeared on it.

"How's everything going kiddo's?" he said in a sing songy voice.

"Great" I said a little to quickly.

"Good now I did pack some food for you guys t's in the cream bag and the weapons are in the black one-," he paused for a momeny "Now I see you, Matt, Tim,Jamie, Sam, and Jake, but I don't see Luci anywhere." his eyes serched the space he could see through the webcam. But the screen was mostly covered with our faces so he couldn't see much.

"She's in the bathroom, the mexican food you packed for us didn't sit well with her" Tim said in a matter-of-fact voice. I looked a him astonished but he just winked so I had to pull myself better and look at the screen.

"Oh, thats too bad a thought it would be a nice treat for you guys, anyway I think that the some medical supplies in the silver bag. . ." his voice trailed off "well telll her I was thinking of her and make sure she gets back to her seat soon your landing in five minutes." and with that the T.V. went dark and slid back into the wall.

I sigh in relief and fell onto the floor. The broken table pieces made soft clinking noises as the team walked across them to thier seats. Jake walked over and kneeled down beside me, he scooped me up and layed me on his lap as the plane touched down.

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