Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Orientation

He gestured to the wall behind the boys. They turned to face it and slowly the wall slid back and into view came a massive room. It had everything you could imagine to be in a training room. From weights, to gloves, to dummies, and everything in between. The back wall farthest from us was a huge wall of doors from floor to ceiling.

"Where do those door lead to?" Tim asked his voice hoarse from not speaking.

"They all lead to the same room. The weapons room." His voice suddenly ecstatic with excitement. "But that's is for another day. We have places to be ladies and gentlemen. Come along." He beckoned us to the side of the massive room where a steel door stood. He opened it and we followed him through. This door lead into a brightly lit hall way. This one had some life in it. The carpets where a soft green and the walls were a pale blue color. There were 6 doors. A red, a blue, a green, a purple, an orange, a yellow one, and a whit one. Matt stepped up to the red one and looked closely at it for a few seconds then straightened up. He looked directly at Mr. Hamlet and said-

"Is it really for us?" I herd the strain in his voice as though it hurt to talk. Mr. Hamlet nodded and said

"Yes you each have your own room girls share a bathroom and boys share a bathroom." he smiled and said " And this isn't the best part come with me children." He walked past us toward the end of the hall where a white door stood. He opened it and stepped inside we followed cautiously. I entered the room and stood stock still. The left wall had racks upon racks upon racks of close on it. They where all different colors and shapes and sizes. There was any type of clothing you could think of on that wall. They ranged any where from prom dresses to shorts and tank tops.

The wall rite in front of us was truly amazing though. It was a wall of shelves from floor to ceiling. And there were huge plastic bins lined up perfectly side by side. They were all different colors too. On my right side there was a wall of changing rooms. Just like the ones you find in J.C. Penny's. All the curtains were different colors.

"Wow" Sam breathed. It was the first time I had herd her talk since the fall and her voice had changed so much as though had matured to adult hood in a day or so.

"Yes wow indeed Ms. Franks" he said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"I that my new name?" Sam asked in a voice that had little hope in it.

"Yes it is I just though of it do you like it?"

"I guess it'll do not like I have a choice" she mumbled. I hung my head in sorrow. What have I done? What have I gotten my best friends into?

'Don't think like that' a deep voice echoed in my head. I looked around at the others and then my eyes fell on Jake. That's when I remembered his gift he could talk to people in there heads.

'But I know it is my fault' I thought 'I know I'm the reason we're here and I am so sorry.'

'No its not your fault don't apologize we got into this together and I will be by your side forever.' he thought back in a sincere voice.

'If we make it through this I'm not strong I cant do this I'm falling apart at the seams. Have you ever seen me yell at somebody like that. I never have before I cant control my anger anymore it just flows freely now and I'm scared for every one around me." I thought back. I knew it was true. But I also new I had to stay strong for my team for my family for every one who ever new me. I had to keep the common sense part of me alive.

'Yes please be strong for me Ash I need you more than you think' He said quietly in a loving voice.

'How can you read my thoughts?' I thought back slightly irritated 'Janet said you could only talk in other peoples minds not read them.'

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