chapter 6

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Ok 6th chapter I'm uploading really fast so proud. But any way here go's nothin


Ashley's P.O.V.

I heard the door open and I turned to look at it. In walked a huge muscular man with biceps the size of my head. Mr. Hamlet walked in behind him smiling broadly.

"Your first assignment guys" he looked like a little kid who had been told Christmas was coming early this year "eat quickly". We all scarfed down the rest of our breakfast. I grabbed Jakes hand and pulled him off his chair. We both followed Mr. Hamlet out the door with the rest of them at our heels. We followed him down another series of complicated hallways and finally ended up back at the practice room.

"Now children go find the bin in the other room that is your color and says 'Practice Outfits' on it. We trooped down the hallway that led to the big room. Turns out all the practice outfit bins were on the bottom shelf so we could all reach them.

I took mine into my changing room and held it up to look at it. It was black rubber with electric blue stripes down the sides. It was flame resistant. I pulled I on and it clung to my body but it didn't restrict my movement at all. I felt invincible. I was the first one to reach the practice room.

There was already a girl in there. She was Asian with long beautiful black hair. Her out fit was black with white stripes down it. She spun, jumped flipped, and twirled around this one little punching bag. Finally she just stopped and the bag fell in shreds to the floor. I gasped as she turned towards me and stared with her piercing blue eyes. Her vibrant purple bangs framed her flawless face.

"Hello, you must be Ashley" she said in a voice as smooth as silk. I new it could seduce any man.

"Yes I am. And while I love you cover voice I prefer you not use it while my team is here because I want them to focus if you catch my drift." I said in an even voice. I could tell we were either going to be best friends or worst enemies.

She laughed it was a soft tinkling laugh truly amazing. "Yes ma'am" she said in a thick Spanish accent. I wasn't used to be calling ma'am and I didn't exactly like it. A door opened behind me and my team lined up shoulder to shoulder in one line with me at the middle. None of us had shoes on but we didn't need them because our skin was so tough.

Mr. Hamlet walked in with the huge man by his side "all right, Luci will help you pick your weapons. Luci beckoned us forward and I lead the group after her. She lead us through a door and into another room not quite as large as the practice room but all in all quite large.

All the walls were covered from floor to ceiling in every different kind of weapon you could imagine. Anything from ninja stars to AK47's. I was used to the extravagant by now so I hardly took a second glance at everything and crossed the room to a small section of the wall that held swords. I inspected them and picked one up. It was light and felt good in my hands. Luci was suddenly beside me and I could finally see her face up close. She looked about 16 but had lots of makeup on so I felt like I couldn't really see her.

"That's perfect for you" she said quietly.

"Thank-you" I said as I stared at the handle of the sword. It had an intricate design of silver vines twisted around the hilt. It was beautiful in a murderous sort of way. I turned and saw Sam floating half way up a wall and Jamie was on the other wall looking at a pair of nun-chucks. Sam was looking at a long wooden staff made of maple wood. She took it off the wall and floated there in the air twirling it in her fingers. I rose up and floated there watching her.

"Do you think were doing the right thing. I mean being here and agreeing to do this." she said in a small voice. I new this was coming but I wasn't prepared.

I sighed " to be honest i don't know Sam I don't know" I leaned my head against her shoulder and shut my eyes.


Ok so watcha think? comment n let me no vote fan do ur thing you'd be makeing my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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