Chapter 9

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ok thank you to all my new fans and thank you to all my old fans i did that because i wanted to see how much ppl like my stories sooooooooooooooooo anyway here is the ninth chapter of my story let me know wat u think so here gos nothin


I spun in the water to see where he was pointing. I looked and saw a huge block of ice that had broken off from the pack. It was about a mile away from us but I had swum farther before. I turned back to face him and saw a relieved expression on his face.

"Fine" I said in a dignifyed voice "but I'm flying" and with that I swam to the edge of the ice, hauled myself onto it and stood up. The wind blue ferosously, but it didn't faze me.

"Your gonna make me swim all alone" Jake whined, a tiny smile playing on his lips. I began floating but then had some compassion for once and hovered above the water.

"Grab my foot" I said cofidently. He followd my order obideiently but had a doubtful look on his face. I felt his hand grab my foot and looked forward to my destination. Then I leaned forward and rose into the air completely unfased by his weight. I soared fast through the on coming wind. I

"Wow, there cowgirl, calm down" Jake called out from under me laughing and having as much fun as me. Too soon I was over top of the piece of ice Jake had pointed out. I swooped over so I was 10 feet above the water and began shaking my leg furiously. Jake got the idea and used my leg as a swing to volley himself into the water. I laughed, truly laughed, for the first time in days.

His head popped up out of the water and he began to climb it, I flew up and landed neatly on top. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. He crawled over and sat next to me.

"Nice view, huh" he said looking at the setting sun. I leaned against him and for the first time since I had arrived here, I was at peace. But knowing my life you knew it wouldn't last long. A siren went off back onshore deep inside the buidling. I shot a quick look at Jake and I could tell we were thinking the same thing. I stood up and he grabbed my ankle. I took off from the sturdy block of ice and quickly flew to the door. Jake let go a few feet above the ground and opened the door for me. I landed on the ground and ran full speed to the conference room.

When I burst through the door everyone was already seeted at the table. Janet, Jamie, Luci, Mr.Hamlit, Matt, Sam, Tim, and Hannah everyone had extremly grave expressions etched on thier faces.

"What's wrong" I asked taking my seet next to Jake. I was still wet and now I could feel the cold setting in. I shivered slightly and felt a blanket drape over my shoulders. It was Hannah. I smiled and mouthed a quick thank-you before turning back to Mr. Hamlit.

"Well somthing gone wrong. . . " he began in a hesitant voice. I waited patiently for a few minutes for him to say more. But he didn't and that really pissed me off.

"You told everyone else here!" I yelled " I have a right to know!" I fixed my eyes on him and continued to boar a hole in his skull with my eyes. He looked away and sigh.

"It's China, theres been an earthquake again" he said in a grave voice.

"So," I said "earthquakes happen a the time. There was one in Hati last year, and one in Chili." I said confusion growing in my voice.

"Well, last year when the Hati earthquake happened we got word from an intelagance officer in Iraq that there is a possibilty that some one has an earthquake machine. Until now all this was just theretical but now we have reason to believe that it's real." his looked around the room waiting for someone to contribute, but no one did. Finally I spoke up.

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